Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. View directions
Contact: Joshua Kennedy 01305 224710
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies
for absence were received from Cllrs Bolwell, Kimber, Shortell and Worth. Cllr
Kimber attended the meeting online but did not take part in the proceedings. Cllr
Ridout attended as a substitute for Cllr Shortell. |
Declarations of Interest To disclose any pecuniary, other registerable or non-registrable interest as set out in the adopted Code of Conduct. In making their disclosure councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they propose to take as part of their declaration. If required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting. Minutes: Cllr O’Leary declared a
disclosable pecuniary interest in item 5b because he knew the owner of the
land, he left the room for the duration of that item. Cllr Williams declared that she
was unable to fully view the application site of item 5a during an independent
site visit and withdrew from the meeting during consideration of the item. Cllr Cocking declared that
she had been able to conduct a site visit independently and would take part in
the debate and vote for item 5a. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7th September 2023. Minutes: The
minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2023 were confirmed and signed. |
Registration for public speaking and statements Members of the public wishing to speak to the Committee on a planning application should notify the Democratic Services Officer listed on the front of this agenda. This must be done no later than two clear working days before the meeting. Please refer to the Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee. Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee. The deadline for notifying a request to speak is 8.30am on Tuesday 17th October 2023. Minutes: Representations by the public to the Committee on individual planning applications are detailed below. There were no questions, petitions or deputations received on other items on this occasion |
Planning Applications To consider the applications listed below for planning permission Minutes: Members considered written reports submitted on
planning applications as set out below. |
Application P/FUL/2023/00384 Highlands End Holiday Park, Highlands End, Eype, DT6 6AR PDF 225 KB Installation 300 ground mounted photovoltaic (Solar Panels) to provide carbon free electricity for Park. Minutes: Cllrs Dunseith, Wheller, Ireland, Pipe and Clayton had attended the site visit to the application site and Cllr Cocking had done so independently and so were all able to participate in the deliberation of this item. Cllrs Ridout, O’Leary and Wheller did not participate in this item. The Senior Planning Officer presented the application for
the installation of 300 ground mounted
photovoltaic panels to provide carbon free electricity for a holiday park. This
application had been deferred at the September meeting to allow members
undertake a site visit. The location of the
application site was shown to members and the nearby footpaths and bridleways
were outlined on the map. The application site fell within the Dorset AONB, the
Eype Conservation area and
the West Dorset Heritage Coast designation area. The application
consisted of 300 photovoltaic panels, which would provide 298 mWh of renewable electricity per year for the nearby
holiday park. Members were also shown the proposed landscaping plan, which
included hedging along the boundaries of the site and orchard planting. The Senior Planning
Officer explained that the provision of renewable energy was supported by
policies in both local and national planning frameworks and there was not
considered to be an impact on amenity or a loss of biodiversity from the
development. The landscape
impacts of the application were highlighted to the committee. Due to the site
being located within the AONB and West Dorset Heritage Coast the proposal had
been assessed as having a detrimental impact on the surrounding landscape. The
applicant had also failed to demonstrate that there were no other alternative
sites that would have been suitable for this development that wouldn’t have the
same detrimental landscape impacts. Members were shown
photographs from the various viewpoints that were covered during the site visit
to the application site. This included views from the site, nearby footpaths and the surrounding area, to demonstrate the
visual impact of the development on the landscape. Public
representations were heard from Ms Froy, Mr Ashford
and Ms Boyze, who spoke in opposition to the
application. They stated that the development would have a harmful impact on
the surrounding landscape, in particular the nearby St Peters Church, a
non-designated heritage asset. They also expressed concern at the failure to
find another suitable site for the development and that the location of the
site would result in harm to the AONB and Eype
Conservation area. Mr Cox, the applicant, spoke in support of the application,
stating that the planting would mitigate the visual impact of the development
and the renewable energy that would be generated was a significant benefit. In response to
questions from members, the Senior Planning Officer provided the following
responses. ·
West Dorset Heritage Coast is an additional designation area that applies to
the application site, alongside the AONB and Eype
Conservation area designations. · The additional report that was submitted late, does not impact the recommendation within the report and any evidence submitted before the decision has been made should be ... view the full minutes text for item 49. |
Application P/RES/2023/03059 Land To The Rear Of 34-36A Canberra Road Weymouth PDF 191 KB Erection of 4no. dwellings (reserved matters application to determine appearance and landscaping following the grant of Outline planning permission number WP/20/00015/OUT). Minutes: The Planning
Officer presented the reserved matters application for the erection of 4
dwellings following the grant of Outline planning permission and explained that
