The Committee
considered application P/FUL/2021/05633 to sever land and erect a detached 3
bedroom chalet bungalow with associated vehicular access and parking at Old
Oaks, Verwood.
What the proposal entailed
and how this would be achieved was explained. The development’s appearance and
dimensions were detailed and how it would sit within the site. Access
arrangements were explained and how these would be proved for. What impact it
would have on residential amenity was also taken into consideration. There was
considered to be no adverse impact on the oak tree on site – or on an adjacent
one - with construction work having mitigation measures to that effect.
Moreover, the trees’ location, size and spread were all taken into
consideration in any effect it would have on the development and its ability to
access natural light. Given all this, the officer’s recommendation was to
approve the application.
Darryl Howells, the
agent, explained the benefits of the development which accorded with planning
policy and asked that it be approved.
A statement received from one of the local Ward
Members, Councillor Spencer Flower, was read to Committee. Whilst accepting the
principle of the development, he expressed concern about the longer-term
pressure on the two mature oak trees, which will cause significant
overshadowing, shadowing and dominance of the land which will become the
garden. He wanted to ensure the preservation of the trees and felt this could
not be guaranteed. On that basis he asked for the application to be rejected.
Council’s Tree Officer, Andrew Douglas, reaffirmed officer’s view that the
development could be satisfactorily achieved without any detriment to either of
the trees, and whilst there would undoubtedly be shading of the garden of the
property – particularly during summer months - this would be known and accepted
and account should be taken of this by any potential owners. However, there
would still be sufficient access to light in and around the development in any
From debate, the majority of the Committee considered the proposal to be
Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and
understanding of all this entailed; having taken into account the
officer’s report
and presentation; the written representation; and what they had heard at
meeting, in being proposed by Councillor Shane Bartlett and seconded by
councillor David Morgan, on being put to the vote, the Committee agreed – by
6:2 to grant permission subject to appropriate conditions set out in the
report. One of those to reject the application was the Chairman who was also
one of the other local ward Members - Councillor Toni Coombs.
That application P/FUL/2021/05633 be granted permission, subject to
appropriate conditions set out in paragraph 16 of the report.
Reasons for
1) The development proposal would provide an additional dwelling in the built up area of an appropriate layout and design that would not have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the area or the surrounding landscape.
2) The development would not result in any significant harm to neighbouring residential amenity and the occupants of the proposed dwellings would enjoy an acceptable standard of amenity in accordance with Policy HE2 of the Local Plan.
3) With the amendments secured the proposal would not have an adverse impact on road safety and would provide an acceptable level of on-site parking provision.
4) The proposal would provide appropriate mitigation for its impact on biodiversity and biodiversity enhancement would be secured.
Supporting documents: