115 Development of Blandford Waste Management Centre PDF 334 KB
To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Place Services.
1 Project Progress Report Update associated with this report is not for publication: By
virtue of paragraph(s) 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act
That the
award of a contract to construct and develop a new waste management centre at
Blandford, using Dorset Highways Works Term Service Contract within the
approved capital funding, be approved.
That authority
be delegated to the Executive Director for Place in consultation with the
Cabinet Member for Place Services and the Section 151 Officer to agree the
contract terms.
Reason for the
deliver works to secure critical infrastructure in Blandford for the
development of a strategic waste transfer facility in central Dorset which will
provide the capacity to maximise the benefits of operational efficiency and
resilience to provide business continuity.
The Cabinet Member for Place Services provided an update on the project for the new Blandford Waste Management Centre and sought authority to award the contract to build the essential infrastructure for waste services.
Cabinet members welcomed the recommendation and unanimously supported it. It was proposed by Cllr J Andrews seconded by Cllr R Biggs.
the award of a contract to construct and develop a new waste management centre
at Blandford, using Dorset Highways Works Term Service Contract within the
approved capital funding, be approved.
authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Place in consultation with
the Cabinet Member for Place Services and the Section 151 Officer to agree the
contract terms.
Reason for the
To deliver works to secure critical infrastructure in Blandford for the development of a strategic waste transfer facility in central Dorset which will provide the capacity to maximise the benefits of operational efficiency and resilience to provide business continuity.