the committee were only considering appearance and landscaping for this
application. Members were shown
a map with the location of the site outlined, as well as a site plan showing
the arrangement of the four proposed dwellings. An amended plan had been provided
by the agent, which contained additional cycle storage for each property and
improved access including ramps for two dwellings. The elevation plan
and landscaping plan was shown to members, this included planting to mitigate
the loss of trees from the construction of the development. A photograph,
showing the access to the site from an existing paved parking area was also
provided. The Planning
Officer explained that the appearance of the development would be in keeping
with the surrounding area and the landscaping proposal would offset the loss of
vegetation from clearing the existing plot of land. Members felt the
application was acceptable and posed no issues. Proposed by Cllr
Ireland and seconded by Cllr Wheller. Decision: That the
application be granted subject to conditions set out in the appendix of these
minutes. Cllr O’Leary
returned to the Council Chamber at 11:34. Cllr Wheller left
the meeting at 11:56. |
Application P/FUL/2023/01319 Bonscombe Farm Bonscombe Lane Shipton Gorge Dorset DT6 4LJ PDF 1 MB Conversion and change of use of an existing agricultural building to holiday let accommodation. Minutes: The Planning Officer presented the application for the conversion and change of use of an existing agricultural
building to holiday let accommodation. Members were shown the location of the
application site on a map and the access road to the site. An aerial view of
the site was also provided to demonstrate the remote and rural location of the
application site. It was explained that the site fell within the Dorset AONB
and the Powerstock Hills Landscape Character Area,
which was associated with tranquillity, remoteness and
dark skies. A plan of the
existing agricultural building was shown, as well as photographs of the
existing building, which was not considered to have any visual or architectural
merit. The site plan of the proposed development was also provided, showing the
holiday let and surrounding area including hard standing for parking and bin storage
and a decking area. The Planning
Officer explained the application was not considered to enhance the character
of the area and due to its isolated location it would
cause harm to the Dorset AONB, while the economic benefits were limited. It was
also questioned whether the building was suitable for conversion, due to the
poor condition of the existing building and the significant work required to
convert it into holiday accommodation. Public
representation was received from Ms Benedict, the applicant, who spoke in
favour of the application, emphasising the importance that the economic
benefits would have on the viability of the nearby farm. In addition, the local
Parish Council was in support of the development, as well as the local Ward
Member and there had been no objections to the application. Several members
felt that the application provided important economic benefits in supporting a
local business and therefore had merit, they also felt that the impact on the
AONB and surrounding area would be minimal, provided there was no external
lighting on the property. Meeting adjourned at 12:09 and
resumed at 12:26 for officers to provide conditions should the application be
approved. The Development
Management Area Manager presented the revised conditions to grant permission
for the application to members. Proposed by Cllr
Ireland and seconded by Cllr Pipe. Decision: That
authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Service Manager for
Development Management and Enforcement to grant subject to the completion of a
S106 agreement to tie the development to the agricultural holding such that
they cannot be sold separately and subject to planning conditions, the detailed
wording of which shall have been first agreed by the vice-chair (acting today
as the chairman). These conditions are
outlined in the appendix to these minutes. |
Application P/HOU/2023/03047 73 Woolcombe Road, Portland, DT5 2JA PDF 120 KB Erect single storey front extension and bike shed to the side. Minutes: The Development
Management Team Leader presented the application for the erection of a single storey front extension and
bike shed. The location of the site within Portland was shown to members on a
map of the area and the boundary of the site was highlighted. It was explained
that the application was partially retrospective, because
the shed had already been erected, however the extension had not. A photograph of the
property and existing shed was shown to members and it
was explained that a 2 meter high wall had been erected around the shed,
however this fell within permitted development and was not part of the application.
Photographs of neighbouring properties were also provided, showing similar
single storey front extensions and sheds, meaning the application would be in
keeping with the surrounding area. The application
site was within the Defined Development Boundary and the design of the
development and impact on visual amenity were considered to
be acceptable. In response to a
question from one member, the Development Management Team Leader explained that
there were no limitations on the size or construction materials of the shed and it was the committees duty to decide whether the
scale and appearance were acceptable. Proposed by Cllr
Pipe and seconded by Cllr O’Leary. Decision: That
permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the appendix to
these minutes. |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972 The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Exempt Business To move the exclusion of the press and the public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). The public and the press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is considered. There is no exempt business scheduled for this meeting. Minutes: There
was no exempt business. |