Agenda item

Refreshed Council Plan 2019 - 2024

To consider a report of the Corporate Director – Transformation, Innovation and Digital.


The committee considered a report of the Corporate Director – Transformation, Innovation and Digital, which sought the committee’s feedback, including any proposed amendments, to the draft refreshed Council Plan and draft Delivery Plan.


Comments and suggested amendments were made as follows:


Appendix A – Draft refreshed Dorset Council Plan 2019-24


Page 4

·            Reference to Modern Slavery to be re-presented alongside other equalities objectives

·            Reference to the culture of the organisation to be incorporated


Page 5

·            Wording relating to transforming the customer experience to be reviewed to reflect the customer being put first

·            Reference to Dorset Council estate to be clarified as property and assets


Pages 6-7

·            Preference expressed for first chart

·            Suggestion to substitute ‘modern’ for ‘forward thinking’ customer focused council


Page 8

·            Wording relating to ‘reverse the decline of natural places’ to be reviewed and reworded if appropriate

·            Is there a need to reference the future built environment through planning?


Page 9

·            Request for an alternative graphic for an older person

·            Reference to collaboration to include voluntary groups

·            Inclusion of a metric for food poverty

·            Examples to be provided of community action


Page 10

·            Wording to be included to show how the council could support and signpost others for actions around climate change

·            Include reference to the availability of properties available for private rental

·            Consideration as to whether reference to holiday homes should be included

·            Penultimate paragraph – addition of wording to recognise the emerging needs to the population


Page 11

·            Recognise the role of the council in ‘supporting’ or ‘enabling’ economic growth

·            Need to reference transport on the page


Page 12

·            Review wording ‘Becoming a more modern, customer focused council’ to reflect discussion; also consider role of businesses and visitors in addition

·            Recognising different ways that people would like to get information from the council


Appendix B – Draft Delivery Plan 2022-24


Protecting our climate and ecology

·       A section on natural assets would be included in the plan and what success would look like in this area

·       Could delivery plan information be shown as a graphic?

·       Include information on proposed improvements

·       Reference to Power Purchase Agreements to be included

·       Further examples of work being undertaken in the waste strategy team to be referenced


Creating stronger, healthier communities

·       Wording to be reviewed to avoid use of jargon

·       Further information required on some items including measurable targets

·       Reference to measures around the reduction of use of food banks and pantries to be incorporated


Creating sustainable development and housing

·       Amend reference to ‘strategically’ based local plan

·       Change reference to ‘garden town’ to ‘new settlement or town in Dorset’

·       Wording to reflect current position with Local Plan and Local Transport Plan

·       Points to be reordered into sections, (and in other sections) sequenced and set out what hope to achieve in each area


Driving economic growth

·       Consideration of use of word ‘prosperity’

·       Wording around development in Weymouth to be checked

·       Need to show how items link together

·       Recognise success of grant funding achieved

·       Demonstrate what success looks like and also looking forward

·       Include statement of ambition and specific targets

·       Recognise enabling role in this area


Becoming a more modern, customer focused council

·       Ability to measure success at dealing with issues at first point of contact – link to key performance indicators

·       Use of specific targets and performance monitoring

·       Potential use of a residents’ panel


The comments raised at the meeting would be taken on board by officers and the portfolio holder and the plan updated to be considered by Cabinet on 26 July 2022.  All councillors could attend Cabinet to ask questions or speak on the item.  The draft plan would also be considered by the People and Health Overview Committee on 28 June 2022, with their comments to be fed into the report to Cabinet.

Supporting documents: