Issue - meetings

Car parking decision review

Meeting: 30/07/2024 - Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 Trial reduction in car park charges pdf icon PDF 173 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director Economic Growth and Infrastructure.


The committee considered a report of the Corporate Director Economic Growth and Infrastructure which provided detail of the decision process relating to the trial of reduced car park tariffs in three level 3 car parks. The Chair noted that the item related to how the decision was made and not the detail of the trial, which would be subject to future review.


Councillors considered the detail of the report and during the discussion the following points were noted:


·       Consideration of the financial implications associated with the trial and the basis on which these were used in the decision-making process

·       Data was being monitored and income and revenue implications would be reviewed at the end of the trial period

·       A point was noted about the reference in the decision notice to £100k to be taken from the lead member allowances, and it was confirmed that this should have read as £60k on the decision notice, which reflected the provision for six lead members in the Constitution. An assurance was sought that the figure would be corrected and that figures be checked in future

·       The decision to include the Swannery car park in Weymouth was raised and a point made that the car park was seen as a tourist car park rather than one used by local residents and whether this would affect the trial due to the time of year the trial was taking place

·       Consideration was given to how the success of the trial could be judged and it was noted that businesses, residents, local councillors and local councils would be consulted

·       The use of key performance indicators (KPIs) was also flagged and the suggestion made that a working group could be set up to assist with developing KPIs

·       Consideration of any new policy in this area would be reviewed by the overview committee and Cabinet. Scrutiny of the success of the trial would be considered by this committee.


Following the discussion, the Chair provided a summary of the key points covered as follows:


·       Assurance had been received in respect of the figures used in the decision notice and the Chair asked that the correct figure be publicised

·       The suggestion to form a working group to consider KPIs would be discussed with the Cabinet Member for Place Services

·       A report to the committee was requested following the end of the trial period to scrutinise the outcome

·       The parking review as a whole would be reported through the Place and Resources Overview Committee.