39 Dorset local nature recovery strategy PDF 163 KB
To consider the report by the Environment, Policy and Partnership Team Manager
The committee considered the report from Environment/Policy/Partnership Manager who presented a summary of the work undertaken so far, the ambition of the strategy and the planned next steps. The Natural Environment, Climate and Ecology Strategy 2023-2025 highlighted an action to deliver a local nature recovery strategy (LNRS) for Dorset. This strategy will be part of a national network of LNRSs, ensuring comprehensive coverage across England. The Dorset LNRS was developed with various stakeholders including farmers and provides a framework for nature recovery, featuring maps to target high opportunity nature areas for maximum environmental benefits.
Following the presentation, the committee discussed the following topics;
· The importance of language and clear communication with residents to gain their support and potentially reframing nature depletion to focus on the amount of nature opportunities
· Working with schools and younger generations
· Funding is varied with sources having issues and disparities
· The use of land for competing priorities including development
· Using our own estate including county farms to role model
· A discussion on the maps and their role to inform development and encourage mitigations around Biodiversity Net Gain rather than hinder development. The Maps create the potential missing opportunities where land is offered to nature recovery is in non-priority areas.
· The role and emphasis of Natural England in the development and delivery of strategy and nature recovery in general
· The risk factors damaging the environment such as fires and floods.
· Rivers, waterways and water infrastructure.
Following the discussion the Committee supported the strategy and the planned engagement and consultation activities.