Venue: MS Teams with Outside Broadcast
Contact: David Northover, Democratic Services Officer 01305 224175 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To
receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: There were no apologies for absence received at the meeting. |
confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 2020. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 2020 were confirmed. |
Declarations of Interest To
receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of pecuniary interests. |
Public Participation To
receive any public questions or statements on the business of the Dorchester
Market Joint Informal Panel. Minutes: There was no public participation at the meeting. |
Cornhill Market arrangements To receive an update from Grant Jones of Cornhill Market on what arrangements there are for the operations, management and delivery of the market in Cornhill, Minutes: The Panel were pleased to hear from Grant Jones – on behalf
of the Cornhill market traders – about what was happening in Cornhill; how
things were being done there and what his experiences – and those of other
traders - were. Given the limitations in being able to run the market as had
been done prior to the pandemic, trade - in terms of sales, browsing and
passing trade – had all been curtailed significantly over the recent months.
Whilst this was generally understandable, every effort had continued to be made
to ensure what trade possible was maintained, with social distancing rules
being applied. Despite the hardships experience, there was still a keen
appetite for pitches when these became available, with up to 20 further
prospective traders being known of and this was being actively pursed. A
meeting between Mr Jones and officers was due to take place to discuss this and
see what might be achieved. It was hoped that more pitch sites might be able to
be identified if at all possible to accommodate the interest shown, but this could
only be achieved if practicable. Options for how this market – and Dorchester markets
generally – could remain vibrant and viable going forward were considered and
where any expansion might be able to be accommodated - i.e. the bottom of South
Street near the Cenotaph, but road width constraints; the need to take account
of competitive vendors in established shops and; access issues all being
factors for consideration. The Panel saw this as welcomed news and in recognising how popular the Cornhill market was hoped to see a resurgence in trade and interest when normality returned. They acknowledged there was a loyal and dedicated patronage of the stalls - having been located there as The Barrow – for numerous years – and saw no reason why his shouldn’t continue to thrive into the future. The Panel thanked Mr Jones for his valued contribution and
positive approach. |
To consider the Finance report. Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel
considered the current
projected outturn position for 2020/21 and were asked to agree the 2021/22
budget proposals. What the
operational issues and financial implications had been for the Dorchester Fairfield
market, the Cornhill Market, the Farmer’s market and the Car Boot, the reasons
for this and how these had been managed were described, together with what
influences there had been on the budget being presented. The total projected expenditure was
forecasted to be marginally over Budget: a potential cost of £44,118 against
a budget of £41,958. The main reason behind the slight overspend was due to
electricity costs, of which there was no specific budget, now being addressed
as part of the proposed 2021/22 budget. There was projected to be a significant
deficit on the gross income budget. Current projections indicated potential
income of £79,530, against a budget of £123,240. At
Ensor’s request, and so as to better
reflect current trading conditions at the Market and to assist Ensors with their cashflow, it had been agreed that the
monthly on account payments
received from them would be reduced from £5,000 to nil per month with immediate
effect, for the remainder of 2020/21, with payments reverting to £3,000 per
month from April 2021. From proceeds gained, the sum available for
distribution was forecast to be £79,530, against a net budget of £123,240 with
the allocation of this being: ·
Council - £46,722 (against a budget of £67,821), ·
Town Council - £25,158 (against a budget of £36,519) and ·
transfer to the Car Boot Reserve of £7,650 (against a budget of £18,900). In particular, mention was made of the condition of Fairfield’s
The Linnies and its practical application. Whilst in
a state of disrepair and with significant repair work required for the northern
Linnies in particular, the southern ones were still regularly
used on market days and for car boot sales. Although an ongoing maintenance
commitment, there were seen to serve a useful purpose and contributed to the
historic and cultural landscape of the market. In seeing the benefit of them, a
suggestion made that they might be adapted to accommodate some artisan
craftwork i.e. pottery workshop or the like, was taken on board by officers in
any discussion they had with Ensors in addressing the
practicalities of maintaining these features for such purpose. Whilst not being listed, as they were in the
Conservation Area, how they were managed would need to be addressed in that
context, with consent being necessary for any alterations. The Panel asked that
they be provided with a report – following discussions with Ensor’s – over how
The Linnies might be best managed going forward and
what considerations needed to be taken into account in
doing so. What was
happing with town centre retail and custom and significant changes to retail habits accounted for much that was being seen with the finances, as well as the part the pandemic was playing in the ability to operate the markets as beforehand and the consequent reduction ... view the full minutes text for item 20. |
Appointments to Car Boot Fund Panel To appoint to the Car Boot Fund Panel in its role in assessing and allocating proceeds to successful applicants. Minutes: The Panel
made appointments to the Car Boot Fund Panel in its role as providing the means
for assessing and allocating proceeds to successful applicants. Officers
provided a brief understand of how this Fund was managed and explained that the
composition of the Panel had historically been two members each from both
authorities i.e. these being the Chairman/ Mayor and Vice Chairman/ Deputy Mayor.
