8 2/2019/0077/OUT - Land At Chaffeymoor Farm, New Road, Bourton, Dorset PDF 185 KB
Develop land by the erection of a village hall and 9 No. dwellings, form vehicular and pedestrian access (Outline application to determine access)
The Planning Officer presented
the report showing Members all the relevant plans and drawings. Members were
informed of further representations received that raised no further issues.
Public Participation
Oral representations were also
received in objection to the application from Mrs C Brake (Local Resident), Ms
H Palmer (Local Resident), Mr T Bailey (Local Resident), Mr A Sturt (Local
Resident), and Mrs Gibson (Local Resident). Concerns were raised over land
ownership issues, visual impact, the loss of views, the lack of suitable land
for development, the large footprint, and the impact on adjacent buildings.
Oral representations in support
of the application were received from Cllr M Withers (Bourton Parish Council),
Mr M Chapman (Trustee of Bourton Village Hall), Ms F Gillett (Local Resident),
and Mr R Bagnall (Agent for the Applicant). It was stated that the proposal
posed no harm to amenity or the local setting and would keep any increase in
traffic outside the village. The benefits of the location were also highlighted
including the sustainability of the hall and the creation of a community hub
with the church and primary school.
Members’ Questions and Debate
Members were informed that any
questions of land ownership were not planning considerations for this
Members felt that the site
provided good access and parking and since it was identified in the local plan
as a suitable site, there were no further issues to raise.
It was proposed by Cllr Pothecary, seconded by Cllr Jones and agreed
that the application be:-
GRANTED subject to the completion of a legal
agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as
amended) in a form to be agreed by the Legal Services Manager including the
provisions and conditions set out in the appendix to these minutes;
REFUSED permission for failing to secure the
transfer of the hall if the agreement is not completed by (6 months from the date of committee) or such
extended time as agreed by the Head of Planning.