Agenda item

P/PRES/2022/03207, Land off Haywards Lane, Child Okeford

Erect 26 No. dwellings. (Reserved matters application to determine layout, scale, appearance and landscaping, following the grant of Outline Planning Permission No. 2/2019/0318/OUT).


The Case Officer, Robert Lennis, presented to members the erection of 26no. dwellings. Members were informed that outline planning permission had already been approved by this Planning Committee and this scheme was a resubmission of the reserved matters details following a refusal earlier in the year.  Members were shown the location of the site and reminded that the context of the site was relatively unconstrained as the conservation area was some way off; the scheduled ancient monuments associated with Hambledon Hill and Hod Hill also some way off. He also noted the local landscape and views from afar and that no listed buildings would be affected. 


The Case Officer provided members with details of the new layout and landscaping plan of the site and noted how the previous reason for refusal had been addressed particularly about the layout.  Mr Lennis noted the affordable housing integration and comments from a Planning Inspector on the matter.  He showed members the proposed elevations of the dwellings and gave details of potential impact to the neighbouring amenities. The recommendation was to grant planning permission.


Steve Savage, the Council’s Transport Development Liaison Officer, informed members of the number of parking spaces allocated to each dwelling, as well as the parking layout generally. Members were also informed that each property had cycle parking in the garages and sheds. He also discussed accessibility to each dwelling regarding refuse collection. Highways did not identify any grounds for refusal and therefore supported the application.


Public Participation


Members of the public and the Parish Council spoke in objection of the planning application. Concerns were raised regarding the character of the village, neighbour amenities, and the loss of hedgerows which ruin wildlife carriageways. They also informed members that there were no pavements to the centre of the village, therefore there was no safe access to local amenities from the site. Concerns were also raised regarding the increase in traffic which would have been created directly outside the school which would have caused a dangerous road for parents and children to walk on as well as those accessing the site. An increase in pollution was also discussed. The Parish Council informed members that Child Okeford was already contributing the Dorset Council’s five-year housing land supply and asked members to ensure the development was suitable for the village as there was a lack of engagement between applicant and residence of Child Okeford.


The agent spoke for the application. Members were given details regarding the site recognising the local need for affordable housing and details were provided regarding the design of the affordable housing units which would have allowed mitigation with other dwellings. The agent also informed members that considerations had been made regarding car parking and had been moved to benefit the site. Members were informed that previous reasons for refusal had been considered and addressed. The agent hoped that the members would grant planning permission.


Members questions and comments


·       Maintenance of hedging

·       Proposed tree species on site

·       Amending condition 5 subject to landscaping condition for tree species to the rear of neighbouring close to be no greater than 15 metres.

·       Confirmation on there no longer being a brick wall entrance

·       Location of refuse bins on the site.

·       Is the attenuation base already existing on the site.

·       Square footage of housing sizes.

·       Number of parking spaces per housing.

·       Site access and visibility.

·       Consider the location of some dwellings to make it more acceptable for neighbouring residents.

·       Members praised the redesign of the application and the considerations that had been made to improve the application.



Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, in being proposed by Cllr Pothecry and seconded by Cllr Penfold subject to conditions.


Decision: To approve planning permission subject to modification of condition 5 and the other conditions set out in the Officer Report.


Supporting documents: