Agenda item

Update Sheet


Planning Committee – Update Sheet

Thursday 4th August 2022


Planning Applications


Application Ref.


Agenda ref.

Page no.


Foundry Lea Bridport

Item 6



·        The Applicant is stated as Barratt David Wilson Homes. There are however, two Applicants as follows: Barratt David Wilson Homes and Vistry Partnerships.


·        Consultee: Outdoor recreation - further comments that do not raise new issues and suggest conditions which already exist in similar form on the outline permission.


·        Consultee: Wessex Water – Support the JRC Foul Drainage Statement (ref 1628w0006) 26th July 2022 which reflects the current foul drainage strategy for the site.


·        Consultee: Environment Agency – The Environment Agency has submitted a comment in response to the submissions by the applicant to discharge some of the conditions attached to the outline planning permission. The full response can be viewed on the website under the planning application reference WD/D/17/000986. In summary the EA do not recommend the discharge of conditions 38 and 39 and therefore do not recommend the reserved matters application be approved at this time. They advise that to progress things the applicant should provide any additional supporting modelling that has been compiled along with a comprehensive modelling report and FRA addendum.


This response to the application for the discharge of conditions is relevant in so far as officers are recommending that delegated authority be granted to the Head of Planning and the Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement for the approval of the reserved matters application, subject to the prior discharge of certain conditions, including conditions 38 and 39.  At this stage, it is anticipated that the discharge of conditions 38 and 39 will be resolved though ongoing dialogue between officers, the EA and the applicant.


·        Additional 1 letter of support from the Symondsbury Estate - The employment land is not sold to a developer, but is held as a development opportunity for the Estate and will aim to bring about a high quality scheme to ensure that the entrance to the town and Symondsbury from the west is attractive, lasting and good for the community. The Estate has entered into a binding contract with the residential developers for them to provide the relevant infrastructure and liaise so that land and or buildings can be delivered to market in line with planning consent. There are strong enquiries for occupiers in the locality and wider afield and the Estate needs to take time to assimilate and plan carefully. The Estate looks forward to seeing the current detailed application come to fruition so in turn commercially viable projects can mature and be delivered on the employment land when the time is right.  


·        Additional 1 letter of objection which raises points that are already addressed in the committee report.



Application Ref.


Agenda ref.

Page no.


Greenford Church Of England Primary School, Chilfrome Lane, Maiden Newton, Dorchester, DT2 0AX





That the Committee be minded to grant consent subject to conditions.  and subject to there being as there has been no adverse comment received from the freeholder on the lapse of the 21 days notice (19 July 2022) served on them by the applicant.


And the following conditions:


1.     The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


          Reason: This condition is required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town 

          and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).


2.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


     Site Plan

     Front & side view 1

     Front & side view 2

     Front & side view 3

     Front & side view 4


     Door & Window technical dimensions


     Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


3.     The building hereby approved shall be used as a classroom/ancillary building to the educational facility known as Greenford Church of England Primary School only and for no other purpose. 


           Reason: In the interests of proper planning.


4.     The timber building hereby approved shall be left to silver naturally and no paint/stain shall be applied to the timber walls (except for windows/doors that will be painted black). Thereafter, the building shall be retained as such.


           Reason: In the interests of visual amenity within the AONB & the visual setting

           of the Maiden Newton Conservation Area.


4.      The timber building hereby approved shall only be treated with clear, protective

wood preservatives in order to retain the natural timber colour (except for windows/doors that will be painted black).  Thereafter, the building shall be retained as such.

          Reason: In the interests of visual amenity within the AONB & the visual setting 

          of the Maiden Newton Conservation Area.





Application Ref.


Agenda ref.

Page no.


4 Bedford Terrace Long Bredy Dorset DT2 9HW





A member of the Natural Environment Team, in an email of 05/05/2022, confirmed that, due to the nature of the proposed works, a bat survey does not need to be completed by the applicant.


The applicant has stated that a bat survey, which confirmed an absence of bats, has been completed.  This survey dose not form part of this application given the comments of the Natural Environment Team.





Application Ref.


Agenda ref.

Page no.


Parnham Estate, Parnham, Beaminster.





