Agenda item

P/VOC/2021/05510 - Marchesi House, Poplar Close, Weymouth, DT4 9UN

Demolition of existing flats & erection of 18 houses & 13 flats in two blocks (variation to condition 7 of planning approval WP/18/00914/FUL - construction management plan).


The committee considered an application for the demolition of existing flats and the erection of 18 houses and 13 flats in two blocks (variation to condition 7 of planning approval WP/18/00914/FUL - construction management plan).

This application had been the subject of a site visit on 29 March 2022.


Councillor David Shortell advised that although he had been unable to attend the recent site visit, he had taken part in a previous site visit in 2019.  He was well acquainted with the site and would take part in the debate and vote on this application.


Councillor Bill Pipe announced that he had not attended the site visit, however, he knew the area very well and would take part in the consideration of this application.


Councillor Louie O’Leary advised that he had attended part of the site visit as he had to leave early.  He knew the area well and would take part in the consideration of this application.


The Lead Project Officer presented the application for Minor Material Amendments that sought to vary the wording of planning condition 7 (Construction Management Plan) which removed the requirement for the construction access to be provided only from Radipole Lane. 


This application had been deferred from the meeting on 3 March 2022 for a site visit and further highways safety information to be submitted. An update to the recommendation was contained in an update sheet circulated to the committee prior to the meeting.


Members were shown the site location, aerial photo, relevant planning history, approved site plan, sections and a visualisation of the view from Radipole Lane.


The Lead Project Officer advised that the Section 106 Agreement provided for a minimum of 35% Affordable Housing.  However, Bournemouth Churches Housing Association (the applicant) wished to provide 100% Affordable Housing on this site that was subject to funding from Homes England.


Details of planning condition 7 had been discharged in July 2021 and a previously approved Construction Management Plan had indicated the construction access from Radipole Lane.   Since its approval, the applicant advised that this was not possible due to an inability to secure the necessary rights from a number of leaseholders, despite assistance from Dorset Council officers in the discussions. Therefore the current application was to vary planning condition 7.


The revised plan introduced a number of safety measures that included the provision of traffic marshals to escort delivery vehicles into the site at a reduced speed of 5mph and details of temporary signage indicating alternative walking routes to school.  This was in addition to the school’s Park and Stride Scheme that had been in place since 2019. A number of measures were also proposed in terms of amenity, including a complaints procedure and monthly sounding board meeting with residents.


The main issues were highlighted including the principle of development, highways, amenity and habitat sites.


The applicant had further indicated that the Homes England grant could not continually be extended and that any further delay would put at risk the grant to allow 100% affordable housing anticipated for this scheme. Members were also advised that refusal on highways grounds would not be defendable at appeal.


Ken Parke, the agent, addressed the committee in support of the scheme.


Cllr David Gray addressed the committee in relation to other potential accesses being discounted and the cost of safety versus profit.


Cllr Peter Barrow addressed the committee in relation to highway safety and the lack of explanation why an alternative access achieved by leaving 3 of the units unbuilt until the end had not been possible.


The Lead Officer responded to points made during public participation, stating that the Traffic Management Plan was fit for purpose and went above and beyond what was agreed.  Revising the plan and providing a new access had a cost implication for the applicant as a charitable housing association.  It was confirmed that there was no objection from the highways team on the proposal.


A request was made for information concerning discussions held with Dorset Council officers in respect of any negotiations for use of other accesses to be made available.


Cllr John Worth proposed that the application be approved, in accordance with the amended recommendation contained in the update sheet, stating that the Traffic Management Plan was comprehensive and there were no material planning reasons to refuse this application.


The Committee acknowledged that the amendments were sufficient to address highways safety and it was further suggested that local members and the public should monitor compliance with the Plan.


Proposed by Cllr John Worth, seconded by Cllr Paul Kimber.


Decision: that authority be delegated to the Head of Planning or Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement to grant planning permission subject to:


·       completion of a Deed of Variation to secure the planning obligations agreed under the Section 106 Agreement (dated 26 May 2020) related to planning permission WP/18/00914/FUL; and

·       the planning conditions detailed in Section 17 of the Committee Report subject to minor procedural amendments to conditions as considered necessary by the Head of Planning or Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement in consultation and agreement with the Chair of the Western and Southern Area Planning Committee, so long as these changes relate to procedural matters only and do not alter the objectives and purposes of the planning conditions.

(B) that authority be delegated to the Head of Planning or Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement to REFUSE planning permission for the reason set out below if the Deed of Variation is not completed within 6 months of the committee resolution or such extended timeframe as agreed by the Head of Planning and recommends that the Head of Planning determines the application accordingly:

1. In the absence of a satisfactory completed Deed of Variation the scheme fails to ensure provision of the affordable housing on site. Hence the scheme is contrary to Policy HOUS 1 of the West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local Plan 2015.

Supporting documents: