Agenda and minutes

Police and Crime Panel - Tuesday, 12th November, 2019 10.00 am

Venue: Meeting Room 1, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. View directions

Contact: Fiona King  01305 224186 - Email:

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.



Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Mohan Iyengar and Rachel Maidment from Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Cllrs Mark Anderson and Tony Trent attended as their substitutes.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 258 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2019.


The minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2019 were confirmed and signed.


Matters Arising

In respect of Minute 23 – Spotlight Scrutiny Reviews – Effectiveness of CCTV, Cllr Rennie advised members that she had recently met with officers at the OPCC and collectively it was agreed it was too early to establish the effectiveness of the new control centre.  Initially the PCC had pump primed the project to enable the centre to move from Weymouth to Dorchester.  The control centre now covered Weymouth, Dorchester and Bridport.  She added that in future the scrutiny exercise might be better placed through the Community Safety Partnership (CSP).  Following a question about any possible increase in the hours of cover, the PCC advised they needed to see how it went initially but it was on his radar.  Effectiveness of CCTV will be revisited through the Forward Plan.


In respect of Minute 26 – Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Development Plan – it was confirmed that the number of responders in the Pulse survey was 13.5% Police staff, and 15% Police officers.  Overall the results were comparable with previous years but the PCC wanted to see more responders.   The PCC made reference to ‘survey fatigue’ experienced by staff and officers and felt this needed to be recognised. In response to a question from the Vice-Chairman about how he planned to work with the Chief Constable (CC) to make future surveys more meaningful, the PCC noted that this was an operational issue but asked that she write to him regarding this and he would then take this up with the CC.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.


No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting.


Public Participation pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To receive questions or statements on the business of the committee from town and parish councils and members of the public.


There were no statements or questions submitted from Town and Parish Councils.


There were no public statements and questions submitted for this meeting. However, Cllr Les Fry, Dorset Council, asked a question about the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) to the PCC.  The question and answer are attached as an annexure to these minutes.


Following a question about how the Panel could support the PCC and CC with this issue, the PCC welcomed this offer and advised he would shortly be writing to both Councils for clarification of the position and asked that all members signed a letter of support for this.


One member highlighted the importance of the work of MASH for the people of Dorset and felt that the officer led decision to withdraw from the MASH was linked to the withdrawal of officers from Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council (BCP) to the Criminal Justice Board.


Cllr Fry advised that he planned to ask this question at the next full Dorset Council meeting.  The Vice-Chairman undertook to work with Cllr Fry to frame a question to both councils.



That all members agreed to sign and send letter of support (for the PCC) to the Leaders of both Unitary Councils outlining their concerns.  This will be drafted by the Chairman.


Police and Crime Plan Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 245 KB

To receive an update of progress against the Police and Crime Plan Q2 2019/20, to enable Panel members to scrutinise performance, seek assurance and assess outcomes achieved in the reporting period.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report informing them of the progress against the Police and Crime Plan and Priorities 2017-2021.


The monitoring report provided information on the financial outturn position for the Q2 period of the year, including updates on the following items which are listed under the relevant pillars:-


Pillar 1 – Protecting People at Risk and Harm – Cllr Mohan Iyengar

The PCC highlighted key areas as set out in the report.


Following a question about what was being done in respect of the reporting of crimes where men were victims of domestic violence, the PCC advised that a lot of these fell within the LBGT community and he worked very closely with this group.  He was working hard to get more members to come forward and report crimes. There appeared to be no support service in the straight male space, although it was noted that the Refuge in North Dorset welcomed male victims.  One member felt the profile in this regard needed to be raised.  The PCC agreed there could be more worthwhile work carried out on this if he was to go forward for a third term.  It would of course require more funding.  It was suggested to try and raise the profile of this it might be helpful to contact the relevant gay groups/forums as there would be some members there that had contact with straight males.


The Vice-Chairman made reference to hate crime and specifically those people who were disabled and asked when work would be starting in this area.  The PCC advised that work was in progress now and he was working with the disabled group trying to encourage disability reporting and build confidence with the disabled. The PCC reminded members that this was not just Police business but also Local Authority business.


Following a recent report on the radio regarding an increase in cyber crime/fraud the PCC advised that he had just completed a survey about action fraud and was due to meet Head of Action Fraud to complain that over 70% of people who had contacted Action Fraud in Dorset were not happy with the service. He felt it was a completely fragmented approach to dealing with fraud in this country.


Pillar 2 - Working with our Communities – Cllr Les Fry and Cllr David Taylor

The PCC highlighted key areas as set out in the report.


In response to a question about the type of accreditations under the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (CSAS), the PCC undertook to ask the Police to summarise what the other CSAS accreditations were.


Following a query about video uploads, the PCC undertook to report back to members in February but confirmed that prosecutions had taken place across all three counties.  At present these uploads were used just for traffic issues but there was a plan to extend the plan to include anti-social behaviour


In respect of the work being done to address aggressive driving and the use of mobile phones when driving, the PCC made  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


Vehicle Replacement Policy pdf icon PDF 149 KB

            To receive an update from the Chief Financial Officer, OPCC on the work to review Dorset Police’s vehicle fleet.