Since the drafting of the committee report a Biodiversity Plan has been reviewed by the Natural Environment Team (NET) and a certificate of approval issued for the Biodiversity Plan by NET.


The recommendation will be amended as follows:


Recommendation A:


Delegate authority to the Head of Planning or the Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement to grant subject to the submission of a satisfactory Biodiversity Plan to be reviewed by the Natural Environment Team (NET) and the addition of any suitably worded conditions relating to it, the submission of a robust noise assessment to be reviewed by Environmental Health and the addition of any suitably worded conditions relating to it, planning conditions as set out in this report and the completion of a legal agreement under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in a form to be agreed by the Legal Services Manager to secure the tying of the development to Parnham House and Estate so that it cannot be sold off separately.


An additional condition will therefore be added to the recommendation as follows:


20. Prior to commencement of any works relating to the car parking area a timetable for the implementation of the measures of the Biodiversity Plan shall have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, the development shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed timetable and the approved Biodiversity Plan, dated 21/07/2022, and agreed by the Natural Environment Team on 26/07/2022, unless a subsequent variation is agreed in writing with the Council.


Reason: In the interests of biodiversity.


Amendments to conditions:


1.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


Proposed Location Plan – drawing number 101-A-B3-PR-001 Rev A

Proposed Location Plan – drawing number 101-A-B3-PR-000 Rev A

Restaurant Marquee Proposed Site Plan – drawing number 101-A-B3-PR-003

Restaurant Marquee Proposed Ground Floor Plan – drawing number 101-A-B3-PR-100-FI

Restaurant Marquee Proposed Elevations – North & South – drawing number 101-A-B3-PR-200 Rev A

Restaurant Marquee Proposed Elevations – West & East – drawing number 101-A-B3-PR-201 Rev A

Restaurant Marquee Proposed Ground Floor Plan – drawing number 101-A-B3-PR-100

Restaurant Marquee Proposed Roof Plan – drawing number 101-A-B3-PR-101

Parking Proposed Site Plan – drawing number 101-A-B3-PR-002-PA Rev A

Proposed Parking Site Section – drawing number 101-A-B3-PR-003-PA

Parking Proposed Finishes Plan – drawing number 101-A-B3-PR-002-FI Rev A


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


Additional Informative:


Informative: Building Control

The applicant needs to be aware that concerns have been raised by Building Control regarding fire brigade access, other options are available such as sprinklers but these will need to be investigated by the applicant and any solution would need to be agreed by the Fire Authority during consultation as part of the Building Control application. 


Amendments/updates to officer’s report:


The heritage section of the report is headed ‘Visual Amenity and Heritage Assets’ however the heritage impacts, including on setting are wider than only visual impact and the planning assessment goes beyond visual impacts.


The Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty section of the report sets out that the proposed marquee and car park are not considered to meet the threshold of major development in line with NPPF. It should also be noted that cumulatively the three current planning applications (two before committee and one still under consideration) are also not considered to meet the threshold of major development given the scale of the development proposed cumulatively within the context of Parnham House and its associated outbuildings and structures.





Application Ref.


Agenda ref.

Page no.


Parnham Estate, Parnham, Beaminster.





Since the drafting of the committee report a Biodiversity Plan has been reviewed by the Natural Environment Team (NET) and a certificate of approval issued for the Biodiversity Plan by NET.


The recommendation will be amended as follows:

Recommendation A:


Delegate authority to the Head of Planning or the Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement to grant subject to the submission of a satisfactory Biodiversity Plan to be reviewed by the Natural Environment Team (NET) and the addition of any suitably worded conditions relating to it, planning conditions as set out in this report and the completion of a legal agreement under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in a form to be agreed by the Legal Services Manager to secure the tying of the development to Parnham House so that it cannot be sold off separately.


An additional condition will therefore be added to the recommendation as follows:


19. Prior to commencement of development a timetable for the implementation of the measures of the Biodiversity Plan shall have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, the development shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed timetable and the approved Biodiversity Plan, dated 21/07/2022, and agreed by the Natural Environment Team on 26/07/2022, unless a subsequent variation is agreed in writing with the Council.


