Agenda and minutes

Eastern Area Planning Committee - Wednesday, 5th October, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: The Allendale Centre, Hanham Road, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1AS

Contact: David Northover  01305 224175 - Email:


No. Item


Chairman's Introduction and acknowledgement of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the Succession of King Charles III


The Chairman took the opportunity for introductions and the Committee acknowledged the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the succession of King Charles III and would have the opportunity to acknowledge this further at the next Full Council meeting.



To receive any apologies for absence



Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Mike Barron and Julie Robinson.



Declarations of Interest

To disclose any pecuniary, other registrable or personal interest as set out in the adopted Code of Conduct.  In making their decision councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they propose to take as part of their declaration.


If required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.



No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 247 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2022.


The minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2022 were confirmed and signed.


Public Participation pdf icon PDF 158 KB

Members of the public wishing to speak to the Committee on a planning application should notify the Democratic Services Officer listed on the front of this agenda. This must be done no later than two clear working days before the meeting.


The deadline for notifying a request to speak is 8.30am on Monday 3 October 2022.

Please refer to Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee attached.




Representations by the public to the Committee on individual planning applications are detailed below. There were no questions, petitions or deputations received on other items on this occasion.


P/VOC/2022/01598 - To vary condition 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 and 19 of PA 3/21/1556/FUL (Redevelopment of Wimborne Market to continuing care community comprising of 67 age restricted apartments, 26 age restricted bungalows, 6 age restricted chalet bungalows, one wellness centre, 9 open market houses, parking , highway improvements and pedestrian link (description amended 24.09.2021 as agreed to include dwelling numbers)) to allow for:- amend incorrect plans - include phasing plan - rewording of pre-occupation conditions to refer to phasing at Wimborne Market Station Terrace Wimborne Minster pdf icon PDF 437 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered application P/VOC/2022/01598; to vary condition 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 and 19 of PA 3/21/1556/FUL (Redevelopment of Wimborne Market to continuing care community comprising of 67 age restricted apartments, 26 age restricted bungalows, 6 age restricted chalet bungalows, one wellness centre, 9 open market houses, parking , highway improvements and pedestrian link (description amended 24.09.2021 as agreed to include dwelling numbers)) to allow for: amend incorrect plans - include phasing plan - rewording of pre-commencement conditions to refer to phasing at Wimborne Market, Station Terrace, Wimborne Minster.


This application had been deferred from the July Committee meeting on the basis that members required more information about construction traffic routing through the town and how the phasing of the development would be readily achieved before they could come to a decision. Given this, the usual practice would be for the Committee to now just be asked to consider those deferred matters. However, given the attendance rate at the meeting in July and so as to ensure a decision could be taken by those at this meeting, officers, after consultation with the Chairman, agreed to present the application again in full.


With the aid of a visual presentation, and taking account the detail in the report, officers provided context of what the main proposals, principles and planning issues of the development were; how these were to be progressed; and what this entailed. The presentation focused on not only what the development entailed, but what effect it would have on residential amenity, the highway network and the character the area, taking into account the policies against which this application was being assessed.


Officers provided an illustrative summary of the location and appearance of the development and what it would entail in terms of its characteristics; its construction phasing; access and highway considerations; environmental considerations; drainage and water management considerations and its setting within that part of Wimborne Minster and the wider landscape. Viability, flooding, heathland mitigation and affordable housing issues were all given particular consideration. Views into the site and around it was shown, which provided a satisfactory understanding of all that was necessary. What contributions were to be secured through Section 106 legal agreement were also detailed.


Officers showed the development’s relationship with other adjacent residential

development, with the characteristics, topography and elevations of the site being shown. Views into the site and around it was shown, which provided a satisfactory understanding of all that was necessary to assess the application.

The planning history of the site was outlined – it having previously been the town’s market place.


The proposal was to vary conditions:-

·        2 (approved plans plans),

·        3 (access

·        4 (turning and parking),

·        6 (biodiversity mitigation),

·        9 (landscaping),

·        19 (acoustic fence).


What assessment had been made in the officers coming to their recommendation were drawn to the attention of the Committee. The reasoning for why this had been assessed to be necessary was explained: in how it was to be delivered - to only provide for the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 297.


Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972

The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.


There was no urgent business for consideration.