Issue - meetings

Public health disaggregation: progress and overview of key decisions

Meeting: 25/02/2025 - Cabinet (Item 125)

125 Public health disaggregation: progress and overview of key decisions pdf icon PDF 337 KB

To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Health and Housing.


(a)           That Cabinet recognised and supported the work done to date to disaggregate the shared public health service, following BCP Council’s decision to terminate the agreement in April 2024.


(b)           That Cabinet endorse the decisions set out in appendix A (of the report) that the steering group was proposing to take, recognising the pragmatic approach adopted in order to maintain positive working relationships, financial stability and service provision to residents.


Reason for the decision

To ensure continued provision of efficient, equitable and effective public health services for both councils, in line with the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2012.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Housing set out a report that provided an overview on the progress with disaggregation of the shared public health service and the establishment of two new separate teams. The Council had now appointed a Director of Public Health and Prevention who will lead on public health and community and public protection functions for the Dorset Council area.


A similar paper has been considered and approved by BCP Council and there were a number of key decisions for Cabinet, and these were set out in detail in the appendix to the report.


In response to questions, the Director of Public Health and Prevention confirmed that there was still a lot of work to be carried out by both public health directors in considering how to two public health teams will operate in their respective councils.  The question of how the service interacted with councillor oversight and scrutiny was still under consideration, as it was important that members saw the full scope of the public health function. In the meantime, he was happy to continue to meet with individual councillors.


In response to a further question, the Director of Public Health and Prevention confirmed that rough sleeper grants were to be lead by a 3rd sector provider.


It was proposed by Cllr G Taylor and seconded by Cllr C Sutton.




(a)           That Cabinet recognised and supported the work done to date to disaggregate the shared public health service, following BCP Council’s decision to terminate the agreement in April 2024.


(b)           That Cabinet endorse the decisions set out in appendix A (of the report) that the steering group was proposing to take, recognising the pragmatic approach adopted in order to maintain positive working relationships, financial stability and service provision to residents.


Reason for the decision

To ensure continued provision of efficient, equitable and effective public health services for both councils, in line with the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2012.