Change of use of the first and second floors from offices (use class E(g)) to a house in multiple occupation.
The Committee considered application P/FUL/2022/0106 for the change of use of the first and second floors from offices (use class E(g)) to a house in multiple occupation at Barnack Chambers, 9-9A West Street, Blandford Forum DT11 7AW
With the aid of a visual presentation, and taking account
the detail in the report, officers provided context of what the main proposals,
principles and planning issues of the development were; how these were to be progressed;
and what this entailed, taking into account the
policies against which this application was being assessed.
Plans and photographs – interior and exterior - provided an
illustration of how the conversion was to look – including its design and dimensions;
access and parking considerations; building regulations and licencing
requirements; how space would be used; what facilities there were and how these
would be accessed; and the development’s setting within that part of the
Conservation Area of Blandford.
Officers showed the development’s relationship with other adjacent
and commercial development, with the characteristics of the site area
being shown. Views around the development site were shown, which provided a
satisfactory understanding of all that was necessary.
confirmed the conversion would contribute towards much needed accommodation of this
type identified within the town and although situated within the retail are of
the town centre, the ground floor retail was not affected by the proposal. What assessment had been made in the
officers coming to their recommendation were drawn to the attention of the
Committee, with the proposal being considered to be
acceptable by officers.
Matthew Holmes, agent, considered the conversion to be sustainable and appropriate which had been considered acceptable in principle in the neighbourhood plan and would meet an identified demand for this type of development.
Blandford Forum Town Council had objected to the application on the grounds that, whilst welcoming residential development above retail, did not believe that the proposals were sustainable, particularly in terms of the dimensions of the units. They referred to the regulations for such premises and those standards to be met. They also raised concerns in relation to fire safety.
Having heard what was said, officers responded to some of the pertinent
issues raised, being confident that each one could be addressed by the
provisions of the application.
Officers clarified the differentiation between regulations and requirements for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO’s) and dwellings/flats and that this planning application was being considered on the basis of the former. Seemingly, the basis of the Town Council’s objection was on the latter. The case officer considered therefore that the proposal did comply with the Regulations’ standards and that the development was therefore not considered to be cramped and unsustainable. Regarding fire safety, officers confirmed this would be a matter for Building Regulations.
The opportunity was then given for members to ask questions of the
presentation and what they had heard, in seeking clarification of aspects so
as to have a better understanding in coming to a decision.
Some important points raised, some of which they considered still
required clarification, were:-
what the individual dwelling unit dimensions
were, how these met the necessary planning requirements and how assessment of
the suitability of these had been made
what the differentiation between dwellings/
flats and (HMO’s) were and how the necessary regulations governing this would
be applied
how facilities within the converted units would
be accessed and the means by which this would be
parking arrangements
Officers addressed the questions raised – and provided what
clarification was needed - providing what they considered to be satisfactory
answers, which the Committee understood to be, and saw, as generally
Of importance was that officers considered there to be no material considerations which would warrant
refusal of the application and that this was the basis of the assessments made
and the recommendation before the Committee.
From debate, the majority of the Committee considered the proposal to be
acceptable - in meeting an identified need, with the introduction of residential accommodation
on the upper floor being considered to contribute positively to the vitality and
viability of the town centre, bringing vacant space back into use.
Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and
understanding of all this entailed; having taken into
account the officer’s report
and presentation; the written representation; and what they had heard at
meeting, in being proposed by Councillor Carole Jones and seconded by
Councillor Belinda Ridout, on being put to the vote, the Committee
agreed – unanimously - to grant permission, subject to the conditions and
informative noted set out in paragraph 17 of the officer’s report.
permission for application P/FUL/2022/01062 be granted subject to the conditions and informative
noted set out in paragraph 17 of the officer’s report. |
Reasons for decision
The location is considered to be sustainable ·
There is no harm to the
architectural and historical qualities of the listed building, the setting of
nearby listed buildings will be preserved as will the character and appearance
of the conservation area. ·
The room sizes are considered to be acceptable; they comply with the
Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Mandatory Conditions of Licences)
(England) Regulations 2018. ·
There are no adverse
residential amenity impacts arising from this proposal |
Supporting documents: