Venue: Stour Hall - The Exchange, Old Market Hill, Sturminster Newton, DT10 1FH. View directions
No. | Item |
Election of Vice-Chairman Minutes: In the Vice-Chairman’s absence, it was proposed, seconded and agreed that Cllr V Pothecary be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the remainder of the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest Minutes: No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting. |
Public Participation Members of the public wishing to speak to the Committee on a planning application should notify the Democratic Services Officer listed on the front of this agenda. This must be done no later than two clear working days before the meeting. Please refer to the Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee. Minutes: Representations by the public to the Committee on individual planning applications are detailed below. There were no questions, petitions or deputations received on other items on this occasion. |
Planning Applications To consider the applications listed below for planning permission Minutes: Members
considered written reports submitted on planning applications as set out below. |
2/2018/0696/OUT - Land North of Enmore Court And Off New Road, Shaftesbury, Dorset PDF 281 KB Develop land by the erection of 25 No. dwellings, form vehicular accesses, parking and landscaping (Outline application to determine access) Minutes: The Planning Officer presented
the report showing Members all the relevant plans and drawings. Members were
informed that the proposal description should read: “Development of land by the
erection of 2 – 23 Units, form vehicular accesses, parking and landscaping.
(Outline application to determine access).” Members were also informed of an
additional late representation received that raised no further issues already
covered in the report. It was stated that in
conservation terms, that the proposal would lead to less than substantial harm
to the setting of the Conservation Area and the grade II listed water trough.
Great weight should be attached to the less than substantial harm. On balance, the
benefit of providing market and affordable dwellings was considered to outweigh
the identified conservation harm. Public Participation Oral representations in
objection to the application were received from Ms C MacKay (Local Resident),
Mr A Watson (Agent of Behalf of Local Residents), Ms C Langham (Local
Resident), Ms J Upton King (Shaftesbury Civic Society) and Cllr P Proctor
(Shaftesbury Town Council). Concerns were raised over the visual impact to the
landscape character of the slopes, road safety and highway issues, the lack of
infrastructure, the future loss of trees and ancient hedgerows, the lack of
viability and sustainability leading to a loss of affordable units, the lack of
footpaths from the site to the town centre, the impact on the listed trough,
and the unsuitability of the land for development. Oral representation was also
received in support of the application from Mr M Holmes (Agent for the
Applicant). He stated that the proposal was devised following thorough
assessments and addressed the shortfall of housing supply in the area. He
stated that the site was suitable and visually well contained, benefited from
good access, provided additional landscaping, and provided affordable housing.
He highlighted the detailed highways assessment improving safety for
pedestrians and providing acceptable access and parking. He felt the benefits
outweighed any harm and the development was appropriate and sustainable
preserving the character and appearance of the area. Members’ Questions and Debate Members raised concern over road
safety and the proposed pedestrian crossing. Officers stated that the point of
crossing was determined following speed surveys to ensure visibility met
national standards. There was no consideration for further traffic calming
measures as traffic generation figures provided no significant grounds for
refusal. Members felt that the proposal
would change the character of the site and impact on the landscape and the
setting of the conservation area and listed building. It was stated that the
slope policies were there for a reason and the historic nature of the town had
to be taken into account. It was felt that the impact was not outweighed by the
benefits of the proposal. Members appreciated the
affordable housing provided, but concern was also raised over the site location
being next to a spring and impacting the amount of affordable housing proposed.
Members also felt that the site was unsustainable due to the lack of safe pedestrian access ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Develop the land by residential development, 4 No. affordable dwellings, 2 No. easy access retirement bungalows, 3 No. 4 bedroom dwellings to include parking and garaging and creation of allotments, (outline application to determine layout, scale and access) Minutes: The application was withdrawn from the Agenda due to additional information being under consideration and will be heard at a future meeting of the Committee. |
2/2017/1357/OUT - Land Adjacent To Sandways Farm, New Road, Bourton, Dorset, SP8 5BQ PDF 191 KB Demolish agricultural buildings; carry out improvements to existing access points, provision of new access road and modification of existing access track. Develop land for residential purposes and a new Village Hall with associated parking (Outline Application to Determine Access) Minutes: The Planning Officer presented
the report showing Members all the relevant plans and drawings. An update sheet
highlighting further representations received was provided to Members and is
attached as an appendix to these minutes. Public Participation Oral representations in
objection to the application were received from Mr M Chapman (Trustee of
Bourton Village Hall), Ms F Gillett (Local Resident), Cllr M Withers (Bourton
Parish Council), and Cllr D Walsh (Ward Member). Concerns were raised over the
suitability of the proposed site including the distance from the main road,
lack of attractive outlook, access issues, noise issues, loss of setting, and
flooding problems. Oral representations were also
received in support of the application from Mrs C Brake (Local Resident), Ms H
Palmer (Local Resident), Mr T Bailey (Local Resident), Mr A Sturt (Local
Resident), Ms J Powell (Local Resident), and Mr D Carpendale
(Agent for the Applicant). It was stated that the site was favoured by the majority of the village, provided good access, was well
protected by trees, provided a level flat playing field, complied with
policies, had no conservation or technical objections, and had a fully
accessible location in the middle of the village. Members’ Questions and Debate Following questions raised, it
was noted that access ownership was not a consideration for the Committee and
that any comparisons to the Chaffeymoor Farm site
were also not applicable as each application had to be considered on their own
merits. Members felt that there would be
no significant or demonstrable harm from the proposal and in planning terms
there were no reasons to refuse the application. Concern was raised over the
impact on the Grade II listed building but it was
stated that this would be addressed at the reserved matters stage. Decision It was proposed by Cllr Pothecary, seconded by Cllr Lacey-Clarke and
agreed that the application be:- A.
GRANTED subject to the completion of a legal
agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as
amended) in a form to be agreed by the Legal Services Manager including the
provisions and conditions set out in the appendix to these minutes; or B.
REFUSED permission for failing to secure the
transfer of the hall if the agreement is not completed by (6 months from the date of committee) or such
extended time as agreed by the Head of Planning. |
2/2019/0077/OUT - Land At Chaffeymoor Farm, New Road, Bourton, Dorset PDF 185 KB Develop land by the erection of a village hall and 9 No. dwellings, form vehicular and pedestrian access (Outline application to determine access) Minutes: The Planning Officer presented
the report showing Members all the relevant plans and drawings. Members were
informed of further representations received that raised no further issues. Public Participation Oral representations were also
received in objection to the application from Mrs C Brake (Local Resident), Ms
H Palmer (Local Resident), Mr T Bailey (Local Resident), Mr A Sturt (Local
Resident), and Mrs Gibson (Local Resident). Concerns were raised over land
ownership issues, visual impact, the loss of views, the lack of suitable land
for development, the large footprint, and the impact on adjacent buildings. Oral representations in support
of the application were received from Cllr M Withers (Bourton Parish Council),
Mr M Chapman (Trustee of Bourton Village Hall), Ms F Gillett (Local Resident),
and Mr R Bagnall (Agent for the Applicant). It was stated that the proposal
posed no harm to amenity or the local setting and would keep any increase in
traffic outside the village. The benefits of the location were also highlighted
including the sustainability of the hall and the creation of a community hub
with the church and primary school. Members’ Questions and Debate Members were informed that any
questions of land ownership were not planning considerations for this
Committee. Members felt that the site
provided good access and parking and since it was identified in the local plan
as a suitable site, there were no further issues to raise. Decision It was proposed by Cllr Pothecary, seconded by Cllr Jones and agreed
that the application be:- A.
GRANTED subject to the completion of a legal
agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as
amended) in a form to be agreed by the Legal Services Manager including the
provisions and conditions set out in the appendix to these minutes; or B.
REFUSED permission for failing to secure the
transfer of the hall if the agreement is not completed by (6 months from the date of committee) or such
extended time as agreed by the Head of Planning. |