7 Budmouth College Academy Conversion PDF 128 KB
To consider a report by the Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Early Help.
That the request for up to
£600k for pay restructuring
costs be declined as there are alternative
opportunities to access funding for the restructure that will not place
pressure directly on the council budgets.
Reason for Decision
Option 1 would incur
additional cost to the council and put pressure on the budget as this cost was
not budgeted for in 2018/19. Option 2 would result in restructure costs being
identified from elsewhere and could potentially impact the Interim Executive
Board (IEB) restructure timetable.
Cabinet considered a report by the Cabinet Member for Children, Education and
Early Help on the academisation of Budmouth College
which was due to be completed on 1 September 2019. As part of the academisation
a request was received to ask Dorset Council to contribute to the restructuring
of staff at the School in addition to the budget debt being inherited by the
Council as part of the academisation.
Cllr Andrew
Parry introduced the report and explained the high risk
profile of the request to fund restructuring at Budmouth
College and explained that there was not
enough detailed evidence to support the restructuring costs request as the
financial picture was still emerging and more detail was needed.
Questions from Tara
Moggeridge and Toby Webber were asked at the meeting in relation to the academisation
of Budmouth College.
The questions and answers are attached to these minutes as an annexure.
Members shared concerns
regarding the request to fund the restructuring at the College including Cllr
Clare Sutton who expressed thanks for the cross-party involvement and briefing
outside of the meeting on this important matter; Cllr Jean Dunseith, as the
local member; and Cllr Tony Ferrari, as a member within the local area, and as
the Cabinet Member for Finance, Commercial and Assets due to
the poorly evidenced financial request.
That the request for up to
£600k for pay restructuring
costs be declined as there are alternative opportunities
to access funding for the restructure that will not place pressure directly on
the council budgets.
Reason for Decision
Option 1 would incur
additional cost to the council and put pressure on the budget as this cost was
not budgeted for in 2018/19. Option 2 would result in restructure costs being
identified from elsewhere and could potentially impact the Interim Executive
Board (IEB) restructure timetable.