Agenda item

P/VOC/2022/03461 - Demolition of existing three storey plus plant room building and erection of new three storey plus plant room building for Dorset Police Force Headquarters with associated parking without compliance with/variation of condition 10 of planning permission P/FUL/2021/04422 - The development shall be constructed to a minimum BREEAM standard rating of 'Very Good' instead of 'Excellent' - Force Headquarters, Dorset Innovation Park Access Road, Winfrith Newburgh, Dorset, DT2 8DZ.


The Committee considered application P/VOC/2022/03461 for the demolition of an existing three storey plus plant room building and erection of new three storey plus plant room building for Dorset Police Force Headquarters with associated parking without compliance with/variation of condition 10 of planning permission P/FUL/2021/04422 - The development shall be constructed to a minimum BREEAM standard rating of 'Very Good' instead of 'Excellent' -  Force Headquarters, Dorset Innovation Park Access Road, Winfrith Newburgh, Dorset, DT2 8DZ.


Officers explained BREEAM stood for ‘Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology’ and comprised a science-based suite of validation and certification systems for a sustainable built environment. The assessment methodology took account of a range of factors that were measured against pre-determined targets that reward performance which delivered social, economic or environmental benefit.


With the aid of a visual presentation, and taking account the detail in the report, officers provided context for the reason why the variation was deemed necessary: in that it was now evident to the applicant from their assessments made that the practicalities of achieving the necessary credits meant that achieving an excellent status was not now necessarily readily achievable, without significant additional investment which would not prove value for money. No change was proposed to the architectural or landscape design proposals previously considered in the determination of application P/FUL/2021/04422; with energy, waste and ecology considerations all still being able to be delivered in the development.


However, BREEAM ‘Very Good’ was still a high sustainability rating well above that likely to be achieved by the existing building. Information submitted in support of the application identified several site constraints limiting the number of achievable and available credits for the proposed development and further indicated that the uplift required to achieve a rating of ‘Excellent’ would, if achievable, have an obvious and clear impact on other force initiatives.

Indeed, replacement of the existing building would better suit the operational
requirements of Dorset Police, would perform to higher level of sustainability and would be the benefit of the local economy.

Plans and photographs provided an illustration of the location, orientation,

dimensions – form, bulk, size and mass - and appearance of the development; how the demolition and replacement would be achieved; why the variation was necessary; access and highway considerations; environmental and biodiversity considerations and obligations; drainage and water management considerations, the means of landscaping and screening and its setting within that part of the Dorset heathland in the vicinity of Wool.


Officers showed the development’s relationship with other adjacent development and how the buildings were designed to achieve optimum efficiency and effectiveness for the purposes it served. The characteristics and topography of the site was shown and its relationship with the highway

network. Views into the site and around it was shown, which provided a satisfactory understanding of all that was necessary.


In summary, the officer’s assessment considered the acceptability of the proposed variation: confirming it was the case that some credits were unobtainable. Achievement of any BREEAM rating was purposefully challenging and the predetermined targets had been raised over time so as to push performance beyond best practice, drive innovation, create positive impact and showcase success. This formed the basis of the recommendation being made and that - following the satisfactory conclusion of a habitats regulations assessment undertaken in accordance with The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended) and the execution of a planning obligation securing payment of financial compensation in accordance with the certified Biodiversity Plan submitted in support of planning application
P/FUL/2021/04422 - permission should be granted.


Simon Crosby, of the architects, considered the building would still deliver all that was necessary to a very high standard, describing what sustainable features would be built in, but stressed that it had become apparent that the opportunity was just not there to achieve the excellent status envisaged given the credits unavailable to them. He assured members that very good was still a high standard. 


The opportunity was then given for members to ask questions of the

presentation and what they had heard, in seeking clarification of aspects so

as to have a better understanding in coming to a decision.

Some important points raised were and which they considered still required clarification were :-

·        what was the differentiation between the status of “excellent” and “very good” and what this would mean for the standard of the building

·        why this reduction in standard had not been envisaged

·        what would it take to achieve “excellent”

·        how environmental and ecological  considerations would be taken in account.

·        what assessments had been made in coming to the recommendation now being considered

Officers addressed the questions raised – and what clarification was needed - providing what they considered to be satisfactory answers, which the Committee understood to be, and saw, as generally acceptable. Officers confirmed that condition 4 could be amended in the terms the Committee had asked for. They also confirmed an Informative could satisfactorily cover the issue of cladding.


Wool Parish Council raised no objection to the variation, but remained concerned that the appearance of the building could potentially lead to bird strikes. However, the appearance had already received permission. 


From debate, the Committee understood the reasoning for why the standard was being modified as it was and considered this to be acceptable – in the circumstances, whilst it was incumbent on the Committee to ensure the best possible standard was still achieved. Members understood that there was no opportunity for this to be readily realised.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an

understanding of all this entailed; having taken into account the officer’s report

and presentation; the written representations; and what they had heard at the

meeting, in being proposed by Councillor Shane Bartlett and seconded by

Councillor Robin Cook, on being put to the vote, the Committee agreed – unanimously, to grant permission, subject to the conditions set out in the report.






That following the satisfactory conclusion of a habitats regulations
assessment undertaken in accordance with The Conservation of Habitats and
Species Regulations 2017 (as amended) and the execution of a planning
obligation securing payment of financial compensation in accordance with the
certified Biodiversity Plan submitted in support of planning application
P/FUL/2021/04422, the Head of Planning be given delegated authority to grant planning permission subject to the conditions set out in paragraph 16.1 of the report or conditions to similar effect.


Reasons for Decision
1) Planning permission has previously been granted for the proposed replacement police force headquarters building but that permission is subject to a requirement that the replacement building shall be constructed to a minimum BREEAM standard rating of 'Excellent'. The replacement headquarters building is expected to achieve a BREEAM rating of ‘Very Good’ rather than a rating of ‘Excellent’ as favoured in Policy D of the Adopted Purbeck Local Plan for a nondomestic building of this size.
2) BREEAM ‘Very Good’ is a high sustainability rating well above that likely to be achieved by the existing building. Information submitted in support of the
application identifies several site constraints limiting the number of achievable
and available credits for the proposed development and further indicates that the uplift required to achieve a rating of ‘Excellent’ would, if achievable, have an obvious and clear impact on other force initiatives.
3) Replacement of the existing building would better suit the operational
requirements of Dorset Police, would perform to higher level of sustainability and would be the benefit of the local economy. The architectural and landscapedesign proposals would:


enhance the character and appearance of the locality;
provide for safe and convenient access;
make appropriate provision for the conservation of heritage assets; and
would contribute to biodiversity enhancement,

and use of the proposed development by Dorset Police would be to the benefit of communities across Dorset.
4) Having regard to the particular circumstances of the application site, the details of the development proposal and taking account of the public benefits that would accrue from the proposed development, it is considered that construction to a minimum BREEAM rating of ‘Very Good’ rather that ‘Excellent’ has been justified adequately in accordance with policy requirements.
5) Consideration of the potential for adverse effect on European sites is ongoing. On account of the location and nature of the proposed development, planning permission cannot be granted without the satisfactory completion of a habitats regulations assessment under The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended).
6) Subject to the satisfactory completion of a habitats regulations assessment, a planning obligation to secure mitigatory payment in accordance with an approved Biodiversity Plan and with the imposition of planning conditions necessary to secure an adequate level of compliance with the development plan, it is considered that the application proposal is in accordance with the development plan and that there are no economic, environmental or social considerations either warranting or necessitating determination of the application other than in accordance with development plan.




Supporting documents: