Agenda and minutes

Police and Crime Panel - Tuesday, 24th September, 2019 10.00 am

Venue: Meeting Room 1, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. View directions

Contact: Fiona King  01305 224186 - Email:

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.



An apology for absence was received from Cllr Les Fry.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 301 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2019.


The minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2019 were confirmed and signed.


The Service Manager for Assurance drew members’ attention to minute 7 in respect of the Monitoring Officer’s meeting with those members of the public that were in attendance at the 9 July 2019 meeting.  He advised that this meeting had not yet happened due to illness of one of the representatives but that it would be re-arranged in the near future.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.


No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting.


Public Participation

To receive questions or statements on the business of the committee from town and parish councils and members of the public.


There were no statements or questions submitted from Town and Parish Council at this meeting.


There were no public statements and questions submitted for this meeting.


Police and Crime Plan Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 218 KB

To receive an update of progress against the Police and Crime Plan Q1 2019/20, to enable Panel members to scrutinise performance, seek assurance and assess outcomes achieved in the reporting period.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report informing them of the progress against the Police and Crime Plan and Priorities 2017-2021. 


The Vice-Chairman raised a question to the PCC regarding Brexit and the impact on Dorset residents should there be a ‘no deal’ Brexit.  She sought assurance from the PCC that for Dorset residents’ life would carry on as normal as it could and that they would remain safe.  The PCC advised that he was the National representative for Brexit and as the PCC scrutinised what the Force was doing and some of the issues raised were operational and was therefore unable to comment.  However, he advised that the Government had planned for contingency in respect of Martial Law but they were not invoking that.  There were no plans to go to Martial Law if there was a ‘no deal’ Brexit.  In the PCCs view it was business as usual.  He added that Brexit was funded centrally from government and that it would continue to be into next year if it was not resolved.  The OPCC had reviewed their commissioned services and did not believe that any services would be disrupted in the short term.  The PCC was sighted on local and regional issues and was content that plans were in place and were scenario tested.  He would ensure that all local elected members were briefed to a suitable level to ensure members of the Police and Crime Panel that plans were in place.


The monitoring report provided information on the financial outturn position for the year ending 31 March 2019, including updates on the following items which are listed under the relevant Pillars:-


Pillar 1 – Protecting People at Risk and Harm – Cllr Julie Bagwell

The PCC highlighted key areas as set out in the report.  The pillar lead did not have any questions.


Following a question about the Police Cadet Scheme and whether there were plans to set up further schemes, the PCC advised that the current one was based at the Bourne Academy and that there were plans for more.  He felt this scheme was a good example of the PCC setting something up and then handing it over to the Force.  He was aware there was a demand in the west of Dorset and was currently looking at opportunities.


A panel member asked for an update on knife crime as the rating had moved from red to amber.  The PCC advised that until the actual issues were known they were unable to commission services.  Now that there was a new knife crime profile for the Force and the issues were better understood he was starting to commission services, it was very much work in progress.  The Chairman highlighted that a knife crime review featured in the Panel’s forward work plan.


In respect of the improvement of detection in hate crime, hate incidents and domestic abuse, the PCC advised that the overall detection rate was around 16%, which based on national trends, put Dorset favourably in the top  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21.


Police and Crime Plan 2017-2021 (Refresh) pdf icon PDF 151 KB

To receive and consider any proposed changes by the PCC to the Police and Crime Plan.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report by the PCC's Chief Executive updating members of a light touch refresh of the Police and Crime Plan 2017-2021, which would be published in a months' time.


The Chairman asked members to provide comments to the Clerk by 3 October 2019 in order to formulate a formal response from the Panel by 11 October 2019.  He particularly sought views in order to assist in shaping any future plan following the PCC elections in May 2020.



That comments by the Panel on the Police and Crime Plan 2017-2021 are submitted to the Clerk by 3 October 2019.


Spotlight Scrutiny Reviews - Police Bail and the Effectiveness of CCTV pdf icon PDF 150 KB

(a)  To consider progress on the review of Police Bail from the Independent Member Iain McVie; and

(b)  To receive an update from the Service Manager for Assurance on a proposed scrutiny review on the effectiveness of CCTV.


Members considered a report from the Independent member, Iain McVie, which set out the purpose of the review into the use of Police Bail.  The Panel endorsed progress on this workstream.


The Service Manager for Assurance updated members on a proposed scrutiny review on the effectiveness of CCTV.  Following a discussion with the Chief Executive, OPCC,  it was felt that the current focus was too operational and therefore the Pillar Lead and Service Manager would meet with the OPCC staff to ensure a more strategic key lines of enquiry. The Panel endorsed progress on this workstream.




