Agenda and minutes

Corporate Parenting Board - Thursday, 28th April, 2022 5.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. View directions

Contact: Megan Rochester, Democratic Services Officer  Tel: 01305 224709 - Email:


No. Item


Welcome and Introductions

The Chair to open the meeting and welcome those present.


The Chairman opened the meeting.



To receive any apologies for absense.



Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Valerie Pothecary and Cllr Stella Jones.




Declarations of Interest

To disclose any pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interests as set out in the adopted Code of Conduct. In making their decision councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they propose to take as part of their declaration.


If required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest


Minutes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 158 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th March 2022.



There were no comments on the previous meeting minutes.



Public Participation

Representatives of town or parish councils and members of the public who live, work or represent an organisation within the Dorset Council area are welcome to submit up to two questions or two statements for each meeting. Alternatively, you could submit one question and one statement for each meeting.  


All submissions must be emailed in full to by 8.30am on Tuesday 26th April 2022.   


When submitting your question(s) and/or statement(s) please note that: 


·       no more than three minutes will be allowed for any one question or statement to be asked/read  

·       a question may include a short pre-amble to set the context, and this will be included within the three minute period 

·       please note that sub divided questions count towards your total of two 

·       when submitting a question please indicate who the question is for (e.g. the name of the committee or Portfolio Holder) 

·       Include your name, address and contact details.  Only your name will be published but we may need your other details to contact you about your question or statement in advance of the meeting. 

·       questions and statements received in line with the council’s rules for public participation will be published as a supplement to the agenda 

·       all questions, statements and responses will be published in full within the minutes of the meeting.   



There was no public participation to report



Introduction and Scene Setting

Theresa Leavy, Executive Director Children, to set the scene of the meeting.


Theresa Leavy, Executive Director of People, set the scene of the meeting and informed the board of the number of children in care. The Executive Director assured the board that the number of children in care was at the right level relating to the action plan. She also highlighted that there was a higher number than planned due to the increase of children seeking asylum.


She drew attention to the increase in children’s homes opening to support children. The Executive Director also updated the board on the progress of the virtual school and praised the work of fostering services. She informed the board of the foster carer awards which would highlight all the work that has been done.


She also drew attention to the initial health assessments and informed the board that performance needed to improve.


The following discussion points were made:


·       Number of resources to support children and the services.

·       Clarification as to why the figures of help assessments aren’t where they need to be.



Corporate Parenting Board Annual Report pdf icon PDF 265 KB

Matthew Chislett, Service Manager Corporate Parenting and Permanence, to report.


The Head of Service for Children in Care and Care Leavers introduced members to the annual report. She informed the board of the results from the Satisfaction Survey and discussed how this identified ways in which young people may want to engage with members outside of formal meetings. She also highlighted that virtual meeting over the previous year had been difficult for some children. The Head of Service for Children in Care and Care Leavers praised the development of the Corporate Parenting Board.


The following discussion points were made:


·       Young children’s access to virtual meetings and communicating effectively.

·       External scrutiny of the services to ensure provision.

·       Members praised the report and its efforts to include children’s voices.


The Corporate Parenting Board Annual Report was received and noted.



Corporate Parenting Dataset pdf icon PDF 934 KB

To receive a report from the Service Manager for Corporate Parenting

and Permanence.


Louise Drury, Head of Service Children in Care and Care Leavers, introduced members to the Corporate Parenting Dataset. She updated the board on initial health assessments. She also gave an overview on data of missing children and informed the board of procedures to help manage risk. Members were also informed that collaboration with the police is underway to help welfare plans. Work is continuing to support young children and develop sufficiency plans. She also highlighted the increase in foster carers to support children.


The following discussion points were made:


·       Delivery of initial health assessments.

·       Impacts of delays caused by Covid 19

·       Reasons as to why children made complaints. Members were assured that all allegations are taken very seriously and dealt with sensitively.

·       Length of allegation process.

·       Highlighted that the number of children in bed and breakfasts isn’t where it needs to be. Looking to work closer with housing colleagues to support and allocate permanent residence.

·       Looking at training and how children can be supported in education.

·       Consistent difficulties in accessing education.

·       Members would like updates on care leavers that are between 21 and 25.


