Agenda item

Q1 Monitoring Report (00:04:48 on recording)

To receive an update of progress against the Police and Crime Plan Q1 2022/23, to enable Panel members to scrutinise performance, seek assurance and assess outcomes achieved in the reporting period.


The panel discussed a number of strategic issues, which included drug searches in schools, PCC action based on prevention of future deaths following the coroner’s report on the death of Gaia Pope and sought confirmation that the PCC had sought assurance from the Chief Constable that Dorset Police were actioning the recommendations in the HMICFRS Statement.  In addition, the PCC responded to questions relating to investment in the rural crime team and the categorisation of burglaries.


The PCC highlighted areas of progress within the six priority areas of the PCC’s plan.


Priority 1 – Cut Crime and Anti-social Behaviour (00:23:18 on recording)


The panel considered support for young people and proposed interventions, including the release of a community grant scheme.  The PCC provided an update on issues and noted that information on the grant scheme could be provided to panel members.  In addition, the role of the Youth Voice and detail of surveys to be undertaken were noted.


Further information was requested on how the PCC was holding the Police to account in respect of increasing the detection rate for burglaries.



Information on the Community Grant Scheme to be provided to panel members to advertise to communities.

A report to be brought to the panel in respect of increasing the detection rate for burglaries.


Priority 2 – Make Policing more visible and connected (00:48:23 on recording)


Discussion was held on budget issues and the link to rising energy costs and an assurance sought that mechanisms were in place to deliver stated commitments. There was confidence that mechanisms were in place, but this would be kept under review.


In addition, discussion was held regarding the use of body worn video, the target for victim satisfaction indicators and raising awareness of alternative ways to report digitally in addition to 101.



Update on 101 contract requested as part of next quarterly report.

Clarification of process for ensuring appropriate use of body worn video.


Priority 3 – Fight violent crime and high harm (01:19:13 on recording)


A question was raised with regard to the Op Soteria scheme and how this should improve the reported 1.7% of the 815 rape investigations concluded by Dorset Police in 2021 that led to a charge or summons.  The PCC provided information on the scheme, its aims, outcomes to date and local solutions that were being investigated.  The panel considered how success was measured in this area and the PCC noted that this was not a preventative system but about gaining understanding and getting justice for victims.


Priority 4 – Fight rural crime (01:34:30 on recording)


The PCC provided an overview of the outcomes from three initial multi-agency ‘task and finish’ groups which focused on; engaging with rural communities through Watch groups; fly-tipping prevention through both awareness raising and enforcement; rural crime prevention through better communication and engagement work with rural communities.


The importance of public engagement on these issues was recognised.


Priority 5 – Put victims and communities first (01:53:45 on recording)


A question was raised on the reporting of hate crimes and a summary of work in progress was given, including links to neighbourhood police teams and overall engagement.


A request was made for information on the common platform system and the timetable for its introduction in Dorset.


The PCC provided information on the recent Force Pulse Survey.



Information to be provided on the common platform system and the timetable for introduction.


At 12.08pm the Chairman adjourned the meeting. (02:08:32 on recording)


The meeting restarted at 12.20pm. (02:19:07 on recording)


Priority 6 – Make every penny count (02:19:11 on recording)


The PCC responded to questions in the following areas: capital programme slippage, impact of the pay award, link to increase in inflation rates and interest in respect of the capital programme, mitigation measures around rising overhead costs and costs relating to the secondment of officers.  These items were monitored monthly and scrutinised through normal processes.  Some factors such as the pressures around the pay award were not known at present.  The position with reserves was noted.  Pressures in the current year’s budget and next year’s budget pressures were being considered across the Medium-Term Financial Strategy. 


An updated copy of the Quarter 1 Monitoring report for this priority relating to ‘Usable Reserves’, is attached to the minutes at Appendix 1.


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