Reason: In the interests of biodiversity.


Amendments to conditions:


1.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


Proposed Location Plan – drawing number 101-A-B16-PR-002 Rev B

Proposed Location Plan – drawing number 101-A-B16-PR-001 Rev B

Proposed Site Plan – drawing number 101-A-B16-PR-003 Rev D

Proposed Site Elevation – drawing number 101-A-B16-PR-004 Rev C

Proposed Site Section – drawing number 101-A-B16-PR-005 Rev A

Proposed Ground Floor Plan – drawing number 101-A-B16-PR-100 Rev A

Proposed Roof Plan – drawing number 101-A-B16-PR-101 Rev A

Proposed Elevations – drawing number 101-A-B16-PR-200 Rev A

Proposed Section A-A – drawing number 101-A-B16-PR-300 Rev A

Proposed Bridge 01 – drawing number 101-A-B16-PR-400 Rev A

Proposed Bridge 02 – drawing number 101-A-B16-PR-401 Rev B


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


9. Prior to the commencement of development, a construction method statement detailing how the extent of the Ice House structure will be determined and protected from any short or long term defects during the construction of the orchard rooms shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the local planning authority. Thereafter, the construction shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed method statement.


Reason: To protect the designated heritage asset during construction.


10. Prior to first occupation of the orchard rooms hereby approved an Ice House Management Plan shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The management plan shall include the following:


·        A commitment that the Ice House would be accessible to members of the public for 3 days of each calendar year;

·        How details of the time and date of opening would be made available to the members of the public;

·        Details of how the That the time and date of opening will be provided to the Council and when it will be provided these details will be provided in advance of opening;

·        Details of how How access to the Ice House would be managed;

·        Details of the path to be created to provide pedestrian access and its provision prior to the first open day;

·        Information on the history of the Ice House including describing the construction and purpose and how this would be made available for those visiting.


The agreed management plan shall be implemented following first occupation of the orchard rooms and shall continue in perpetuity.


Reason: In order to allow increased public access to the Ice House to outweigh the less than substantial harm caused.


16. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted flood risk assessment (FRA) (Simpson tws, Issue 02 dated 14th March 2022) and the mitigation measures it details, including a minimum finished floor level of 43.80m AOD for the Orchards Rooms and footbridge and no temporary or permanent ground raising on existing land below the FRA's estimated 1 in 100 year flood level of 43.20mAOD in order to ensure no loss of existing flood storage. Thereafter, the measures detailed above shall be retained and maintained thereafter throughout the lifetime of the development.


Reason: To reduce the risk of flooding to the proposed development and future occupants and to prevent increasing flooding elsewhere by ensuring that the floodplain storage is maintained.


Additional Informative:


Informative: Building Control

The applicant needs to be aware that concerns have been raised by Building Control regarding fire brigade access, other options are available such as sprinklers but these will need to be investigated by the applicant and any solution would need to be agreed by the Fire Authority during consultation as part of the Building Control application. 


Amendments/updates to officer’s report:


The heritage section of the report is headed ‘Visual Amenity and Heritage Assets’ however the heritage impacts, including on setting are wider than only visual impact and the planning assessment goes beyond visual impacts.


The Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty section of the report sets out that the proposed orchard rooms are not considered to meet the threshold of major development in line with NPPF. It should also be noted that cumulatively the three current planning applications (two before committee and one still under consideration) are also not considered to meet the threshold of major development given the scale of the development proposed cumulatively within the context of Parnham House and its associated outbuildings and structures.


Additional representation received:


An objection has been received which is summarised as follows:


An officer of the Council notified the applicants in September 2021 that holiday lets in this location would be contrary to policy and would be unlikely to be determined favourably unless they were specifically part of the wider enabling development project for the restoration of the house, which would enable the proposals to be assessed from this exceptional circumstance. The officer advised that the Council cannot permit enabling development wholesale or piecemeal without ensuring the restoration of Parnham is legally agreed. The objector states that there is nothing in the application under consideration suggesting that the holiday lets income stream will be

for the restoration of Parnham house and considers as such, this application should be refused.