Agenda item

P/FUL/2021/01762 - Land West of Watton Lane, Bridport

Erection of 3 dwellings.


The committee considered an application to erect 3 dwellings.


Cllr Dave Bolwell did not take part in the debate or vote on this item, however, he addressed the committee as the ward member during public participation.


The Committee was shown a presentation that included a site location plan, aerial photo, planning history details, photos of the site and recently constructed dwelling, site layout plan and elevations.

The main issues were outlined as the principle of development, landscape and visual impact, design and character, amenity, biodiversity, trees, flood risk and drainage.

An update sheet containing amendments to condition 9 and details of an additional representation had been circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting.

Mandy Powell spoke in objection to the application and covered points relating to the principle of development, loss of local amenity, loss of public visual amenity, detriment to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and housing land supply.

Rachel Gershfield, a local resident, addressed the committee in objection to the development, making points in relation to damage to the AONB, impact on amenity, the number of vehicles generated by the development and creeping development.

Phil Summerton addressed the committee in objection to the scheme, raising points in relation to housing land supply, the planning history associated with the site and lack of a safe pedestrian route along Broad Lane.

Simon Ludgate, the Agent, spoke in support of the application referring to comments made by the Appeal Inspector in relation to a previous application for 2 dwellings, the shortfall in the 5 year housing land supply as a material consideration and that the site would be minimal in terms of traffic development and volume.

Cllr Paul Hartmann spoke in objection to the application on behalf of Symondsbury Parish Council highlighting points in relation to the formal layout, detrimental impact on the AONB; the potential for creeping development on the adjacent plot and lack of conformity with Bridport Neighbourhood Plan polices and biodiversity gain.

Cllr Dave Bolwell addressed the committee as the Dorset Council Ward Member for Bridport in objection to the application, also referring to comments of the Appeal Inspector with regard to the previous application, the uniformity of the scheme in the AONB, highway safety, the unsuitability of an alternative footpath to Bridport, the lack of public transport and presumption on car use and open market 3-4 bed houses that did not meet the housing need of Bridport. 

In response to a technical point, the Senior Planning Officer advised that housing land supply was based on the West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland Local Plan area only.  Information was also provided on housing density per hectare.

Duration of Meeting – Time Limit


Part-way through consideration of this application, a vote to continue the meeting was taken in accordance with Part 2, Paragraph 8.1 of the Council's Constitution.


Decision: That the meeting be extended to allow the business

of the meeting to be concluded


Following the decision to continue the meeting, the committee debate on the application commenced.

Cllr Kelvin Clayton stated that the site was outside the DDB and not in accordance with NPPF paragraphs 12 or 14 or SUS2 (3) of the Local Plan, the latter in relation to open market housing; the need for climate resilient development, that the proposal did not meet the needs of the current generation and building on green belt land would permanently harm the ability of future generations to meet their needs.  The development also conflicted with the Bridport Neighbourhood Plan that was less than 2 years old.

Members were not supportive of this scheme, considering that the proposal was unsustainable. Those who knew the area well were concerned that Broad Road was dangerous for pedestrians given its use by agricultural traffic, the lack of a pavement and appropriate speed limit.

Further discussion took place on some valid reasons for refusal and the committee received assistance from the Legal Officer in its deliberations.

A lunch period took place between 13.40 – 14.25 which was also used by officers to formulate appropriate wording for the reason for refusal based on the debate by members.

Proposed by Cllr Kelvin Clayton, seconded by Cllr Kate Wheller.

Decision: That the application be refused for the reason outlined in the appendix to these minutes.

Supporting documents: