Agenda and minutes

MS Teams Live Event /Virtual, Eastern Area Planning Committee - Wednesday, 9th February, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: MS Teams Live Event /Virtual

Contact: David Northover  01305 224175 - Email:

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence



An apology for absence was received from Councillor David Tooke.


Declarations of Interest

To disclose any pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interests as set out in the adopted Code of Conduct. In making their decision councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they propose to take as part of their declaration.


If required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.




No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting.


Cllr Bill Trite declared that as he had been seen to predetermine the application - in respect of minute 242 - in views he had expressed at a Swanage Town Council meeting, he would speak solely as local member in respect of minute 252, but take no part in the vote.



To receive and note the minutes of the meeting held on 5 January 2022, to be included with any Update Sheet, Speaker’s List and Written Representations, as necessary. These minutes can be formally confirmed at the next meeting - which is scheduled to be held ‘in person’ at the Allendale Centre, on 9 March 2022.


The minutes of the meeting held on 5 January 2022 were noted.


Public Participation pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Members of the public wishing to speak to the Committee on a planning application should notify the Democratic Services Officer listed on the front of this agenda. This must be done no later than two clear working days before the meeting. Please refer to the Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee.


Representations by the public to the Committee on individual planning applications are detailed below. There were no questions, petitions or deputations received on other items on this occasion.


SEC/2020/0001 - To modify a Planning Obligation for planning permission 6/2018/0493 (Demolish temporary classrooms and outbuildings and convert existing remaining buildings to form 10 dwellings and erect 20 new dwellings with parking and landscaping, removal of existing raised water tank and to remove the requirement for affordable housing at the former St Marys School, Manor Road, Swanage pdf icon PDF 514 KB

To consider a report by the Head of Planning.



The Committee considered application SEC/2020/0001: to modify a Planning Obligation for planning permission 6/2018/0493 (Demolish temporary classrooms and outbuildings and convert existing remaining buildings to form 10 dwellings and erect 20 new dwellings with parking and landscaping, removal of existing raised water tank and to remove the requirement for affordable housing at the former St Marys School, Manor Road, Swanage.


Consideration of the application had been deferred by Committee at their meeting on 5 January 2022 to allow further negotiations on the viability of the scheme with the applicant, to include an assessment of land values and building costs. This was designed to give members a better understanding of the grounds for consideration of the application and so that some means could be achieved for the obligation to be maintained, at least to some extent, that was in the interests of and to the satisfaction of all. Modifications to the report presented to Committee on 5 January were highlighted in bold in the report.


With the aid of a visual presentation, and taking account the detail in the report, officers provided context of what the main proposals, principles and planning issues of the application were; how these were to be progressed; and what this entailed.


For context, plans and photographs provided an illustration of the location, orientation, dimensions and appearance of the development and of the individual properties; access and highway considerations; the characteristics and topography of the site and views into the site and around it; environmental designation considerations; what groundworks would be necessary in managing this “brownfield” site to an acceptable standard for development; drainage and water management considerations; the means of landscaping and screening; the development’s setting within that part of Swanage and that it was sited within the Swanage Conservation Area and the Dorset AONB.


Critically the reasons why the applicant now considered to be unable to fulfil the originally planning obligations in providing 11 affordable housing elements were emphasised, all of which provided a satisfactory understanding of all that was necessary.


The basis for the application was explained by officers in that the applicant did not now consider able to fulfil the original planning obligations – in providing affordable housing on as part of the development - given their assessment of commitments required to deliver the development. Given this, they maintained that the scheme would not be viable should this obligation be retained. Based on the evidence provided by the applicant - which had been corroborated by the District Valuer in their independent assessment of the viability of the scheme – the application had been submitted.


For members understanding officers set out the particular reason for the application in that:-


“The applicant had applied to remove the S106 legal agreement that required the provision of 11 affordable housing units as part of the development. In this instance, Policy AH of the Purbeck Local Plan allowed for development of 100% open market housing where it could be satisfactorily demonstrated that a scheme with affordable housing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 252.


6/2018/0566 - Redevelopment of existing hotel to provide new tourist accommodation including 30 bedroom hotel, apartments & villa accommodation, associated leisure & dining facilities (Environmental Impact Assessment development) at Knoll House Hotel Ltd, Knoll House Hotel, Ferry Road, Studland, Swanage, pdf icon PDF 466 KB

To consider a report by the Head of Planning.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered application 6/2018/0566 for the redevelopment of existing hotel to provide new tourist accommodation including 30 bedroom hotel, apartments & villa accommodation, associated leisure & dining facilities (Environmental Impact Assessment development) at Knoll House Hotel Ltd, Knoll House Hotel, Ferry Road, Studland, Swanage.


With the aid of a visual presentation, and taking account the detail in the report, officers provided context of what the main proposals, principles and planning issues of the application were; how these were to be progressed; and what this entailed.


The development would generate a £60 million investment in the site, create some 230 jobs and, because all staff accommodation from the site was to be removed, offered an electric shuttle bus service to bring staff to and from work.


For context, plans and photographs provided an illustration of the location, composition, dimensions and appearance of the development and of the individual accommodation units - and their proportion - that would make up the overall hotel complex; what leisure facilities and amenities there would be, access and highway considerations; the characteristics and topography of the site and views into the site and around it; environmental designation considerations; what demolition would take place and what groundworks would be necessary in managing this “brownfield” site to an acceptable standard for development; drainage and water management considerations; the means of landscaping and screening; the development’s setting within that part of Studland and what constraints governed how the site should be managed and could be developed.


