Issue - meetings

Dorset Local Area SEND Inspection Letter

Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Inspection Outcome and Plan pdf icon PDF 313 KB

To consider a report Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education & Skills.

Additional documents:


(a)           That the findings of Ofsted and the Care Quality Committee be welcomed and noted.


(b)           That the action plan be approved for publication.


In presenting the report, the Cabinet member for Children’s Services, Education & Skills advised that Dorset Council was the first unitary council in the region to get the best achievable outcome of “(1) that children and families have typically positive experiences and outcomes”. The Cabinet member welcomed the findings which reflected the council’s culture and values. She further recognised the efforts of the team. This was a partnership inspection involving the Care Quality Commission and focused on the lived experiences of children and families within the council’s area.


The Cabinet member also highlighted the self-evaluation document, which found areas of improvement that had also been identified by the inspection process. She further advised that actions to deliver these were already underway and were added to the revised SEND Strategy that would be reviewed later in the year.


Cabinet members welcomed the report. 


It was proposed by Cllr C Sutton seconded by Cllr G Taylor




(a)           That the findings of Ofsted and the Care Quality Committee be welcomed and noted.


(b)           That the action plan be approved for publication.



Reason for the recommendation


To welcome the sharing of the inspection findings, not least with our children, young people and families who were at the front and centre of our continuous improvement. The Council was required to publish an action plan following inspection to ensure appropriate accountability.