The Corporate Parenting Board Dataset was received and noted.



The Promise to Children Annual Review pdf icon PDF 214 KB

Simon Fraiz-Brown, Service Manager Young and Thriving, to report.

Additional documents:


Kaye Wright, Youth Voice Team Manager spoke of pledges which children could have expected of their Corporate Parents. She informed the board of the increased and importance of working with young children. She highlighted the lack of health within the promise and addressed that work needed to be done to improve this.


CJ, a care leaver, addressed the board and spoke of the need for the inclusion of health. In particular, sexual health as children need to be aware that help was available to them if needed. CJ also informed the board of the addition of meeting with PA at the age of 16 to help transition into adulthood at 18.



The following discussion points were made:


·       Members were pleased to see the updated versions and praised the report.

·       Concerns around children staying with their care leavers after 18.

·       Multi-agency approach- inclusion of Dorset Police and Health colleagues to support children.

·       Work needs to be done in rephrasing some of the wording of the report.

·       Members hoped to welcome the report back soon with the additional amendments.





That the Chair and Vice-Chair would help to make the additional changes and amendments before being approved.



Children in Care at Risk of Offending and Custody pdf icon PDF 425 KB

David Webb, Service Manager Dorset Combines Youth Justice Service, to report.


David Webb, Manager of Youth Justice, spoke of preventing children from entering the justice system and reducing the risk of further offending. He also discussed support within children’s homes. The Manager of Youth and Justice also discussed the difficulties in making connections with police forces outside of the local authority area so there’s a risk of children being placed within the criminal justice system. He also highlighted that there have been no Dorset children in custody within the last 2 years but was mindful that continuity with the services was essential to keep the number low. He also spoke of trauma informed services as well as speech and language therapists to help support children.


He informed members of meetings with children to discuss life in the adult system and was aware of needing to address and manage the transition from 18 into adulthood better.



The following discussion points were made:


·       Low number of children within the criminal justice system.

·       Reasons for children being within the criminal justice system. Additional support for children with historic issues.

·       Responsibility of Corporate Parents up until the age of 25.

·       Concerns regarding children feeling isolated. Continuation of PA visits whilst an 18–25-year-old is within the criminal justice system to provide support.




Fostering Panel Terms Of Reference And Feedback From Panel. Fostering Annual Report. pdf icon PDF 631 KB

To receive a report from Gerry Connell, Service Manager Fostering, and Louise Drury, Head Of Service Children in Care and Care Leavers.

Additional documents:


Leanne Chorley, Fostering Panel member, introduced and set out the purpose of the report to provide the Corporate Parenting Board with an overview of members training, youth, and digital feedback, as well as actions to ensure consistency. 


Louise Drury, Head of Service Children in Care and Care Leavers, introduced members to the Fostering Annual Report. Members were informed of the challenging year, but she highlighted and praised the work of foster carers. She also addressed the Mockingbird project which helped to provide support and placements. She also addressed recruitment, plans for development and the reduction of costs on external placements.


The following discussion points were made:


·       Comparison to other councils.

·       Improvement on quality.

·       Members praised the report

·       Fostering reviews not where they need to be. Although it was noted that the gap was narrowing.

·       Treatment of Kinship of foster carers.


The Fostering Annual Report was received and noted.



Aspire Adoption Annual Report 2021-2022 and Statement of Purpose 2022 pdf icon PDF 230 KB

Michelle Whiting, Service Manager Aspire Adoption, to report.

Additional documents:


Theresa Leavy, Executive Director People, introduced members to the Aspire Adoption Annual Report to provide an overview of early permanence. She also referred to financial transactions which maximised the use of carers.


The following discussion points were made:


                Members praised the report and the strong focus of early permanence.

                Special guardianship- What worked well or needed improvement.

                Further changes to Aspire


The Aspire Adoption Annual Report was received and noted.


Date of Next Meeting

To confirm details and deadlines for papers for the next meeting of the

(formal) Corporate Parenting Board which will be held on Thursday 27th April 2023.


It was confirmed that the date of the next formal Corporate Parenting Board meeting would be held on Thursday 27th April 2023.


Supplement- Corporate Parenting Board Fostering Panel Chair's Report pdf icon PDF 523 KB