Venue: MS Teams Virtual meeting with Outside Broadcasting
Contact: David Northover, Democratic Services Officer Email:
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman for the remainder of the year 2021/22. Minutes: Resolved That Dorchester Town Councillor Mollie Rennie be elected Chairman for the 2021/22 financial year. The Chairman took the opportunity to thank Councillors Chisholm and Potter for their valued contribution to the Panel over the years and welcomed Councillors Stella Jones and Frances Hogwood to the Panel from Dorchester Town Council. |
Appointment of Vice-Chairman To appoint a Vice-Chairman for the remainder of the year 2021/22. Minutes: Resolved That Coucnillor Jill Haynes be appointed Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year 2021/22. |
Apologies To
receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Janet Hewitt (Dorchester Town Council) and John Worth (Dorset Council). |
receive and note the minutes of the meeting held on 27 January 2021. Minutes: That the minutes of the meeting held on 27 January 2021 were noted with a correction being made to minute 21 - Appointments to Car Boot Fund Panel – to delete reference to the Mayor/Deputy Mayor. |
Declarations of Interest To
disclose any pecuniary, other registerable or personal interest as set out in
the adopted Code of Conduct. In making their disclosure councillors are asked
to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they
propose to take as part of their declaration. If
required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in
advance of the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest at the meeting. |
Public Participation PDF 119 KB To
receive any public questions or statements on the business of the Dorchester
Market Joint Informal Panel. Minutes: There was no public participation at the meeting. |
Financial Outturn Report 2020/21 PDF 102 KB To consider the market’s financial outturn for 2020/21. Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel received the
financial outturn report for 2020/21 and considered what it entailed and were
being asked to approve the income and expenditure statement for 2020/21. The total income accounted for
during 2020/21 was £87,303 against a budget of £165,198, leaving a significant income
deficit of £77,895. The main underlying reason for this shortfall was the
effect of the Covid-19 pandemic, and in particular the effects of the numerous
lockdowns & restrictions imposed during 2020/21. Officers took the Panel through the report explaining that, at present, there was a significant debt outstanding
relating to Cornhill Market. Preliminary discussions with the operators had
identified that the operator was unable to operate the market for significant
parts of 2020/21 and that much of this debt would therefore not be recoverable.
The operator had also
highlighted that there was significant risk that they would not be able to make
payments during 2021/22 due to the impact of the pandemic on local retail and
footfall. Accordingly, a recommendation was included that a reduced fee be negotiated
with the operator and it would be prudent to assume no further income from this
source until negotiations have been concluded. Given the circumstances the
Panel were ‘minded to’ agree with the principle of this recommendation. Resolved 1)That the Head of Community
and Public Protection (Dorset Council), in consultation with the Town Clerk
(Dorchester Town Council) and with support from the Property and Finance
Divisions of Dorset Council, be authorised to agree a reduced fee for the years
2020/21 and 2021/22 with the operators of the Cornhill Market. 2)That the panel approve the
income and expenditure statement for 2020/21. 3) That the Head of Community
and Public Protection (Dorset Council), in consultation with the Town Clerk
(Dorchester Town Council) and with support from the Property and Finance
Divisions of Dorset Council enact the Panel’s ‘minded to’ decision. Reason for Decision To enable Members of the Panel to consider and approve the Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2021. |
Market Operations An opportunity to consider and discuss an update on Market Operations and what this entails. Minutes: The Panel
took the opportunity to consider Market operations, what these were, how these
should be delivered and what could be done to make the most of this asset so as
to ensure the markets in Dorchester would be viable and a successful
attraction. They were pleased to hear from Grant Jones – on behalf of the
Cornhill market traders – about what was happening in Cornhill; how things were
being done there and what his experiences – and those of other traders - were. Given the
limitations in being able to run the market as had been done prior to the
pandemic, trade - in terms of sales, browsing and passing trade – had all been
curtailed significantly over the recent months. Whilst this was generally understandable,
every effort had continued to be made to ensure what trade possible
was maintained, with social distancing rules being applied. Despite the
hardships experienced, there was still a keen appetite for pitches when these
became available. Mr Jones had met with officers to see how best the Cornhill
market could be run, what might be offered and where best this might be
situated. Options
for how this market – and Dorchester markets generally – could remain
vibrant and viable going forward were considered and where any expansion
might be able to be accommodated and how this might be done. The Panel
saw this as welcomed news and, in recognising how popular the Cornhill
market was, were pleased to see that there had been some resurgence in trade
and interest now a degree of normality had returned. They acknowledged there
was a loyal and dedicated patronage of the stalls and saw no reason why his
shouldn’t continue to thrive into the future. The Panel thanked Mr Jones for
his valued contribution and continuing positive approach. The Panel
considered what options there were for the future of Dorchester markets -
in terms of trading activities; locations; popularity and footfall; access;
legal and contractual commitments and obligations; and cultural and social
community considerations - with a presentation from the Town Clerk facilitating
this discussion and the panels understanding. The
fundamentals of the market – its purpose, its heritage and its legacy – and what
it had to offer to the town in terms of economic, social and civic benefits
together with how it had been managed, how it was being managed and what
visions there were for its future, were all considerations. As a market
town, of the County Town, it was something of which to be rightly proud and
was considered an asset in providing an opportunity for traders, a boost for
the local economy and was a business seedbed. The Panel understood
they all played their part in attracting footfall locally and from visitors
afar and acted as a means of social service - providing value for money
goods that were not necessarily able to be sourced by other means. It was
community focused, vibrant and stimulated local contact, being adaptable in reflecting ... view the full minutes text for item 33. |