Agenda and minutes

Northern Area Planning Committee - Tuesday, 25th February, 2020 2.00 pm

Venue: Stour Hall - The Exchange, Old Market Hill, Sturminster Newton, DT10 1FH. View directions

Contact: Fiona King  01305 224186 Email:

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence



Apologies for absence were received from Tim Cook and Bill Pipe.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest


No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting.


Cllr Matt Hall and Cllr Jon Andrews declared an interest in the item, in respect of pre-determination regarding item 5a, Sherborne – Various Parking Traffic Regulation Orders.  The members undertook to not take part in the debate and agreed to speak as Local Members.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 229 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 21 January 2020.


The minutes of the meeting held on 21 January 2020 were confirmed and signed.


Public Participation

There will be no opportunity for Members of the public to speak on a planning application unless proper notification is given to Democratic Services no later than two clear working days before the meeting in accordance with the Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee.


Representations by the public to the Committee on individual planning applications are detailed below. There were no questions, petitions or deputations received on other items on this occasion.


Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To consider the applications listed below for planning permission


Members considered written reports submitted on planning applications as set out below.



Sherborne - Various Parking Traffic Regulation Orders pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To recommend delegation to the Portfolio Holder to approve various parking traffic regulation orders

Additional documents:


Cllrs Andrews and Hall left the table and joined members of the public in the gallery.

The Management Engineer, Highway Improvements introduced proposals for a number of parking restrictions in Sherborne.  The proposals aimed to address several parking concerns in Sherborne and in some cases increase parking for residents by removing parking restrictions that were no longer required.


Three objections out of the 15 proposals considered were received and one proposal, for Cheap Street, was withdrawn for further consultation with local businesses.  The officers’ report focused on the objection to the proposals at Fairfield Heights and Horsecastles.


Cllr Jon Andrews

Highlighted that this work had been ongoing for the past 4 years and had resulted in the making the proposals being put forward. The Fairfield issue was not just about emergency vehicles being able to get through but refuse lorries also. He also highlighted the issues in Portman Road. He felt the proposal in respect of Coldharbour tidied it up quite well. Everyone that had wanted to be involved in the proposals had been and support for the proposals had been gained from the Town and Parish Councils.


Cllr Matt Hall

He highlighted that Sherborne was a very historic town with narrow roads, and many of the residential roads had parking on both sides of the roads. There were a number of strange parking restrictions within the town. The extra parking on South Street was most welcome and needed.  He recognised that the restriction would not please everyone but felt it was a huge step forward.


Following a question from a member about the possibility of changing the time limits from 1 hour to 2 hours, the Management Engineer advised that the change in the timing was to make it easier for enforcement officers but accepted it could be a bit confusing but it did help keep the traffic moving. Following a full consultation process there no objections and if members wished to make any further changes it would mean the whole consultation process would have to be redone.


Members felt that the proposals had gone through thorough investigation and consultation and had been in the making for a long time and it would not be ideal to delay any further.


Proposed: Cllr Belinda Ridout

Seconded: Cllr Robin Legg


Decision: That the Portfolio Holder be asked to approve the proposals to introduce, formalise or amend no waiting at any time, no waiting, no loading or unloading, or limited waiting, or limited waiting except permit holder restriction in the following roads in Sherborne:-



Abbey Road


Back Lane

Portman Road (replacing previous proposals)

Cold Harbour

The Green

Digby Road

South Street

Fairfield Heights

Station Road

Higher Cheap Street




Hospital Lane




Application no. WD/D/19/002376/FUL - Burleston Farmhouse pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Installation of ground mounted solar PV array


The Planning Officer introduced the application for the installation of ground mounted solar PV array at Burleston Farmhouse.


He highlighted there were 3 amendments to the report: Condition 3 should read - S13078/03, Condition 4 to include additional text that planting shall be carried out with approved details.  In respect of CCTV, he confirmed that the installation of CCTV was not included as part of the proposed development. The solar PV array would include 66 panels in11 panel rows.  There would be a planted Dorset hedgerow to screen the panels which would be covered by Condition 4. The main planning issues – Landscape, Heritage and Amenity were highlighted by objectors.



Agent: Stefan Pitman

He highlighted that the application complied with NPFF and felt should be approved. It did not conflict with any policies or sites and was not located in a flood zone. The further screening proposed was highlighted.  The concern about road safety was not recognised by the Highways Authority and the development was in line with the green energy policies of Dorset Council.  


Applicant: Mr Mason

Members were advised that he had built the house in 2001 and was now in a position now to install the solar units.  The house was 3 times the size of a normal family house. Efficiency was what the application was all about.  He runs 4 businesses from the farmhouse and when the technology was in place he also aimed to have battery storage.


One member sought clarification regarding the time limit of Condition 4 and the Senior Planning Officer felt that a longer condition requiring several years could be put in place.  He suggested wording to the effect that as long as the solar array was there the hedging should be maintained, to which members agreed.


In respect of Condition 5 one member questioned the ‘no longer functioning’ comment and it was felt this referred to when they were no longer used rather than when they were not working.  The condition was reworded to read the solar PV array hereby approved, when no longer required or no longer functioning shall be removed from the land.


Following a discussion about the access onto the highway, the Senior Planning Officer advised that the requirement of a track would require planning permission and this was not part of this application.


Proposed: Cllr Les Fry

Seconded: Cllr Jon Andrews


Decision: That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the Annex attached to these minutes.


Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972

The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.


The following items of business were considered by the Chairman as urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972.  These items had always been planning to come to this meeting.  However, the items were considered to be urgent as there were IT issues on Monday 17 February 2020 which meant it was not possible for them to be included on agenda published on 17 February 2020.  It did not seem equitable to delay consideration of the applications simply because of the Council’s IT issues and so exceptionally these are being reported as urgent items.


Land at Nyali, Tin Pot Lane, Blandford Forum pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Application Number: 2/2018/0379/OUT

Develop the land by the erection of 28no. dwellings including a Local Area of Play, surface water attenuation feature and highway improvements to Tin Pot Lane (outline application to determine access and layout).


The Area Lead Senior Planning Officer started by introducing these two proposals for development both of which would be accessed off Tin Pot Lane.  In addition to issues relating to the Lane, both had mature trees that would be affected by the proposed development. The sites were on the Cranborne Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and would be affected by the Blandford Industrial Estate immediately to the south of the Lane.  These sites were not selected in the Blandford Neighbourhood Plan for potential housing.  In respect of the landfill situation this could potentially be overcome as there was always an engineering solution.


He also highlighted that Tin Pot Lane had no record of accidents and was fit for the purpose of providing access to the Clump Farm Industrial estate which had no prospect of expanding.  It was only the proposal of additional traffic on the Lane that required the improvements being proposed in these two applications.


Application Number: 2/2018/0379/OUT

The proposal was to develop the land by the erection of 28no. dwellings including a Local Area of Play, surface water attenuation feature and highway improvements to Tin Pot Lane. 


It was considered to be a high density development that would have a cramped layout.  Three storey houses were required along the south-eastern boundary to prevent noise disturbance as set out in the applicant’s noise assessment.  This also would require all windows on this elevation to be fixed shut.


A quote from the Tree Officer regarding the two sites was read out to members.


The Area Lead Officer concluded by saying that in the Planning Balance exercise it was considered that the detrimental impact to the environment was so great a to outweigh any social or economic benefits from the scheme.


The Highways Authority noted that there were no safety issues on Tin Pot Lane to require it to be upgraded, it served its purpose to require access to the units. The proposed upgrades did not include any more laybys or pull ups.


The Highways Officer advised that Tin Pot Lane was a light traffic road serving a relatively small industrial estate and access into the site could be secured.  He felt they could accept the plan on highways matters.  It was highlighted that without the proposed houses Tin Pot Lane would not need to be improved. There was no scheme within Dorset Council to carry out any improvements to Tin Pot Lane.



Traci Hanford, on behalf of the businesses on the Clump Industrial Estate

Ms Hanford was a former district councillor for the area, and the proposed development had always had her full support.  She read out a couple of letters from local businesses on the Clump Farm Industrial Estate who had support for the application. She highlighted the state of the lane and a number of potential misses in respect of accidents.  Dog walks on a narrow lane were also highlighted. There was support from local businesses and members of the public, they needed the road to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 91.


Land at Nyali, Tin Pot Lane, Blandford Forum pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Application Number: 2/2018/0381/OUT

Develop the land by the erection of 15no. dwellings and 2no. Class B1 units, carry out surface water attenuation feature and highway improvements to Tin Pot Lane (outline application to determine access and layout).


Application Number: 2/2018/03181/OUT

The Area Lead Officer introduced the proposal to develop the land by the erection of 15no. dwellings and 2no. Class B1 units, carry out surface water attenuation feature and highway improvements to Tin Pot Lane. He also highlighted that this site was notably higher to the rad level of the lane as it was a landfill site in the past.  This would result in buildings being more conspicuous in the landscape.


This site was heavily influenced by the number of trees on the boundaries.  As such, it was considered that the net developable area wold result in a high density development that would have a cramped layout.  There was also a poor relationship between the dwellings and 2no. Class B1 units.  Again, three storey houses were required along the south-eastern boundary to prevent noise disturbance as set out in the applicant’s noise assessment.  This also would require all windows on this elevation to be fixed shut.


The quote from the Tree Officer was highlighted regarding the likely loss of trees.


The Area Lead Officer concluded by saying that in the Planning Balance exercise it was considered that the detrimental impact to the environment was so great as to outweigh any social or economic benefits from the scheme.


One member made reference to the raised kerb and felt this was dependent on height and would deter vehicles from mounting the kerbs.


Cllr Legg was particularly concerned about the height of the buildings.  He felt this site would be exceptionally prominent and highly intrusive to the AONB.


The Vice- Chairman was concerned about the loss of habitat and vegetation.


Proposed: Cllr Robin Legg

Seconded: Cllr Belinda Ridout


Decision: Accept the Officer recommendation to refuse planning permission.


Exempt Business

To move the exclusion of the press and the public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended)

The public and the press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is considered.


There were no exempt items of business.