Follow up on Bodyworn video (BWV)

To receive an oral update from the PCC on the roll out of BWV across Dorset Police.


The PCC updated members on the roll-out of BWV across Dorset Police as detailed below:


‘As the Panel knows, I pledged to work with Dorset Police to improve Force technology and infrastructure. One element of this included a commitment to continue work from my first term of office to introduce Body Worn Video (BWV) for police officers.


I believe they are a vital tool to increase the evidence gathering ability of the police, especially in domestic abuse and public order scenarios. They also provide an unbiased record of what an officer has experienced, making the police more transparent and officers’ actions more accountable. Cameras can help diffuse difficult situations as people behave differently when told they are being filmed, as well as proving extremely useful in court to assist officers who have been assaulted and in cases of complaints against police. Public surveys undertaken by my team have shown consistent support from the public in introducing this tactic to the policing of Dorset.


As a quick reminder for those who are new, BWV was introduced with a pilot scheme in Bournemouth in 2016 and thereafter usage was phased-in across Dorset thereafter. The introduction of BWV was, in part, funded by money raised through my precept setting responsibilities. My office was heavily involved in the governance of this process, primarily through the force’s change and transformation board, PRISM, which my Chief Executive attends. This included having oversight of the budgeting and procurement process.


In May 2019 the decision was taken to expand the roll out to include access and availability to members of the Special Constabulary. By October 2019, there will be 913 camera devices in operation within Dorset Police (and approximately 3,000 across the alliance) – with a mixture of personal issue to individual frontline officers and shared issue for those on less frequent frontline duties (eg Sergeants). While it is still too early to appreciate the full impact and benefits of the introduction of BWV in Dorset, the initiative has been well received by both officers and members of the public. Early indications are also that partner agencies appreciate the availability and benefits of real-time visual evidence.


One ‘anecdotal’ account of the benefits of BWV was submitted by DCI Sarah Derbyshire (then of the Major Crime Investigation Team (MCIT)) relating to the capturing of “some compelling and relevant evidence for the investigation team” following the murder of Stela Domador-Kouza in 2018. Ryan Thornton has subsequently been found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. A number of positive testimonies and experiences were captured as part of the pilot scheme evaluation.


As part of a Spotlight Scrutiny Review undertaken by this Panel, it was concluded that “there was clear evidence both nationally and locally… that the use of BWV does impact on prevention and detection of crime, nuisance and disorder” and that “there is clear evidence of the force being held to account” by me for the project.


Furthermore, my independent scrutiny panels are also making use of this new technology  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24.


An update on the cost implications from a recent cyber attack

To receive an oral update from the PCC (The resolution from minute 10, 090719 refers).


In respect of Minute 10 from the meeting held on 9 July 2019, the PCC updated members on the recent European cyber-attack which he stressed was not a cyber-attack on Dorset Police systems but an attack on the biggest research provider.  There would be significant cost implications for the industry but not for the police.  A review was underway and the PCC undertook to update members when the work had been completed.



That an update would be provided for members following the review.


Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Development Plan pdf icon PDF 177 KB

To receive an update on the latest position and the delivery of improvements for Police Officers and Staff.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report which provided an update on Dorset Police’s approach to officer and staff health and wellbeing, as well as the Force’s utilisation of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Health and Wellbeing Fund.  It was highlighted to members that health and well-being of police officers and staff was a national problem and not just one for Dorset.


One member commented there was a figure missing on one of the points in the Pulse Survey and officers undertook to provide this outside of the meeting. Members were also interested to know how many people responded to the survey overall, police officers and police staff.  The Chairman felt it would be helpful to have this information displayed in a table format for future reference.


A Panel member expressed concern over the sickness data was quite a concern and was disappointed that the OPCC was not able to keep a track on this.  The Director of Operations, OPCC advised members that whilst they did have the data, which was reasonably static, they were unable to compare it with other forces as there was no central policy requirement to publish this data.   One member highlighted the importance of managers and supervisors having access to this data to note any trends that might arise.


The Chairman queried how the amount of £250k that had been earmarked for this wellbeing work had been arrived at. The OPCC advised that the Force had presented an indicative figure for 2 years before the OPCC confirmed what funding would be made available in order to support this initiative.


Members were advised that there were no areas for improvement highlighted in the report.


In respect of whether this initiative would continue, the PCC advised that this would be something for the new PCC to consider but he was getting the evaluation together in readiness.


The Chairman asked that Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Development Plan be added to the Forward Plan for review in September 2020.  He also highlighted that elements of this funding fell in Resource Departmental Expenditure Limit and some in Capital Departmental Expenditure Limit, therefore financial planning needed to be undertaken in order to maintain this excellent initiative.



