Venue: A link to the meeting can be found on the front page of the agenda.. View directions
Contact: Fiona King 01305 224186 - Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: There was an apology for absence from Bill Pipe for the morning session only. Barry Goringe and Robin Legg gave apologies for absence for the afternoon session. The Chairman noted this would be the last meeting of Tony Meadows, Acting Director for Commissioning. She thanked him for his valuable support to the committee over a number of years. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: No declarations of disclosable pecuniary
interests were made at the meeting. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2021. Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 28
January 2021 were agreed as a correct record and would be signed by the
Chairman at a later date. The Chairman advised members that it had been
agreed to take the Performance Management work offline. There were currently 2 active working groups
and additional members had been co-opted onto these to assist with the work. |
Public Participation To receive questions or statements on the business of the Committee from town and parish councils and members of the public. The deadline for submission of the full text of a
question or statement is 8.30am on Friday 16 April 2021. Details of the Council's procedure rules can be found at: Public
Participation at Dorset Council meetings. Minutes: There were no submissions from town or parish councils or from members of the public. |
Questions from Members To receive any questions from members in accordance with procedure rule 13. Minutes: There were no questions received from Councillors. |
New Hospitals Programme and what it means for Dorset PDF 1 MB To receive a presentation from the Transformation Director, University Hospitals Dorset. Minutes: Members received a presentation from the Transformation
Director, University Hospitals Dorset which is attached as an annexure to these
minutes. Areas of discussion/questions Reference to the Portland Community Hub and what that would
look like. There would be a £30m
investment to remove the backlog. The
proposal did not deviate from the original one that was in the CSR. There was a
commitment to have something on Portland. Consideration to any cross-border working. Integrated care services constantly talked to
each other on a regular basis. The
difference between hubs and new hospitals was explained. There was an opportunity for a new part of a
hospital to be opened with investment in particular areas. This was the only
scheme being carried out across a number of providers. The reconfiguration of the Yeatman Hospital and relevant
consultations. The current proposal
included the development of the site including primary care and community
services, this was the preferred way forward to also incorporate third sector
partners. In terms of consultation, the aim was to deliver what the CSR stated. Reference to utilising part of the site at the Yeatman
Hospital for housing, and the lack of consultation. The site was about
redevelopment not housing provision. Consultation and engagement with key partners highlighted.
Attracting key workers by developing key worker housing highlighted. Communication was key for members of the
public to have understanding of what was being proposed. Could key worker housing for social care staff also be
looked at? In respect of the Local Plan – not engaged with this in
relation to the Yeatman Hospital as not thought appropriate but had on other
locations i.e. Forston. Different solutions and different provisions would look
different for different areas. With reference to the community and how that fitted with the
understanding of locations, work was ongoing with various stakeholders to try
and meet the needs of the people concerned. In respect of Hubs, following Covid there had been a lot of
learning about how communities could work differently Plans for Purbeck area - Not part of New Hospital
Programme. This area was addressed
through Building Better Lives Programme. Welcomed the investment in new hospitals but felt that
Weymouth was losing hospitals. Reference to public sector housing in the area -
advised still at strategic outline case to enable opportunities to bid for
money to do this. Intention for any land
released to be used for key worker housing or to help the community, no
deviation/view that anything different would be done. Aiming to make good and wise decisions around
investment. Following a reference to zero carbon there was a need to
ensure patient journeys were also measured. Has the entire patient journey been considered? A digital stream was being looked at. Professionals in the field of data sites had been engaged to see how best to serve residents of a particular area. Net zero carbon was still very early in its development. The aim was t try to reduce construction carbon as low as possible ... view the full minutes text for item 49. |
Integrated Care System Update through Winter PDF 134 KB To receive a report from the Urgent and Emergency Care Programme Director – Dorset CCG.
