Issue - meetings

Appointment of member to the Weymouth Harbour Consultative Group

Meeting: 19/06/2019 - Harbours Committee (Item 9)

9 Appointment of councillor to the Weymouth Harbour Consultative Group pdf icon PDF 95 KB

To consider the appointment of a councillor of the Harbours Committee to the Weymouth Harbour Consultative Group.

Additional documents:


The committee considered the appointment of a councillor of the Harbours Committee to the Weymouth Harbour Consultative Group.  In addition to a Dorset Council councillor, a councillor from Weymouth Town Council would also be appointed.


The committee noted the Terms of Reference for the Harbour Consultative Group which had been included as an appendix to the report.




That Councillor Mark Roberts be appointed to the Weymouth Harbour Consultative Group for a 3-year period, as a representative of the Dorset Council Harbours Committee.


Following the decision, a general discussion was held with points raised as follows:


·                The Chairman of the Weymouth Harbour Consultative Group would attend meetings of the Harbours Committee to provide a verbal report of items covered at the last meeting and would also report back issues to the consultative group

·                There was a more informal arrangement for the harbours at Bridport and Lyme Regis with an informal meeting being held once a year for each harbour.  All harbour users were invited and members of the Harbours Committee could also attend to observe the meetings

·                Dates of all of the consultative group meetings would be circulated to Harbours Committee members.