Issue - meetings

Quarterly Asset Management Report

Meeting: 12/11/2018 - Shadow Executive Committee (Item 85)

85 Quarterly Asset Management Report pdf icon PDF 448 KB

To consider a report by the Cabinet Member for Community and Resources.


The Committee considered a report from the Dorset County Council’s Cabinet on key issues relating to the various asset classes of Property, Highways, ICT, Fleet and Waste. The report was considered and approved by the County Council’s Cabinet at its meeting held on 17 October 2018 and was submitted to the Shadow Executive Committee for consultation.




1. That the decisions of the Dorset County Council Cabinet be supported.


2. That the allocation of £490,000 from capital balances to complete the refresh of user devices supporting the roll-out of Office 365, maintaining end-of-life assets and readying the authority to transfer to Dorset Council in a good state to support safe, legal and compliant operations from vesting day (paragraph 5.1.5 of the report) be approved.


Reason for Decision


A well-managed Council would ensure that the best use was made of its assets in terms of optimising service benefit, minimising environmental impact and maximising financial return.