Venue: Council Chamber, Westport House, Worgret Road, Wareham, BH20 4PP. View directions
Contact: Elaine Tibble 01305 838223 - Email:
No. | Item |
Election of Vice Chair for the meeting Minutes: Proposed by Cllr Coombs,
seconded by Cllr Trite. Decision:
that Cllr Brooks be appointed Vice Chair for the duration of the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest Minutes: No declarations of
disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting. |
Development of 9 affordable dwellings and associated access onto Pardys Hill. Outline application with all matters reserved. As amended by plans received 7/11/2018 Minutes: The report detailing an
outline application for a development of 9 affordable dwellings and associated
access onto Pardy’s Hill with all matters reserved
was presented by the Senior Planning Officer. He verbally reported the
contents of the Update Sheet which had been circulated prior to the committee
meeting. An application for the site
had previously been submitted for 12 dwellings and subsequently refused in
2017, on appeal the Inspector dismissed the appeal and the reasons were incorporated
within the report. The revised
application for 9 new homes was considered acceptable as there had been a 25%
reduction in the number of dwellings and the reasons for the previous refusal
had been addressed, the smaller application area was considered appropriate for
the Green Belt area. Oral representation in
opposition to the application was received from Mr J Goddard, Mr R Lee and Cllr
D Sowry-House on behalf of Corfe Mullen Parish
Council. Their main concerns focussed on
the site not being in a sustainable area which would necessitate the ownership
of cars as public transport in the area was poor. They also voiced opposition to building on
the Green Belt. Mr R Henshaw the Agent and Mr
K Hodder the Applicant both addressed the committee in support of the
application. In response to speaker
comments the Development Management Manager addressed the committee. Although the application site was not the
best location for affordable housing, the Appeal Inspector was clear that the
site met the exception requirements and this had not been a reason for
refusal. Recommended conditions had
been included to ensure that the flood risk was suitably dealt with and she
urged the committee members to approve the development. To clarify the Parish Council’s
comments that they were in the process of investigating alternative sites for
affordable housing, the Development
Management Manager reported that there had been no affordable housing delivered
in the area for c15 years, the application before committee now was policy
compliant and should be determined in accordance with the Local Plan and the
Inspector’s decision. Members did have some
concerns about the location, access to local amenities and flooding, however
they accepted that the Appeal Inspector had not specified these as reasons to
refuse the application. Proposed by Cllr Dyer,
seconded by Cllr Cook Decision: that the application be delegated to the Development Management Manager to grant subject to the successful completion of a S106 Legal
Agreement to secure; 1.
All the dwellings
to be affordable in perpetuity and
to meet the NPPF’s definitions of social-rented and
low-cost housing 2.
Strategic Access Management and Monitoring contribution in relation to mitigation for
the proposal’s impact on Heathland Sites of Special
Scientific Interest. And the conditions outlined
in the appendix to these minutes. Or If a Section 106 Legal
agreement and other information set out below are not secured by 30th
July 2019, Refuse planning permission as the proposal would:
3/19/0667/FUL - Barrington Centre, Penny's Walk, Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 9TH PDF 84 KB External
works to the community centre: A. Sails B. Accessible
slope & steps to restaurant C. Pavement
modification at restaurant extension (All related to Application No. 3/18/3538) Minutes: The Principal Planning
Officer presented the application which had been called to the Planning
Committee in line with the Council’s Constitution as it was an application
submitted on behalf of the Council. The
proposal sought approval to provide posts and sails of coloured material
adjacent to the entrance and restaurant, an accessible slope and steps for
access to the restaurant door together with modifications to the pavement to
the east of the Barrington Centre to wrap the works around the permitted restaurant
extension. Members did not raise any
concerns with the proposal. It was noted
that additional landscaping in the area would be welcomed but approval was
proposed. Proposed by Cllr Cook,
seconded by Cllr Morgan. Decision; that approval be granted subject to the
conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes. |
To inform Members of notified appeals and appeal decisions and to take them into account as a material consideration in the Planning Committee’s future decisions. Minutes: The Development Management Manager presented a summary of notified appeals and appeal decisions for members to take into account as material considerations in the Planning Committee’s future decisions. |