These constraints in developing this site were significant, being:-

·        within the Site of Specific Scientific interest, Special Protection Area, Special Area of Conservation, Ramsar site

·        within the Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)

·        adjacent to Heathland Consultation Area

·        adjacent to the Dorset Heritage Coast

·        adjacent to UNESCO World Heritage site Jurassic Coast

·        surrounded by National Trust owned land


all of which played a significant part in the assessment of considerations for the officer’s recommendation.


Whilst the development would remain within the footprint of the existing development, there would be a significant change in appearance in terms of an increase in mass, bulk and dimensions which was considered to significantly impact on the adjacent environmental designations and in particular, the heathland.


Given all this, the proposal - by reason of its scale, massing and impact on environmental designations - was considered to be a major development within the AONB and the tests - as specified in the NPPF - had not been fully satisfied. However, the applicant was of the view that the development did not constitute a major development.


In addition, Natural England were unable to confirm that the proposals would not adversely affect the integrity upon international and European designated sites (Ramsar, SPA, SAC). Whilst mitigation measures had been suggested, there was no guarantee that these could be implemented satisfactorily.


Whilst it was acknowledged that the development would have substantial local economic benefits, given that it had been assessed as being major development within the Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB);  ...  view the full minutes text for item 253.


6/2021/0204 - Demolition of single storey classroom building and construction of replacement two storey classroom building at Lytchett Minster School, Lytchett Minster, Dorset pdf icon PDF 156 KB

To consider a report by the Head of Planning.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered application 6/2021/0204 - Demolition of single storey classroom building and construction of replacement two storey classroom building at Lytchett Minster School, Lytchett Minster.


The application was obliged to be considered by Committee as it was an application on behalf of Dorset Council.


With the aid of a visual presentation, and taking account the detail in the report, officers provided context of what the main proposals, principles and planning issues of the application were; how these were to be progressed; and what this entailed.


For context, plans and photographs provided an illustration of the development and its appearance and characteristics; what demolition would take place and what groundworks would be necessary in managing this “brownfield” site to an acceptable standard for development; the topography of the site and views into the site and around it; environmental considerations; drainage and water management considerations; the means of landscaping and screening; the development’s setting within that part of Lytchett Minster and what constraints governed how the site should be managed and could be developed as it was situation in the Conservation Area and the Green Belt.


Officers considered the proposal to be acceptable in principle within the countryside and Green Belt; scale, design and impact on the character and appearance of the area; impact on heritage assets; and, impacts on neighbouring amenity and protected trees. The proposal would also provide public benefit. It was therefore considered to be sustainable development for the purposes of NPPF paragraph 11.


Lytchett Matravers and Upton Ward Councillors considered the replacement would be an improvement to the appearance of the site and Lytchett Minister and Upton Town Council had no objection to the application.


The Committee understood the need for this development but asked that sufficient ventilation of the classrooms be stipulated in any conditions, as necessary. They also asked that the timber cladding used be compatible with that which was used on adjacent buildings.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an

understanding of all this entailed; having taken into account the officer’s report and presentation; the written representations; and what they had heard at the meeting, in being proposed by Councillor Barry Goringe and seconded by Councillor Alex Brenton (one of the three local Ward members), on being put to the vote, the Committee agreed unanimously - 10:0 - to be ‘minded to’ approve the application, subject to the conditions – to include an addition condition about ventilation of the windows -  and informative notes set out in paragraph 17 to the report.


The Head of Planning, having considered the representations and the officer’s presentation and having taken into account the views of the committee, made the following decision under delegated authority.


Decision of the Head of Planning: That the application be approved on the basis of the report and presentation and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Section 17 of the report – to include the additional condition:-


·        Before the building is brought into  ...  view the full minutes text for item 254.


Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972

The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.


There were no urgent items for consideration.



Written Submissions



Written Representations for applications to be considered by the Eastern Area Planning Committee – 9 February 2022






Warren Sellers


I sincerely request a gift of your time to read this letter before the next meeting of the Eastern Area Planning Committee of Dorset Council regarding the Agenda item viz:   SEC/2020/0001  To modify Planning Obligation for planning permission 6/2018/ remove the requirement for Affordable Housing (AH) at the former St Mary’s School, Manor Road, Swanage.

Please reconsider the urgent need for an increase in Affordable Housing in Swanage and restore the requirement for AH in application  6/2018/0483.  I am seriously alarmed to read in your minutes of 5th January 2022 that Officers of the Council have thus far rejected the pleas of Swanage Councillors and others to include the Obligation as a condition of planning.

It is not too late to politely set aside the previous decision to accept the District Valuers’ recommendation to remove this Obligation and so finding in favour of owner, Trustees and the developer,  of the land instead of the future owners of the dwellings proposed, especially those who hope to purchase AH.

If the trustees and the developer will not produce an alternative financial statement of their individual needs in favour of the original proposal to include  a proportion of AH, your action as a member of the Area Committee to restore this Obligation at your next meeting will give opportunity for other developers to have more time to present their proposals to the trustees, however long that procedure may take.

Please do not lose this chance to restore the hope of more Affordable Housing.
Our Grammar School in Swanage closed its doors for pupils in 1974.  In 2021 proposals were announced for the building of 90 dwellings, 60 for the open market and 30 AH on that school site to the delight of many, some also breathing a happy sigh of relief after more than 45 years of effort from planners, councillors, constructors and members of the community.  This site in Manor Road may be more complicated and smaller in size. It is obviously worth taking more time to reflect on the personal needs of owners, trustees, developers and future Swanage occupiers.

I am also aware that allowing the removal of this Obligation will severely affect every community in the area of Dorset Council where there are hopes for more AH.
I hope each Councillor will read again the pleas of Swanage Councillors who have already spoken so firmly about our local need for AH.





Colin Brixton


The development within the town is also within the AONB, where development is allowed as an exception, subject to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 256.