Minutes: Members
considered a report from the Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) Programme Director
at Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). Areas of discussion/questions With reference to para 2.3 of the report it would have been
useful to see how this was broken down in respect of what was available anyway. An explanation of the 350 beds was requested outside of the
meeting along with why the beds were needed. Would be helpful to see a structure of the decision making
process. Reference to the number of acronyms within the report. Reference to the moving of patients from Dorset to
Exeter. Data came from a system
perspective and it was confirmed that no patients were transferred to the
Nightingale in Exeter, patients came from the BCP area. The effect on staff as a result of the pandemic. Recognition of the huge support from workforce colleagues
including colleagues from the MOD. The need to ensure the health and wellbeing of the staff was
paramount. Hospital Discharges and funding Prevention of unnecessary admissions. Home First model highlighted. Attendance avoidance and the use of the 111 service
highlighted. A question on whether the funding would be extended to help people coming out of hospital would continue for the summer would be answered to members outside of the meeting. |
Personal Health Commissioning PDF 448 KB To receive a presentation from the Director of Nursing, Dorset CCG. Minutes: Members received a presentation from the Director of
Nursing, Dorset CCG which gave members an overview of Personal Health
Commissioning. And included the impacts of Covid on this. The presentation is attached as an annexure to these
minutes. Areas of discussion Hospital discharges and funding explained in relation to
questions in respect of the previous item. Deferred assessment programme explained. Benchmarking data highlighted. Cluster benchmarking was helpful and was determined
nationally. Concern for people constantly wrangling who was going to pay
for the care. Contentions process by design. Feedback from patients had been fairly positive from
patients in terms of the speed of assessments which had been undertaken during
the pandemic. Looking to get a more
cohesive structure in place. Criteria for inappropriate referrals was when high levels of
referrals were made from individuals who perhaps had not had enough training
and full assessments were taking place for individuals. To help members have a greater understanding arrange an informal
presentation on the various forms of care. Concern regarding mental health in adolescents. Poor mental health as a result of the pandemic and the work
being done to try and address this. The Chairman thanked the representatives from the Dorset CCG
for their presentation. Decision That an informal session for members be arranged on CHC and Home First. |
Minor Injuries Units (MIUs) PDF 105 KB To receive an update from the
Service Director, Integrated Community Services, NHS Dorset Healthcare University,
as requested at the meeting on 28 January 2021. Minutes: Members considered a
report which gave a brief overview of the adapted
service model within Minor Injury Units (MIUs) and the Weymouth Urgent Treatment
Centre (UTC) implemented in March 2020 in response to Covid. This was in response to a request from
members at their meeting on 28 January 2021. Comments Disappointed not to have a clear indication of when the
units would reopen. What was the trigger
for them to reopen. Disappointed not to have answers when the units would be
reopened. A number of experienced staff had already left the Sherborne
MIU and the cost of replacing them would be very high. Cllr Ireland advised members that he was a Governor at the
Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust and undertook to raise these
issues with the Chairman of Governors. Decision The Chairman to write to the Chief Executive on behalf of the Committee. |
Annual Children's Services Self Evaluation Framework PDF 103 KB To consider a report by the Executive Director for People – Children. Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered a report which provided a summary of the comprehensive self-evaluation of children’s
services to support preparation for the Ofsted inspection of services for children
need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers. Members were
advised that a confirmatory letter had since been received from Ofsted saying
they accepted the Self Evaluation Framework. Areas of
discussion Figures showed a
substantial reduction in turnover in staff. Funding seemed to
be a lot of short term funding and how that impacted some of the services. School sector were
experiencing the same issue. Performance data
for members. Funding in respect
of the Domestic Abuse highlighted and the work of the community safety
partnership in this regard. Operation Encompass
highlighted. Judiciary and
family hubs highlighted. Communities that were there to support those families that
had struggled especially in the past year. Decision Members to have sight of the performance scorecard and
receive data sets for a future meeting. |
To consider a report by the Manager, Dorset Combined Youth Justice Service. Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered a report which explained the statutory requirement to
publish an annual Youth Justice Plan which provided specified information about
the local provision of youth justice services. The Youth Justice Board provided guidance about what must be included in
the plan and recommended a structure for the plan. Members were advised on the grant situation which had increased this year
after a reduction in previous years. The
grant was now £653k. The change of name from Youth Offending Service to Youth Justice Service
was highlighted to members. Areas of discussion/questions Restorative Justice and the value of it among some police officers. The need for children to understand more about restorative justice. The work of the multi-disciplinary team highlighted. Being a trauma informed service and trying to spread the trauma
perspective though all work. The work of volunteers within the service and their roles. Cross border working and how that worked The Service managed those young people up to the age of 17. Fundamentally 18 year olds were treated as
adults and there was a handover process in place with the Probation Service. The impacts on the service and the level of service young people received
coming into it. The switch to pan Dorset had given more resilience. Reduction in numbers of children the service was working with but there
was an increase in those with complex needs/risks. Lot of work being done in Children’s Services was prevention work. Use of Speech and Language work highlighted. Decision That the Cabinet be asked to recommend approval of the Youth Justice
Plan to Full Council. Reason for Decision Local authorities are required to publish an annual Youth Justice Plan, setting out how the statutory requirements for a multi-agency youth offending team are fulfilled locally. Dorset Combined Youth Justice Service is a partnership between Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council, along with Dorset Police, NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group and the National Probation Service Dorset. Approval for the Youth Justice Plan is also being sought from Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council. The Youth Justice Plan needs to be approved by the full Council. |
Committee and Cabinet Forward Plans PDF 63 KB To
consider the Committee’s Forward Plan and the Cabinet’s Forward Plan. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered its Forward Plan and
that of the Cabinet. Actions for the Committee’s Forward Plan:- 8 June Children and Adults budget update –
part of that to include an update on performance management. 3 August Items from the Reset and Recovery
EAPs – Care Home provision – Care Act; and Mental Health provision. An informal briefing for members on Home
First and CHC would be arranged prior to the August meeting. Decisions 1. That the Cabinet and Committee’s Forward
Plan be noted. 2. That the Committee’s Forward Plan be
updated. |
Urgent Items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4)b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items of business. |
Exempt Business To move the exclusion of the press and public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). The public and press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is considered. Minutes: There was no exempt business. |