1. That officers provide the missing figures from the Pulse Survey to members along with the number of respondents.

2. That the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Development Plan be reviewed by members in September 2020.


PCC Update on utilisation of Targeted Precept Funding pdf icon PDF 162 KB

To receive an update from the PCC regarding the outcomes that have been achieved so far as a result of the targeted Precept increases for 2019/20.  The attached note from the Chair to the PCC on Precept 2019/20 acceptance by the PCP refers.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report which provided an update on the outcomes that had been achieved so far as a result of the targeted Precept increases for 2019/20.


The PCC confirmed that the six areas of focus as detailed by the Chief Constable had been achieved.


One member made reference to rural crime prevention and that a paper had recently been published that referred to the hidden cost of this and asked if any more work was planned on this.  The PCC responded that the paper had now gone to Dorset Police and he undertook to send a copy to members for their information.


The Chairman made reference to the £7.8m uplift achieved by raising the in-year precept and advised the PCC that the Panel would be seeking costing evidence of how this additional funding had been used.


The Chief Executive, OPCC updated members on their procurement processes and confirmed that procurement was carried out in a variety of cost effective ways.




Commissioning Overview pdf icon PDF 344 KB

To consider a report from the PCC on how the OPCC conducts commissioning, including benchmarking for success and obtaining value for money for the Dorset tax payer.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report which advised how the PCC conducted commissioning, including benchmarking for success and obtaining value for money for the Dorset taxpayer.


An overview of the commissioning process was given to members and the Chief Executive, OPCC advised that there was more information available on their website.  He added that the PCC commissioned on a pump priming basis with a good focus on contract management.


Following a comment from a member about safeguarding and how this linked through the Force, the Chief Executive, OPCC advised this was tasked four ways by the four leads of the task force.


A member asked for the PCCs views as to whether commissioning arrangements were risk averse. The Chief Executive highlighted that he was comfortable that due diligence was carried out. He added that they did deliver against innovative schemes and also accepted controlled risk with community grant schemes.




Police Recruiting

To receive an oral update from the Chief Executive, OPCC.


The Chief Executive, OPCC updated members on the current status of the recruitment of police officers following the Prime Minister’s promise of an additional 20,000 police officers.  The OPCC were waiting for central direction on how this would be accomplished.  Officers would be put in place by 2023 with up to 6,000 officers nationwide in place by 2021. There was £750m available to deliver against this pledge with a further £35m to kick start recruitment. 


Officers had developed a number of recruitment models based on initial assumptions.  Dorset received 0.9% of the Police budget and based on this Dorset would get 190 officers but this could be scaled up or down. Work was in progress to try to lobby through the correct channels and a large contingency spend was being used on officers being tied into national meetings. The Chief Executive undertook to provide more information to members when it was available.  However, he added that whilst the uplift was welcome - it was only for police officers.


Following a question from the Vice-Chairman about the levels of Dorset Police Officers in 2010 compared with now, the Chief Executive advised that in 2010 there were 1500 and to date there were 1200.




Complaints Update pdf icon PDF 100 KB

·         To receive the minutes from the Complaints Sub-Committee meeting held on 15 August 2019.

·         Update on Complaints Monitoring Protocol from the Complaints Sub-Committee.

·         Update on complaints received in the last quarter.

·         Update on ongoing complaints.

Additional documents:


Members received the minutes of the Complaints Sub-Committee meeting held on 15 August 2019 which included an updated Complaints Protocol.


The Chairman of the Complaints Sub-Committee updated members on the number of complaints that had been received in the last quarter and of any ongoing complaints.  He added that the sub-committee were due to meet following this meeting to consider a new complaint.



That the update Complaints Monitoring Protocol be agreed and be used for any future complaints.


Protocol for Managing Programmed or Unprogrammed Disruptions to Meetings pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To consider a report from the Service Manager for Assurance, Dorset Council.


The Panel considered a report by the Corporate Director for Legal and Democratic, Dorset Council which advised that the Council was in the process of establishing clear guidelines on managing protests at Council buildings and this would form the basis of the Panel’s response to any disruptions that might occur.  Once approved by Dorset Council it would be presented, along with the Panel’s addendum, to a future meeting of the Panel for sign-off.



Members agreed the interim proposed procedures as set out in the appendix to the Corporate Director’s report.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To consider the Work Programme for the Panel.  Panel members are invited to identify and suggest topics for inclusion in the forward Work Programme.


The Panel considered its Work Programme and noted the inclusion of the following items:-


  • Inclusion of future meeting dates in the work programme;
  • Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Development Plan update review in September 2020.



That the Work Programme be updated accordingly.


Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.



There were no urgent items of business.