To consider the following Notice of Motion proposed by
Cllr S Flower and seconded by Cllr L O’Leary and supported by Cllrs C Jones, B
Quayle, G Suttle, M Parkes, J Somper, T Ferrari, D Walsh, G Carr-Jones, P
Harrison, R Adkins, C Lugg, R Cook, J Dunseith, S Jespersen and E Parker
To move that:
“1. Mindful of the current experience of
global conflict and uncertainty, Dorset Council urges the Government to
introduce an energy policy with the principal objective of securing permanent
UK energy self-sufficiency from as early a date as possible, utilising whatever
forms of energy generation sourced from within the UK are necessary to this
end. The Council calls on the Government still to meet its declared 2050 net
zero carbon target, through a continuous reduction in the reliance on fossil
fuels and by strategies designed to alter present patterns of energy demand and
2. In the shorter term, the Council
urges the Government to introduce flexibilities when considering the need for
national energy self-sufficiency. This will recognise the serious, long lasting
national security implications of the instability that accompanies the present
but unavoidable need to import energy, and which is also a principal driver in
the cost of living crisis now facing this country;
3. Dorset Council strongly recommends
the Government to include in the forthcoming
Planning White Paper a review of the
Minerals section of the NPPF, in order that Planning Authorities may have due
and proper regard to the implications of climate change;
4. The Council calls for the Local
Government Association to reinforce the national case for changes that will enable
Local Planning Authorities to have significantly greater influence in the
determination of planning applications relating to the extraction of minerals
in their areas.”
The following
motion was proposed by S Flower seconded by L O’Leary and supported by: Cllrs C
Jones, B Quayle, G Suttle, M Parkes, J Somper, T Ferrari, D Walsh, G
Carr-Jones, P Harrison, R Adkins, C Lugg, R Cook, J Dunseith, S Jespersen and E
Notice of Motion
To move
1. Mindful of the current experience of global conflict and
uncertainty, Dorset Council urges the Government to introduce an energy policy
with the principal objective of securing permanent UK energy self sufficiency from as early a date as possible,
utilising whatever forms of energy generation sourced from within the UK are
necessary to this end. The Council calls on the Government still to meet its
declared 2050 net zero carbon target, through a continuous reduction in the
reliance on fossil fuels and by strategies designed to alter present patterns
of energy demand and consumption;
2. In the shorter term, the Council urges the Government to introduce
flexibilities when considering the need for national energy self
sufficiency. This will recognise the serious, long lasting national
security implications of the instability that accompanies the present but
unavoidable need to import energy, and which is also a principal driver in the
cost of living crisis now facing this country;
3. Dorset Council strongly recommends the Government to include in
the forthcoming Planning White Paper a review of the Minerals section of the
NPPF, in order that Planning Authorities may have due and proper regard to the
implications of climate change;
4. The Council calls for the Local Government Association to
reinforce the national case for changes that will enable Local Planning
Authorities to have significantly greater influence in the determination of
planning applications relating to the extraction of minerals in their areas.
At 8.22pm, the
Chairman adjourned the meeting due to a disturbance in the Council Chamber.
The meeting of the
Full Council was moved to another meeting room to which members of the public
could attend. The Chairman re-started
the meeting at 8.52pm.
The Chairman
announced that she would move to the vote in respect of the item.
In accordance with
procedure rule 19.5, a recorded vote was taken.
Those who voted in
favour of the recommendation:-
Cllrs: R Adkins, A
Alford, J Andrews, M Barron, S Bartlett, P Batstone, C Brooks, P Brown, R
Bryan, G Carr-Jones, S Christopher, S Cocking, T Coombs, J Dunseith, T Ferrari,
S Flower, L Fry, S Gibson, B Goringe, P Harrison, J Haynes, S Jespersen, C
Jones, A Kerby, R Knox, C Lugg, L Miller, L O’Leary, E Parker, M Parkes, A
Parry, M Penfold, B Pipe, V Pothecary, B Quayle, B Ridout, M Roberts, D
Shortell, J Somper, G Suttle, B Trite, D Walsh, P Wharf and J Worth.
Those who voted
against the recommendation:-
Cllrs: B Bawden, K Clayton, B Heatley, R Hughes, P Kimber, J Orrell,
A Starr, C Sutton and K Wheller.
Those who
Cllrs: P Barrow, R Biggs,
A Brenton, A Canning, T Cook, B Ezzard, D Gray, M Hall, N Ireland, H Legg, M
Following a
recorded vote, 44 for, 9 against and 11 abstentions, the motion was CARRIED.