Agenda and minutes

Eastern Area Planning Committee - Wednesday, 2nd December, 2020 10.00 am

Venue: MS Teams live event/ Virtual

Contact: David Northover  01305 224175 - Email:


No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence



Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Julie Robinson and Bill Trite.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest


No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting.



Public Participation pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Members of the public wishing to speak to the Committee on a planning application should notify the Democratic Services Officer listed on the front of this agenda. This must be done no later than two clear working days before the meeting. Please refer to the Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee.


Representations by the public to the Committee on individual planning applications are detailed below. There were no questions, petitions or deputations received on other items on this occasion.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 137 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 28 October 2020 – attached.


The minutes of the meeting held on 28 October 2020 was confirmed and would be signed as soon as was practicable.


Planning Applications

To consider the applications listed below for planning permission


Members considered written reports submitted on planning applications as set out below.


Application No: 6/2020/0334 - 73 West Street, Bere Regis pdf icon PDF 365 KB

To consider a report by the Head of Planning.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered an application - 6/2020/0334 – which proposed to demolish a workshop, sever a plot and erect a dwelling at 73 West Street, Bere Regis.


In severing the plot of 73 West Street, a new plot would be created on the northern half of the site that would front, and be accessed by, Tower Hill to the north of, and running parallel with, West Street. The development would remove the existing workshop outbuilding and replace it with a part ground floor and part underground (lower ground) one bedroom dwelling. At ground floor level, the new dwelling would be a basic structure of similar size, design and external appearance to the existing outbuilding.


The planning history of the site was drawn to the Committee’s attention in that a previous planning application - 6/2020/0103 - was refused permission in May 2020 on the basis that it would appear cramped in its appearance on a narrow and constrained plot, with limited private amenity space and loss of rear access to 73 West Street, to the detriment of the prevailing rural lane character of the area and the amenity of future occupiers of the proposed property and the parent property of 73 West Street. The size, height and mass of the dwelling was considered to have resulted in significant dominance and enclosure to the street scene and the dwelling did not integrate well in relation to neighbouring properties and the character of Bere Regis.


However, this new application had largely addressed those considerations and, in particular, issues about highway management and parking needs, drainage and ground stability had all been assessed and met, or would meet, the necessary building controls and regulations and relevant planning requirements, as appropriate. 


With the aid of a visual presentation, officers provided context of what the

main proposals, principles and planning issues of the development were; how

these were to be progressed; how the construction would be undertaken and by what means and the phasing of how this would be done; how the development would contribute towards housing need in the village; and what this entailed. The presentation focused on not only what the development entailed and its detailed design and construction, but what effect it would have on residential amenity and the character the area. There was provision in the NPPF for a windfall side such as this to be developed in accordance with the local plans and policies which governed such.


Plans and photographs provided an illustration of the location, orientation,

dimensions – form, bulk, size and mass - and appearance of the development

and how , in particular, it would be constructed and by what innovative means this would be done, along with its ground floor plans; how it would look; proposed street scenes; the materials to be used; access, parking and highway considerations; the characteristics and topography of the site and its setting within that  part of Bere Regis, it’s Conservation Area and the wider landscape – particularly within the Dorset Area of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 152.


Application No: 3/19/0862/FUL - Change/ Added of use of family centre into residential care facility and office space at Hayeswood County First School, Colehill pdf icon PDF 200 KB

To consider a report by the Head of Planning.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered application 3/19/0862/FUL for a change of and an added of use of a family centre (D1) into a residential care facility and office space (mixed C3/D1) at Hayeswood County First School, Colehill to provide permanent care for looked after children. The application was being considered by the Committee as it was a Dorset Council application, being obliged to do so rather than it being determined under delegated authority.


With the aid of a visual presentation, officers provided context of what the main proposals, principles and planning issues of the development were; how

these were to be progressed; how the proposal would meet the need of providing such a facility for the accommodation of children in residential care; and what this entailed.


Plans and photographs provided an illustration of the location and appearance of the development – with its external appearance would be remaining the same – but with interior modification to meet the needs of that facility; access, parking and highway considerations; its relationship with local amenity and neighbouring residencies and its setting within Colehill and the wider landscape. The arrangements for the habitation of the facility and how the office area would be managed was described.


In summary, officers planning assessment adjudged that the merits of the application were that it was an acceptable use within an urban area; would not harm the amenity of occupants of adjacent dwellings or school nor have an adverse impact on road safety; access and on-site parking provision was acceptable and there were no other material considerations which would warrant refusal of this application and this formed the basis of the officer’s recommendation in seeking approval of the application.


Formal consultation had seen Colehill Parish Council support the application and no objections had been received to it.  


The opportunity was given for members to ask questions of the presentation

and what they had heard, in seeking clarification of aspects so as to have a

better understanding in coming to a decision. Officers addressed what questions were raised, providing what they considered to be satisfactory answers.


The Committee wholly endorsed the principle of the proposal and what it was designed to achieve - in providing a much needed facility and accommodation for those children who were in need of that service.  


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application, having

understood what was being proposed and the reasoning for this; having taken

into account the officer’s report and presentation, what they had heard at the meeting, and having received satisfactory answers to questions raised, the Committee were satisfied in their understanding of what the proposal entailed and the reasoning for this and, on that basis - in being proposed by Councillor Robin Cook and seconded by Councillor David Tooke - on being put to the vote, the Committee agreed unanimously that the application should be approved, subject to the conditions set out in the paragraph of the report relating to this.



That planning permission for application  ...  view the full minutes text for item 153.


Application No: 3/19/2378/FUL - Change of Use and Conversion of Four Existing Agricultural Buildings to form 9 dwelling houses, works and alterations to other outbuildings and associated landscaping and demolition of redundant buildings at Grange Farm, Colehill, Wimborne pdf icon PDF 663 KB

To consider a report by the Head of Planning.

Additional documents:


The Committee were informed that application 3/19/2378/FUL for the change of use and conversion of four existing agricultural buildings to form 9 dwelling houses, works and alterations to other outbuildings and associated landscaping and demolition of redundant buildings at Grange Farm, Grange, Colehill, Wimborne was being recommended by officers to be deferred on the grounds that third party representations received since the Chairman’s briefing – on Monday 30 November - had presented information about the alignment of the access track which could have implications for the lawfulness of the access on which the proposal relies. This information required further investigation so that the officer report might be amended to fully inform Members and give the opportunity for any relevant representations to be made.


In understanding and acknowledging the reason given, the Chairman – on behalf of the Committee - agreed that application 3/19/2378/FUL should be deferred, to be considered at the earliest opportunity.



Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972

The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.


There were no urgent items of business for consideration at the meeting.


Public Participation - Submission




Jackie Ahern


 We would like to OBJECT to this application for the following reasons: 

1) It is not included in the Bere Regis Neighbourhood Plan. The Bere Regis Neighbourhood Plan was extensively consulted on in 2019 and a village referendum was held. The Plan was approved and we believe that in June 2019 Dorset County Council released a Press release congratulating Bere Regis on its Neighbourhood Plan. The Plan allows for 105 new houses to be built in Bere Regis, the location for these being set out in the Plan. ​The Neighbourhood plan allows for 2/3 houses to be built a little bit further up Tower Hill, so if they go ahead, and this application is granted, there could be a significant increase in traffic in this conservation area.

2) The revised plans for 73 West Street, now put the bulk of the proposed development underground, but there is no reference to any structural/engineering survey to indicate that this is safe. Is there any chance of causing subsidence to adjacent properties and gardens? Is there a risk to local water supplies and drainage? Is there a risk of land slippage? ​We do however note that any grant of planning permission will be subject to ground surveys etc.

3) The application makes no reference to the impact on our property, Woodbury Cottage, 74 West Street, Bere Regis. Woodbury Cottage has access to Tower Hill via the back of the property, where it has two off road parking spaces, one of them directly adjacent to the proposed new dwelling. Meadow View Barn has one off road parking space. It is difficult to imagine how the proposed dwelling can be constructed without intrusion onto land belonging to Woodbury Cottage. ​Note, one of our off road parking spaces is directly adjacent to the existing black workshop. 

4) The proposed new dwelling has one double bedroom and an office/study (second bedroom?) However, it only allows for one parking space. It is not unreasonable to assume that any tenants/owners will have more than one vehicle. Where will they park? Bere Regis already has a known traffic and parking problem. Vehicles already park on the corner of Tower Hill and Butt Lane, causing larger vehicles to mount the curb and damage the bank.