Issue - meetings

To approve the forward plan for Dorset Council procurement activities where the expenditure on an individual contract is likely to exceed £500,000

Meeting: 04/06/2019 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Procurement Forward Plan Report - over £500k (2019-20) pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To consider a report by the Cabinet Member for Finance, Commercial and Assets.

Additional documents:




1. That the procurements and awards of contracts set out in Appendix A to a maximum value of £5m be approved, and those over £5m would be reported back to Cabinet for detailed consideration.


2. In giving this approval, Members are approving known / likely procurement set for implementation during 2019/20 (or as specifically noted otherwise) on terms to be agreed by the delegated officer, Corporate Director or Portfolio Holder for each arrangement.


3. That procurements exceeding the key decision threshold which are not yet identified will be subject to a separate report for approval by the Cabinet, at a later date.


Reasons for Decisions


1. Cabinet was required to approve all key decisions with financial consequences of £500k or more. It was also good governance to provide Cabinet with a summary of all proposed procurements prior to them formally commencing.


2. Planning procurements effectively ensures: effective stakeholder management; efficient sourcing; compliance with regulations and contract procedure rules; and, best value for money.


The Cabinet considered a report by the Cabinet Member for Finance, Commercial and Assets on the planned procurement activities that constituted key decisions during 2019/20.


Cllr Tony Ferrari reflected on the list of procurements in the report and explained that the items were not a set list of decisions.  He proposed that the procurement and awards of contracts valued under £5m be approved, and that all procurements over £5m would be brought back to the Cabinet for specific and detailed consideration.  Members agreed to the proposal.


A request was made by Cllr Paul Kimber that careful consideration should be given in respect of all procurements to award contracts to local companies as a priority.  Cllr Ferrari explained that this was a consideration as part of the procurement rules, and that it was appropriate to consider for all procurement decisions.




1. That the procurements and awards of contracts set out in Appendix A to a maximum value of £5m be approved, and those over £5m would be reported back to Cabinet for detailed consideration.


2. In giving this approval, Members are approving known / likely procurement set for implementation during 2019/20 (or as specifically noted otherwise) on terms to be agreed by the delegated officer, Corporate Director or Portfolio Holder for each arrangement.


3. That procurements exceeding the key decision threshold which are not yet identified will be subject to a separate report for approval by the Cabinet, at a later date.


Reasons for Decisions


1. Cabinet was required to approve all key decisions with financial consequences of £500k or more. It was also good governance to provide Cabinet with a summary of all proposed procurements prior to them formally commencing.


2. Planning procurements effectively ensures: effective stakeholder management; efficient sourcing; compliance with regulations and contract procedure rules; and, best value for money.