Agenda item

New Premises Licence Application for McDonalds, Weymouth

An application has been made for a new premises licence for McDonalds in Weymouth. The application has been out to public consultation and has attracted relevant representations. A Licensing Sub-Committee must consider the application and representations at a public hearing.


The Licensing Team Leader presented the application for a premises licence at McDonalds, 2 Souterway, Weymouth so as to permit late-night refreshment (Indoors), every day between 23:00 – 05:00.

There were no questions from the Sub-Committee, the applicant or the objectors at this stage.

The Applicant’s Solicitor then presented the case for the application of a new
licence, giving details of the proposal for the business, how it would be operated and managed  and what mitigation there was to address concerns and issues raised - these being unnecessary noise, littering and anti-social behaviour. He confirmed that as with the other McDonalds’s franchises in Weymouth, there were no courier deliveries between the hours this application covered. He drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the Supplement circulated prior to the meeting relating to the Planning Decision Notice - WP/19/00778/FUL – for the restaurant and its site plan.


As the outlet would be on a franchise basis – with agreement for 20 years - it was in the franchisee’s interest to ensure that it went well and those matters of concern did not arise. A need for such an all-night opening had been identified, given the many jobs locally which were now 24 hours, and so as to able to cater for those that worked shifts, unsociable hours or were in need of a meal.


The business would add another 100 jobs to the 300 already employed by the franchisee locally. The lengths the company went to in tackling litter at all the McDonald’s restaurants run in Weymouth was emphasised. There would be ample bins available for litter and staff at the franchisees’ restaurants periodically partook in litter picks in the vicinity of the restaurants, which would be the case with this new premises.


Should issues arise around the type of concerns raised – with car performance being demonstrated within the curtilage of the site - the duty manager would be expected to deal with it initially, if they felt comfortable to do so – but call the police, if necessary. There would be 4-5 staff employed at the restaurant overnight to cater for customers. The site would also be well lit, with cctv in operation. However, the configuration of the site and its security meant that there would be little opportunity for such activities to take place.


Moreover, to tackle noise, the new restaurant would have an area specifically for delivery drivers, to avoid them sitting outside with engines running.


Dorset Police and Environmental Health had not objected to the licence.


The Sub-Committee and representees were provided with the opportunity to ask questions of the applicant, these being about noise, littering and anti-social behaviour. The Licensing Team Leader did not have any questions for the Applicant.


Members of the public, who had made representations objecting to the application, each were given the opportunity to make their case. The objectors had concerns of littering, noise disturbance from cars and courier riders on mopeds, and anti-social behaviour. One of the Ward members for Radipole, Cllr David Gray, concern related to the potential for littering to occur.


The Sub-Committee were provided with the opportunity to ask questions of the objectors.


All parties were given the opportunity to sum up their case prior to the Sub-Committee retiring to make their decision.


Dorset Council’s Senior Lawyer confirmed all relevant points had been addressed and that there was a right of appeal from all parties. The meeting was also reminded that, whatever was agreed, it was easy, and free, for anyone to bring a review of the licence should there be problems at the site, or any other licensed site.


Exempt Business
Decision: That the press and the public be excluded for the following
item(s) in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the
meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act
1972 (as amended).

The Sub-Committee retired to make their decision.


To GRANT a Premises Licence with the conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule as set out below, to permit the following:


·        Late Night Refreshment (indoors and outdoors) - 23:00 to 05:00 daily - at McDonalds, 2 Souterway, Weymouth.


Supporting documents: