Issue - meetings

Sexual Health Procurement

Meeting: 15/07/2019 - Joint Public Health Board (Item 9)

9 Developing commissioning options for sexual health services in Dorset pdf icon PDF 444 KB

To consider a report by the Director of Public Health.


The Board was informed that Sexual Health Services in Dorset were currently provided by a consortium of NHS providers. As the two-year contract was due to expire in April 2020, the service required re-tendering under full, open competition in order to comply with Public Contract Regulations. The report summarised local consultation on a preferred model and the approach to be taken; reported on service transformation which had been conducted to date and the way this had been done; and recommended a preferred commissioning option – as set out in paragraph 4.6 of the report.


There was discussion by Board members about the recommendation to proceed with the tender for local authority commissioned elements first, with the option to further integrate NHS England and Dorset CCG commissioned elements of service at a break in the second year of the contract. The proposed contract length was discussed and officers agreed to supply a post meeting note giving the advice of the procurement team on contract length. The Board were satisfied with this approach and what was being proposed as a means to proceed.



1) That the recommended option for re-tendering sexual health services - at paragraph 4.6 of the report - be supported and endorsed;

2) That the development of a procurement process and proceeding with an

invitation to tender for a new contract, be approved;

3) That delegated authority be given to the Director of Public Health, after consultation with the two Portfolio Holders for Health, to award a contract to an appropriate provider on the best terms achievable and within the budget.


Reason for Decision

The preferred option allowed continued service development, aiming for full

integration of the services current commissioned by Public Health Dorset on behalf of Councils. It also allowed for integration with NHS England commissioned sexual health services at a future break point in the proposed contract.