Agenda item

P/FUL/2021/05535 - Change of use of verge to form part of residential curtilage. Erect detached carport and vehicular access between carport and adopted highway at Old Oaks, Verwood



The Committee considered application P/FUL/2021/05535 for a change of use of verge to form part of residential curtilage and to erect a detached carport and vehicular access between carport and adopted highway at Old Oaks, Verwood.


What the proposal entailed and how this would be achieved was explained. A description of the development’s appearance and dimensions was given and what impact it would have on residential amenity was also taken into consideration. What provision would be made for the access was explained and what was necessary to achieve this. Landscaping, boundary, land-ownership and environmental issues were highlighted and, as with the previous application, there was considered to be no adverse impact on any trees on site, with construction work having mitigation measures to that effect.


What highway rights were to be taken into consideration was explained and what provision would be made for these in legal terms.


The Highways Officer considered that sight lines would not be compromised by the proposal, which he considered to be acceptable.


Darryl Howells, agent, considered the application to address all material planning considerations and was acceptable and hoped the Committee could agree to this.


In a statement read to Committee from one of the Ward Councillors, Spencer Flower, who had originally objected to the application on the grounds that there would be a loss of the safe route to school, in now understanding that a formal footpath had been installed on the other side of the road as a result of the nearby Pennyfarthing housing development, now considered that this adequately dealt with his concerns regarding the safe route to school, so formally withdraw his objection.


Verwood Town Council had raised an objection based on Councillor Flower’s original submission.


Clarification was provided in response to members questioning and, from debate, the majority of the Committee considered the proposal to be acceptable.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an

understanding of all this entailed; having taken into account the officer’s report

and presentation; the written representation; and what they had heard at the

meeting, being propose ed by Councillor Shane Bartlett and seconded by Councillor Mike Dyer, on being put to the vote, the Committee agreed - by 6:1 - to grant permission subject to appropriate conditions set out in the report.



That application P/FUL/2021/05535 be granted permission, subject to appropriate conditions set out in the report in paragraph 16.


Reasons for Decision

1) The development proposal with appropriate conditions requiring further details of landscape planting would ensure that the change of use of the verge and the erection of carport and highway access would not have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the area or the surrounding landscape.

2) The development would not result in any significant harm to neighbouring residential amenity in accordance with Policy HE2 of the Local Plan.

3) With the amendments secured the proposal would not have an adverse impact on users of the highway network and would provide an acceptable level of on-site parking provision.

4)The proposal could be implemented without detriment to protected trees and would accord with the aims of Policy of the Local Plan.



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