Issue - meetings

Children's Safeguarding Partnership Review

Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Children's Safeguarding Partnership Review pdf icon PDF 162 KB

To consider a report Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education & Skills.

Additional documents:


To meet the needs of two separate Local Authorities and enable the effectiveness of the partnership arrangement moving forward, the separation of the Pan-Dorset Safeguarding Children arrangements and the creation of a Dorset Safeguarding Children’s Partnership and a BCP Safeguarding Children’s Partnership, be agreed.


The Cabinet member for Children’s Education and Skills presented the report on the review of the Pan-Dorset arrangements for the delivery of the Children’s Safeguarding Partnership.


Considering the distinct operational approaches of the two local authorities within the Pan-Dorset structure, agreement had been reached that the two local councils should separate creating two new partnerships of Dorset Safeguarding Children’s Partnership and a BCP Safeguarding Children’s Partnership. The NHS and Dorset Police partners were supportive of this new approach.


It was proposed by Cllr C Sutton seconded by Cllr R Holloway




To meet the needs of two separate Local Authorities and enable the effectiveness of the partnership arrangement moving forward, the separation of the Pan-Dorset Safeguarding Children arrangements and the creation of a Dorset Safeguarding Children’s Partnership and a BCP Safeguarding Children’s Partnership, be agreed.


Reason for the decision


To address the significant disparity between the two local authorities within the existing partnership. Acknowledging that the two local authorities operate differently, and their approaches to safeguarding and working practices often diverged. By transitioning to a Dorset Safeguarding Partnership and a separate BCP Safeguarding Partnership, both councils could adapt their structures and procedures seamlessly to align with the revised guidelines. This would enable them to fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities independently and effectively across the region.