Issue - meetings

Health Improvement Services Performance Monitoring

Meeting: 15/07/2019 - Joint Public Health Board (Item 10)

10 Health Improvement Services Performance Monitoring pdf icon PDF 217 KB

To consider a report by the Director of Public Health.

Additional documents:


The Board were provided with a report outlining current performance for health improvement services and children and young people’s public health services. This included information and a better understanding on performance of LiveWell Dorset, smoking cessation, and what alternatives were available, weight management services, health checks and Children and Young People’s Public Health Service (CYPPHS) key performance indicators. The Board acknowledged how improvements were being achieved and what this meant for public health outcomes.


The Board were pleased to see the progress being made with health improvements in these initiatives and saw encouraging signs that these could be maintained. Officers affirmed that Public Health Dorset would remain committed to achieving these improvements going forward.



That the progress being made in the performance on health improvement services and children and young people’s services be noted and acknowledged.


Reason for Decision

Close monitoring of performance will ensure that health improvement services deliver what is expected of them and that our budget is used to best effect.