Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. View directions
Contact: Elaine Tibble 01305 224202 - Email:
No. | Item |
Endorsement of new Co-opted member Minutes: Proposed by Cllr Fry, seconded by Cllr Keddie. Decision: that Dr Liz Mytton was appointed as Co-Opted
member of the PCP. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2023. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2023 were
confirmed and signed. Actions Update from the Minutes of the last meeting The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) gave an update on Dorset Force’s performance against others in the Soteria project. He would continue to provide regular updates to the Panel. Update attached at Appendix 1 The Police Race Action Plan had been added to the forward plan. |
Declarations of Interest To disclose any pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interests as set out in the adopted Code of Conduct. In making their disclosure councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they propose to take as part of their declaration. If required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting. Minutes: No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made
at the meeting. |
Public Participation Representatives of town or parish
councils and members of the public who live, work, or represent an organisation
within the Dorset Council area are welcome to submit
either 1 question or 1 statement for each meeting. You are welcome to
attend the meeting in person or via MS Teams to read out your question and to
receive the response. If you submit
a statement for the committee this will be circulated to all members of the
committee in advance of the meeting as a supplement to the agenda and appended
to the minutes for the formal record but
will not be read out at the meeting. The first 8 questions and the first 8
statements received from members of the public or organisations for each
meeting will be accepted on a first come first served basis in
accordance with the deadline set out below. Further information
Participation - Dorset Council All
submissions must be emailed in full to by
8.30am on Monday 25 September. When
your question or statement please note that: ·
can submit
1 question or 1 statement. ·
question may include a short pre-amble to set the context. ·
must be a single question and any sub-divided questions will not be permitted. ·
question will consist of no more than 450 words, and you will be given up to 3
minutes to present your question. ·
a question please indicate
who the question is for (e.g., the name of the committee or Portfolio Holder) ·
your name, address, and contact details. Only your name will be
published but we may need your other details to contact you about your question
or statement in advance of the meeting. ·
and statements received in line with the council’s rules for public
participation will be published as a supplement to the agenda. ·
questions, statements and responses will be published in full within the
minutes of the meeting. Dorset Council Constitution - Procedure Rule 9
Councillor Questions Councillors can submit up to two valid questions at each meeting and sub
divided questions count towards this total. Questions and statements received
will be published as a supplement to the agenda and all questions, statements
and responses will be published in full within the minutes of the meeting. The submissions must be emailed in full to by 8.30am on Monday 25 September. Dorset
Council Constitution – Procedure Rule 13 Minutes: There were no public or Town/Parish Council statements or questions. |
Q1 Monitoring Report 2023/24 (00:06:15 on recording) To receive the Q1 monitoring report 2023/24. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman and Vice-Chairman put two strategic questions to the PCC. These and the PCC’s response can be found at appendix 1. The PCC gave update on the quarterly monitoring report Q1 (00:16:50 on recording). He gave a brief overview of the report, highlighting some of the main points and progress to date before focusing on the 6 Priority areas in further detail. Priority 1 Cut Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)
(00:21:55 on recording) The PCC highlighted the following points: A small uptick in dwelling burglary and plans for more prevention activity. ASB had continued to fall. The need to keep focusing on preventing road accidents in Dorset. Investment in preventing fraud. Supporting Young People. Member questions (00:26:40 on recording) and at appendix 1 The PCC also highlighted the need for active reporting from the public if they witnessed people using e-scooters illegally. The number for reporting incidents to Berol Scooters in the BCP area was 0203 003 5044. There was still work to be done in relation to the sale of e-scooters. This was not illegal and the answer was to lobby Government to get the legislation correct. Follow on questions from the panel and responses from PCC in relation to ASB and burglary figures. (00:37:57 on recording). ASB was the number 1 criteria for most of the people of Dorset and Dorset was the 6th safest county in the country, there had previously been a reduction in burglary and the PCC was doing a deep dive to see what else could be done to reduce these figures. Priority 2 Make Policing More Visible and Connected
(00:43:20 on recording) Dorset Police had exceeded their recruitment target set by Government. Follow on panel questions and responses from PCC (00:47:14 on recording) 174 new officers had been recruited, these were in addition to the baseline numbers. The PCC highlighted the issues relating to the unfair grant formula for Police funding in Dorset and the need for some Police Officers to carry out staff roles. The PCC and the Chief Constable (CC) were both confident they could deliver the Police Crime Plan with the resources they had however the PCC would still continue to lobby for more funding. Priority 3 Fight Violent Crime and High Harm (00:55:13 on
recording) The PCC felt it was important to look at the causes behind violence, ie addiction and substance mis-use. Enforcement, Treatment and Prevention were the three measures he felt were needed to combat this. ACTION: Deep dive into Serious violence and violent crime for the next meeting Drugs and alcohol to be put on the Forward Work Plan. Panel questions and responses from the PCC (1:01:40 on recording) and attached at appendix 1. Additional Panel questions (01:07:48 on recording) In relation to the Violence Reduction Unit (VRU)The PCC had identified funding and hoped partner agencies would work with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) to address knife crime. This with a combination of education, awareness and youth work could help ... view the full minutes text for item 16. |
Visible Policing in the Community (2:00:56 on recording) Minutes: The PCC pointed out the salient points from the report which
provided the Panel with an update on Priority 2 – Make Policing more Visible
and Connected. The report focused on the key lines of enquiry outlined
within the report. Panel comments, questions and responses from the PCC (02:19:40
on recording). The PCC advised that the Single Online Home reporting system
was fully operational and they had seen an increase in the number of people
using it. |
Supporting Young People (2:30:20 on recording) This paper provides an
update on the Police and Crime Commissioner’s work to support young people.
This paper also seeks to address six Key Lines of Enquiry as provided by the
Dorset Police and Crime Panel. Minutes: The PCC outlined the details of the report which gave an update on his work to support young people and addressed the key lines of enquiry outlined within the report. He voiced concerns about the lack of youth centres and youth support workers in Dorset and highlighted some workstreams designed to identify the challenges facing young people and to support them to move away from addiction and substance misuse. Panel member questions and responses from the PCC (2:41:45 on recording) These were related to fund bidding, the PCC had bid for funding from the Youth Endowment Fund but had been turned down, as Dorset had not been considered bad enough to qualify. Action: the PCC would bring back figures for cases that had been dealt with through the Restorative Justice System. |
Complaints Update (2:50:05 on recording) To receive a verbal update and: a) Appoint five panel members to sit on the Complaints
Sub-Committee b)
Appoint a Chair and Vice Chair for the Complaints Sub-Committee Minutes: One historical complaint was due to be considered that
afternoon by the PCP Complaints Sub-Committee. Proposed by Cllr Les Fry, seconded by Cllr Tony Trent Decision: that the following members were appointed to
the PCP Complaints Sub-Committee: Cllrs Les Fry, Patrick Canavan, Alasdair Keddie and Dr Liz Mytton |
Forward Plan (2:51:11 on recording) To receive and review the PCP Forward Plan. Minutes: The Service Manager for Assurance outlined the 2 items on
the workplan for the next meeting. As
part of the Panel holding an informal training day there had been a review of
the Forward Plan. Cllr Graham Carr-Jones suggested that there was a direct
correlation between alcohol, drug misuse and gambling abuse in relation to the
items on reducing crime and rural crime.
He asked for all three items to be linked and reviewed together. The Chairman would address this with the Service Manager for
Assurance and look into bringing the item to the February meeting. |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Exempt Business To move the exclusion of the press and the public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). The public and the press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is considered. There is no scheduled exempt business to report. Minutes: There was no exempt business. |