To consider a report of the
Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Assets.
Additional documents:
That the discretionary rate
relief policy, as set out at Appendix 3 of the report of 3 September 2019, be
Reason for the Decision
ensure that a consistent approach is taken in relation to the award of
discretionary rates relief.
Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Assets advised members that
councils have the discretion to award up to 100% rate relief to
ratepayers. The former Dorset district
and borough councils all adopted schemes which looked to provide support to charities
and “not for profit” organisations.
discretionary rate relief policy set out at appendix 3 to the report of Cabinet
3 September 2019, had been developed having a regard to the previous schemes
and ensured that a consistent approach would be taken.
response to questions regarding any negative impact on the organisations
already in receipt of support, members were advised that the policy looked to
target support to those organisation which make a maximum contribution towards
the community. It was anticipated that
the majority of existing recipients would continue to receive discretionary
rate relief and that the cost of awards would be in line with budget provision.
Portfolio Holder further suggested that the policy should be reviewed after 12
months to ensure that it was fit for purpose.
That the discretionary rate
relief policy, as set out at Appendix 3 of the report of 3 September 2019, be
Reason for the Decision
ensure that a consistent approach is taken in relation to the award of
discretionary rates relief.