Venue: Committee Room A, South Walks House, South Walks Road, Dorchester, DT1 1EE
Contact: Lindsey Watson 01305 252209 - Email:
No. | Item |
Councillor Val Pothecary (Vice-chairman of Council) in the Chair |
Change to membership of Harbours Committee Councillor
Pothecary reported that Councillor Rob Hughes would be replacing Councillor Daryl
Turner on the Harbours Committee, as agreed by the Leader of Council. It was noted that Councillor Hughes had
attended the recent Port Marine Safety Code training. |
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman of the
Harbours Committee for the 2019/2020 year. The Chairman must be a Dorset Council councillor. Minutes: It
was proposed by Councillor Louie O’Leary seconded by Councillor Rob Hughes that
Councillor Mark Roberts be appointed Chairman of the Harbours Committee for the
2019/2020 year. It
was proposed by Councillor Sarah Williams seconded by Steve Pitman that
Councillor Kate Wheller be appointed Chairman of the Harbours Committee for the
2019/2020 year. At
the request of the Chairman (Vice-chairman of Council) each councillor that had
been proposed and seconded provided information about their relevant experience
and knowledge in the area of harbours. On
being put to the vote Decision That
Councillor Kate Wheller be appointed Chairman of the Harbours Committee for the
2019/2020 year. |
Election of Vice-chairman To elect a Vice-Chairman of
the Harbours Committee for the 2019/2020 year. The Vice-Chairman must be a Dorset Council councillor. Minutes: It
was proposed by Councillor Kate Wheller seconded by Councillor Dave Bolwell that Councillor Sarah Williams be appointed
Vice-chairman of the Harbours Committee for the 2019/2020 year. It
was proposed by Councillor Louie O’Leary seconded by Councillor Rob Hughes that
Councillor Mark Roberts be appointed Vice-chairman of the Harbours Committee
for the 2019/2020 year. At
the request of the Chairman (Vice-chairman of Council) Councillor Sarah
Williams provided information about her relevant experience and knowledge in
the area of harbours. Councillor
Williams noted that she was a user of the harbour. On
being put to the vote Decision That
Councillor Sarah Williams be appointed Vice-chairman of the Harbours Committee
for the 2019/2020 year. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations
of interest. Minutes: Steve
Pitman declared an interest as a member of the Weymouth Sailing Club. |
Urgent items To consider any items of
business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be
urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The
reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes. Minutes: The
Chairman asked members whether they were content with the day and time of
meetings of the committee as scheduled in the Calendar of Meetings. She noted that there were four meetings of
the committee scheduled for the year. Members
discussed the arrangements for the committee and following a vote Decision That
the Harbours Committee continue to meet on the dates as scheduled in the
Calendar of Meetings but that meetings commence at 9.00am instead of 10.00am on
these dates. Members
noted that the Quorum of the Harbours Committee was 3 persons appointed to the
committee but must in all cases be made up of a majority consisting of
councillors. |
Public Participation To receive questions or
statements on the business of the committee from town and parish councils and
members of the public. Minutes: There were no representations
from town and parish councils or from members of the public. |
Terms of Reference of the Harbours Committee PDF 52 KB To note the Terms of
Reference of the Harbours Committee as set out in the Dorset Council
Constitution. The Terms of Reference set
out the role and responsibilities of the committee and detail of the membership
of the committee, the appointment of Chairman and Vice-chairman and meetings of
the committee. Additional documents: Minutes: Members
noted the Terms of Reference for the Harbours Committee as set out in the
Dorset Council Constitution. The
Weymouth Harbour Master noted some amendments to the Constitution which he had proposed
including within the powers delegated to officers and it was confirmed that
these issues would be discussed with the Legal Team. |
Harbour Masters' Report To receive a verbal briefing
from each Harbour Master (Weymouth, Bridport and Lyme Regis) covering: ·
Staff structure ·
Budget ·
projects/works ·
Ongoing issues Minutes: By
way of introduction to members of the committee, each Harbour Master provided a
presentation for each harbour which covered key harbour information including
staff structure, budget, major projects and works and ongoing issues. During
the presentation, points were raised as follows: Weymouth Harbour ·
Clarification was provided in respect of Weymouth Harbour and
responsibilities for dredging between the council and Dean and Reddyhoff ·
A discussion was held in respect of Weymouth Harbour and the development
of the Peninsula area. It was noted that
there were no plans to include a ferry port in the development as a decision
had previously been taken to pursue the position set out in the Fisher Study to
develop the Peninsula as a tourist leisure destination. Dorset Council would be reviewing all major
strategic development sites and councillors would be included in this work Bridport Harbour ·
Plans for the dive building were currently with Architects ·
Land owned by the harbour authority included specific car parks and part
of the river basin basin including the kiosks. Income from these facilities was held within
the property budget. Issues around
harbour budgets were to be discussed with Finance and a report brought to
committee at an appropriate time Lyme Regis Harbour ·
It was noted that dredging would be undertaken during high season which
was later than previous years, due to engineering works ·
Reference was made to income made by facilities on harbour authority
land and it was noted that this income was held within the property budget General points ·
A point was raised with regard to the need to bring the three harbours
together under a strategic plan. In
response it was noted that a new Head of Service was to be appointed, whose
responsibilities would include harbours.
The new Head of Service would be tasked with looking at the harbours
strategically and this could include a business plan for all three harbours ·
Councillor visits to the harbours were to be arranged. |
Harbours Committee Forward Plan PDF 58 KB To review the Forward Plan
for the Harbours Committee for 2019/20. Minutes: Members
noted the Forward Plan for the Harbours Committee for 2019/20. In
response to a concern raised with regard to the lack of strategic items on the
Forward Plan, the Weymouth Harbour Master reported that the overall Business
Plan for the harbours would be brought to the committee. |
Appointment of councillor to the Weymouth Harbour Consultative Group PDF 95 KB To consider the appointment
of a councillor of the Harbours Committee to the Weymouth Harbour Consultative
Group. Additional documents: Minutes: The
committee considered the appointment of a councillor of the Harbours Committee
to the Weymouth Harbour Consultative Group.
In addition to a Dorset Council councillor, a councillor from Weymouth
Town Council would also be appointed. The
committee noted the Terms of Reference for the Harbour Consultative Group which
had been included as an appendix to the report. Decision That
Councillor Mark Roberts be appointed to the Weymouth Harbour Consultative Group
for a 3-year period, as a representative of the Dorset Council Harbours
Committee. Following
the decision, a general discussion was held with points raised as follows: ·
The Chairman of the Weymouth Harbour Consultative Group would attend
meetings of the Harbours Committee to provide a verbal report of items covered
at the last meeting and would also report back issues to the consultative group ·
There was a more informal arrangement for the harbours at Bridport and
Lyme Regis with an informal meeting being held once a year for each
harbour. All harbour users were invited
and members of the Harbours Committee could also attend to observe the meetings ·
Dates of all of the consultative group meetings would be circulated to
Harbours Committee members. |
Points/Questions Minutes: The
committee noted that Nick Thornley would be retiring after 29 years of service
with the former West Dorset District Council and more recently, Dorset
Council. Members wished Nick well in his
retirement. |
Exempt Business To move the exclusion of
the press and the public for the following item in view of the likely
disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph x of schedule
12 A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). The public and the press will
be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is considered. There is no exempt
business. Minutes: There was no exempt business. |