Venue: Committee Room A/B, South Walks House, South Walks Road, Dorchester, DT1 1EE
Contact: Lindsey Watson 01305 252209 - Email:
No. | Item |
Change to membership of Assessment Sub-committee It was noted that Councillor
Gray had taken the place of Councillor Christopher on the sub-committee. |
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman for the
meeting. Minutes: Councillor Parkes was elected
Chairman for the meeting of the sub-committee. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations
of interest. Minutes: As
a general point, the Monitoring Officer noted that Dorset Council councillors
who served on town and parish councils would not be precluded from considering
a Code of Conduct complaint in respect of a councillor of that Council, merely
for being a member of the same council.
Likewise, they would not be precluded from considering a complaint
against a Dorset Council councillor. An
issue would only occur if the councillor had been a witness to or party to the
events associated with the complaint. Councillor
Parkes confirmed that he was not present at the meeting referred to in one of
the complaints to be considered on the agenda. |
Assessment Sub-committee Terms of Reference and Dorset Council Member Complaint Process To
note the Sub-Committee’s terms of reference: Audit and Governance (Assessment) Sub-Committees
for the consideration of Code of Conduct issues (a) The
Audit and Governance Committee shall arrange that, to the extent it is called
upon to determine any allegation relating to a Member Code of Code (including
that of a Town Council or a Parish Council), the determination shall be made by
a Sub-Committee of the Audit and Governance Committee. An Audit and Governance
Sub-Committee with such responsibility may include non-Members. An Audit and
Governance Sub-Committee that has non-Members forming part of it shall not have
any power relating to the regulation and/or control of the finances of the
Council. (b) Substitutes
may only be appointed to an Audit and Governance Sub- Committee from the
membership of the Audit and Governance Committee. There shall be no power to
appoint non-Member substitutes. To note the Dorset Council Member Complaints
Process (attached). Minutes: All present noted the
Assessment Sub-committee Terms of Reference and Dorset Council Member Complaint
process. |
Urgent items To consider any items of
business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be
urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The
reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Exempt Business To move the exclusion of the press and the public
for the following items in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information
within the meaning of paragraph 1 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act
1972 (as amended). The public and the press will be asked to leave the
meeting whilst the items of business are considered. Minutes: Decision That the press and the
public be excluded for the following items in view of the likely disclosure of
exempt information within the meaning of paragraphs 1 and 2 of schedule 12 A to
the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). |
Code of Conduct Complaint 1 - Exempt To
consider an exempt report by the Monitoring Officer. NOT FOR PUBLICATION Minutes: The sub-committee noted two
complaints that had been received by the Monitoring Officer and considered the
information that had been provided including a copy of the relevant council’s
code of conduct. Decision That the allegations are
investigated by a person to be appointed by the Monitoring Officer. |
Code of Conduct Complaint 2 - Exempt To
consider an exempt report by the Monitoring Officer. NOT FOR PUBLICATION Minutes: The sub-committee noted a
complaint made against two councillors that had been received by the Monitoring
Officer and considered the information that had been provided including the
report provided by an independent person appointed by Dorset Council. Decision That the Monitoring Officer
write to the complainant informing them that in line with the recommendations
of an independent person, no action is to be taken to investigate the
complaint. |
Code of Conduct Complaint 3 - Exempt To
consider an exempt report by the Monitoring Officer. NOT FOR PUBLICATION Minutes: The sub-committee noted a
complaint that had been received by the Monitoring Officer and considered the
information that had been provided including the report of an independent
person appointed by Dorset Council. Decision That the allegations are investigated
by a person to be appointed by the Monitoring Officer. |
Update on the outcome of Code of Conduct Complaint referred to Dorset Police - Exempt To
consider an exempt report by the Monitoring Officer. NOT FOR PUBLICATION Minutes: The sub-committee received an
update on a complaint which had been considered by an Assessment Sub-committee
on 28 June 2019. Decision That the sub-committee endorse
the decision of the Monitoring Officer to take no further action in relation to
the complaint. |