On the basis that this Panel might benefit from a more local representation it
was agreed Resolved That Dorchester
Town Councillors Molly Rennie and Susie Hosford and Dorset Councillor John Worth
be appointed to the Panel for the ensuing year. |
Administration of the Panel To receive an oral update on the provision of how, and by whom, the Panel is administrated in the future. Minutes: The Panel
were updated on the provision of how, and by whom, the Panel was
to be administrated going forward and noted that discussion was still on going
in that respect – particularly in terms of legal responsibilities and
commitment - with a recommended outcome on options being presented to the Town
Council in the first instance as soon as practicable. |
The future of Dorchester Markets PDF 111 KB To receive a report by the Town Clerk on what options there are for the future of Dorchester Markets. Minutes: The Panel considered what options there were
for the future of Dorchester markets - in terms of trading activities;
locations; popularity and footfall; access; legal and contractual commitments
and obligations; and cultural and social community considerations - with a
report from the Town Clerk facilitating this discussion and the panels
understanding. The fundamentals of the market – its
purpose, its heritage and its legacy – and what it had to offer to the town in
terms of economic, social and civic benefits together with how it had been
managed, how it was being managed and what visions there were for its future,
were all considerations. As a market town, of the County Town, it was
something of which to be rightly proud and was considered an asset in
providing an opportunity for traders, a boost for the local economy and was a
business seedbed. The Panel understood they all played their part in attracting
footfall locally and from visitors afar and acted as a means of social service
- providing value for money goods that were not necessarily able to be sourced
by other means. It was community focused, vibrant and stimulated local contact,
being adaptable in reflecting changing needs and trends. The Panel appreciated having the opportunity
to be able to review of issues considering that, as well as the economic
benefits to be gained, the social and welfare benefits of the market were of
considerable value too. Whatever options were available, it was
accepted that the markets should be invigorated so as to provide something
unique and relevant to the customer of today, to meet their expectations - were
that be more street food outlets, demonstrations or heritage exhibitions. This would go a long way to ensuring their
viability was maintained and gave a valid reason for people to
continue to visit it in the numbers previously seen. It was accepted that the
pandemic had seriously affected what could be done in the recent past, but
they saw no reason why this trend couldn’t be reversed going forward. Consideration would be given to the
differing scenarios and various options with regard to trade, performance and
management of the different market entities, in identifying and assessing how
this could be best achieved so as to serve as some basis for how the markets
could operate successfully going forward. The Panel acknowledged the benefits of what
the markets brought to Dorchester and what they each had to offer in their own
way, not only as an entity – as a means of trading goods, services and produce which might not otherwise be readily
accessible directly between suppliers and public - but their wider value and
contribution too, in attracting visitors to the town and as a social and community
asset. Moreover, in being an historic market town, the essence of maintaining a
viable and successful market was critical to the fabric and vitality of
Dorchester. Issues for consideration would be how the markets operated; how they could best adapt to ... view the full minutes text for item 23. |
Urgent Items To consider any items of
business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be
urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The
reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items for consideration at the meeting. |
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Wednesday 30 June 2021. |