Members considered a report by the Chief Finance Officer, OPCC which provided an updated on their work to review Dorset Police’s vehicle fleet.


In response to a question from a member about whether the Force had enough vehicles to deal with the changing demands of policing, including the additional officers provided through the uplift, the Chief Financial Officer advised that there would be a requirement for additional vehicles and it was anticipated that central funding would be provided for this.




Youth Offending pdf icon PDF 198 KB

To consider a report from the Chief Executive, OPCC.


The number of children getting a criminal record in Dorset is above the national average.  Statistics show a rate of 350 young people per 100,000 entered the youth justice system in the county for the first-time last year.  That compares with averages of less than 250 both nationally and regionally.


Members considered a report by the Chief Executive, OPCC which updated members on the work to tackle youth offending and to reduce youth offending locally, including the role of the Dorset Combined Youth Offending Service, Safe Schools and Communities Team and the PCC’s role with these and other services.


Following a question about the figures at para 2.6 in the report and how they were calculated, the Chief Executive, OPCC advised that as part of the Government budget planning cycle all departments had been asked to model figures and this statement was reflective of where the different departments were in the budget cycle.  This was an annual process.


One member commented that he understood the difficulty of balancing young people entering the Youth Justice system and made reference to his work with local youth clubs but questioned what could be done to increase engagement with young people. The Chief Executive, OPCC highlighted the importance of the Police working carefully with its partners and that whilst from a policing perspective he was happy that policing work in a prevention space, that the Police also had an important enforcement role.


Members expressed concerns about the number of young people entering the criminal justice system and the impact of the reduction in funding in relation to youth clubs and considered if there was an opportunity to canvass for more.  The Chief Executive advised that the funding originally came from the Local Authority and it was difficult for the OPCC to step into that space.


The Vice-Chairman asked what the PCC could do locally and nationally to push the agenda forward to keep our young children who were struggling with speech or dyslexia out of the criminal justice system. The PCC advised that this was not his role to fund this, but accepted this group was vulnerable.  He stressed that the ‘getting children to school issue’ was not one for the PCC but was a societal and government issue.


The PCC thanked members for their comments but felt it would be useful to summarise where the OPCC was in relation to youth crime.  He reminded members that he was not a statutory partner and the Chief Executive’s report had highlighted a huge loss in funding in this area from partner agencies. The Local Authorities had removed funding for youth services except for those that were statutory. He undertook to present a report to members about what his office had done to try to address and scrutinise the Police and partners at the next meeting.


The Chairman suggested that the PCC wrote to all the Partners in Dorset based on this issue and on the report that had been produced by his staff; the Panel could then support this in writing.



That the PCC present a report on Youth Offending to members at their meeting on 4 February 2020.


Neighbourhood Engagement Contract

To receive a verbal briefing from the PCC.



Members received a verbal update from the PCC on the progress with the Neighbourhood Engagement Contract.


The Director of Operations, OPCC reminded members that 18 months ago the PCC undertook to introduce a neighbourhood engagement contract, with a focus on strategic engagement. The contract clearly set out what the public could expect from the Police in their area. The OPCC had put the document together and this was now available online. The Director highlighted that there were 10 minimum standards listed on the contract, and noted the importance of face to face engagement as it brought out really great value.  All 10 neighbourhood areas had now uploaded their plans to the Dorset Police website and Dorset Police had agreed that the OPCC could independently assess the plans and provide feedback. The OPCC had found that all the submitted plans were of a good standard.


One member made reference to a recent Safer Neighbourhood meeting and how he had been unable to find any advertising anywhere for it.   The Director explained what happened in different areas as a result of good communication and was hopeful good practice could be replicated in other areas.  He agreed that, in some areas, it may not be easy for members of the public to know about all the engagement opportunities available to them and that this had been fed back to the Force.


The Chairman was pleased to see this PCC led initiative had now come to fruition.




Complaints pdf icon PDF 93 KB

·         To receive the minutes from the Complaints Sub-Committee meeting held on 24 September 2019.

·         Update on complaints received in the last quarter.

·         Update on ongoing complaints.



Members received the minutes for the Complaints Sub-Committee meeting held on 24 September 2019.


The Chairman of the Complaints Sub-Committee advised members that no new complaints had been received and that there were no outstanding complaints.




Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To consider the Work Programme for the Panel.  Panel members are invited to identify and suggest topics for inclusion in the forward Work Programme.


The Panel considered its Work Programmes and noted the inclusion of the following items:-


·         Formal training for members would now take place on Wednesday 8 January 2020 due to the timing of the General Election. 

·         As a result of the election it was anticipated that the budget settlement would be received later than usual, therefore it was agreed to move the budget briefing for members to later in January. The clerk would contact members regarding dates.

·         4 February 2020 – following the precept item in the morning session, there would be an item on elderly victims of crime in the afternoon.

·         25 June 2020 – Retail Crime – Concerns have been expressed both inside and outside of parliament that more needs to be done to tackle retail crime.

·         24 September 2020, add the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and an item on future harm and protection (including Knife Crime and Serious Violence).



That the Work Programme be updated accordingly.


Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.



There were no urgent items of business.