Issue - meetings

Quarter 3 2019/20 budget update

Meeting: 24/03/2020 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 9.)

9. Financial Report (incl Children's services) pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To receive and scrutinise the latest finance report as presented to Cabinet.

Additional documents:

Meeting: 03/03/2020 - Cabinet (Item 129)

129 Quarterly finance report pdf icon PDF 238 KB

To receive a report of the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Assets.




(a)       That the forecast for Dorset Council’s position at the end of Quarter 3 and the movements since Quarter 2 be noted;


(b)       That the actions to improve the position during the year be received and noted;


(c)        That the impact of any overspend on reserves and the general fund be noted.


Reason for the Decision


To review the forecast quarterly to ensure any risks to the in-year position are appropriately addressed and the impact on the MTFP and longer-term position is understood.


The Portfolio Holder from Finance, Commercial and Assets set out the quarterly report and the financial performance position at the end of the third quarter of the financial year.


The Portfolio Holder indicated that 2019/20 would continue to be a challenging year as the Council worked through its process of transformation.  He was confident that the Council had the resources available to overcome short-term pressures whilst it refined the vision, strategies and operating model that would deliver the sustainable dynamic and innovative organisation that Dorset’s residents needed.


Overall those Non-Executive members who addressed Cabinet welcomed the report and were encouraged  with the work being carried out to achieve positive outcomes for adults and children within the Dorset area.


In response to a question regarding the transparency around additional funding that had been released from on-off surpluses of the collection funds from predecessor councils, members were advised that this related to savings created due to harmonising of processes and transforming services.




(a)       That the forecast for Dorset Council’s position at the end of Quarter 3 and the movements since Quarter 2 be noted;


(b)       That the actions to improve the position during the year be received and noted;


(c)        That the impact of any overspend on reserves and the general fund be noted.


Reason for the Decision


To review the forecast quarterly to ensure any risks to the in-year position are appropriately addressed and the impact on the MTFP and longer-term position is understood.