Issue - meetings

Public Participation

Meeting: 29/04/2021 - Corporate Parenting Board (Item 6)

Dorset Foster Carer Association Verbal update- 17:40

Jan and Martin Hill, Foster carer representatives, to give an update.


The board received a verbal update from the Chair and Vice Chair Dorset Foster Care Association. They raised some of the following discussion points:


·       They discussed the importance of working as a team. Therefore, they were reaching out to more foster carers. Discussing the different professions within the fostering system to see how these may benefit the children.

·       30 foster carer association- fundraising for foster carers and spreading awareness about what they do and how they may impact a child’s life. They expressed their hope for this to become a charity status in the future.

·       Fostering champions were for those who speak up for the needs of children. They have ongoing and shared objectives. The good and bad will be discussed as they were all just as important. Each year a foster champion will be voted as a form of encouragement.

·       It was also discussed that there is not a shortage of foster carers but a higher demand for those fostering older children.

·       The board was asked about any personal experiences that they could share regarding the fostering system. 

·       Researched other associations to learn from their success and mistakes.

·       An AGM to be held in September 2020 and it was hoped to launch the association within Fostering Fortnight.


The Chairman thanked Mr and Mrs Hill for their presentation and the Corporate Parenting Board indicated that they fully supported the development of the Dorset Foster Care Association.