Agenda item

WP/18/00662/FUL - Land off of Verne Common Road and Ventnor Road, Portland

Develop vacant land by the demolition of garage, formation of vehicular access, erection of 25 dwellings & associated landscaping.


The Senior Planning Officer introduced a presentation to develop vacant land off Verne Common Road & Ventnor Road, Portland by the demolition of a garage and formation of vehicle access and erection of 25 dwellings.


The Senior Planning Officer gave a presentation showing the site, outlined the three tiers of housing, 59 parking spaces, the materials used, provision of affordable housing, key issues, recommendation to refuse and that the application is on this planning committee agenda as had been the subject of a committee resolution, in February 2020 and September 2021, but the decision has not yet been issued. Since the most recent committee resolution, the Council has published an updated five-year housing land supply statement for the West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland area, identifying a supply of 5.85 years, not including the proposed housing included in this application.


This means that the material considerations had changed since the previous resolution was made and it is therefore necessary for the application to be brought before Committee again for consideration.


The legal agreement for the site has not been completed.


The Architect of the application was invited to speak on behalf of the applicant. He informed that in 2016 on the main part of the 7-8 houses were granted and the council determined the site to be tenable. The architect claimed that the land supply statement was completely inconsistent with previous advice. He also added that the loss of open space value is not the case officers’ previous advice, the site was private and of minimal amenity value. He also told the committee that the planning inspector advised that the Council should take advantage of housing supply.


Cllr Paul Kimber addressed the Committee as the Ward Member and urged the committee to look at this and reject this application which was on important green space that offered amenity to the local community.



The Senior planning officer went on to inform the committee that the Section 106 Agreement was not ready to complete, and a decision had not been issued.


The members were invited to ask technical questions by members.


The Chairman invited members to debate



Cllr Nick Ireland declared that although he knew the Applicants, there was not a close connection and no social involvement with them.  He noted that the application had been granted by the committee on two previous occasions and that the scheme would provide 5 affordable homes.


Cllr Kate Wheller proposed that the application be refused in line with the report recommendation.  She knew the area well and plots of land on Portland had been built on continuously.  She noted the recent position with the 5-year housing land supply and that the Council would not be forced to build on every green space.


The Senior Planning officer informed the committee that Portland Town Council had objected to the application. This information had been included in the update sheet circulated to the committee prior to the meeting.



Proposed by Cllr Kate Wheller, seconded by Cllr Kelvin Clayton.

Decision: That the application be refused for reasons outlined in the appendix of these minutes.


Supporting documents: