The Committee considered planning
application P/RES/2022/03505 for a Reserved Matters submission comprising
layout, scale, appearance and landscaping pursuant to condition 1 of outline
permission ref. 3/17/3609/OUT for Phase 1 comprising 238 dwellings (Use Class
C3) with public open space, SANG, allotments and landscaping, as well as
vehicular access off Christchurch Road and New Road - as approved in the
outline planning permission - at land East of New Road, West Parley.
With the aid of a visual presentation, and
taking account the detail in the report, officers provided context of what the
main proposals, principles and planning issues of the development were; how
these were to be progressed; and what this entailed. The presentation focused
on not only what the development entailed, but what effect it would have on
residential amenity, the highway network and the character the area, taking
into account the policies against which this application was being assessed.
Officers provided an illustrative summary of the location and appearance of the development and what it would entail in terms of its characteristics – appearance, dimensions, elevations and density of the overall development as well as individual property types; its construction phasing; access and highway considerations; environmental considerations; the SANG and other open space provision including the play area and allotments; landscaping and screening; refuse management; construction management; drainage and water management considerations and its setting within that part of West Parley and the wider landscape. Viability, flooding, heathland mitigation and affordable housing issues, the Green Belt; Rights of way; and the proximity to Bournemouth International Airport were all given particular consideration. The Committees attention was drawn to what energy efficiency and environmental considerations were being proposed for the development: by means of photovoltaic solar panel provision, as necessary. Confirmation that Wessex Water had raised no objection to the application was also given, considering that the amended plans were acceptable to it. Mention was also made of a correction to the plans for Condition 1.
Officers showed the
development’s relationship with other adjacent residential
development, with the characteristics,
topography and elevations of the site being shown. Views into the site and
around it was shown, which provided a satisfactory understanding of all that
was necessary to assess the application.
The planning history of the site was
outlined, reference being made to the provisions of the Outline permission
granted in 2021. What provisions the S106 agreement would cover was also
detailed. Mention was made that having received representations to the original
planning submission, the applicant had addressed what it was able so that the
application might meet with acceptance. What assessment had been made in the
officers coming to their recommendation were drawn to the attention of the
West Parley Parish Council had objected to the application on
the grounds that there was little information
about the future of the SANG, it’s parking and the planned management of the
land the height of some of dwellings would be out of keeping; and the scale of
the development was still a significant concern and is over the acceptable
The Local Ward member, Cllr Andrew Parry,
whilst accepting the principle of the development considered that consideration
should be given to the views of the Parish Council and the concerns they had
raised as well as compromising the Green Belt, the appearance of the
development – particularly the height of some dwellings - which was not in
keeping with the characteristics of the village and did not met the aspirations
of the residents with whom he had
Rob Elliott, resident, expressed concern at the ability for Wessex Water to accommodate the practical needs of the development in terms of surface water and drainage and the capacity that was needed to achieve this.
Simon Packer, agent, considered ta that development would be beneficial in contributing to meeting housing needs -including affordable housing - and the application had been developed and managed within the provisions and terms of the Outline Permission, taking into consideration the views of residents and officers.
Having heard what was said, officers responded to some of the pertinent issues raised, being confident that each one could be addressed by the provisions of the application. The committee was reminded that as this application was for Reserved Matters – layout, scale, appearance and landscaping – these were the only considerations members could take into account. All other issues had already been determined and agreed.
The opportunity was then given
for members to ask questions of the presentation and what they had heard, in
seeking clarification of aspects so as to have a better understanding in coming
to a decision. Some important points raised, some of which they considered
still required clarification, were:-
how the
appearance of the development would complement – or otherwise - the
characteristics of West Parley
· what provision there would be for the delivery of PV panels and how dwellings would be identified for these
· what drainage, sewerage and ground water provision there would be and what part SUDS would play in this and how this was seen as acceptable to Wessex Water in the responsibility they had
· how the management of the development would account for the proximity to the airport and the implications of this
· what responsibilities any management and maintenance company would have in how the development was controlled
· what affordable housing there would be and where this would be situated i.e. pepper potted
· where the third, and above, storeyed properties would be and was there scope for these being situated away from New Road and more central to the site
· what provision the SANG would have and how this was to be managed
· what the play area entailed
· parking arrangements, charging facilities and arrangements – or otherwise – for the adoption of the estate roads
· how waste collection would be managed
· how the Design Code, MasterPlan and Management Plan were being interpreted and applied
Officers addressed the questions raised – and provided what clarification was needed - providing what they considered to be satisfactory answers, which the Committee understood to be, and saw, as generally acceptable.
From debate, the Committee considered that the reserved matters application accurately reflected
and built upon the Outline Permission approval and that the housing, including
affordable housing, would make a significant contribution towards meeting local
housing needs. It was accepted that the design and layout proposed was the
result of an iterative design process and would provide an attractive landscape
led development with good standards of amenity for future occupants. The
resulting impacts on the amenity of neighbouring properties would be acceptable
in planning terms.
Whilst reservations remained on
where the multiple storeyed housing would sit and how water management would be
controlled, in having regard to the representations of objection and support
and the advice of the various consulted parties, it was considered that on
balance the benefits of the scheme significantly outweighed the impacts. i.e. the
proposal represented sustainable development.
Having had the opportunity to discuss the
merits of the application and an
understanding of all
this entailed; having taken into account the officer’s report
and presentation; and what they had heard at
the meeting, in being proposed by Councillor Shane Bartlett and seconded by
Councillor John Worth, on being put to the vote, the Committee agreed – by 6:4 - to grant permission subject to the
conditions set out in the officer’s report, to include the Update provided by
officers on Condition 1.
planning application P/RES/2022/03505 be granted permission, subject to the conditions set out in the
officer’s report, to include the update provided by officers on Condition 1.
Reasons for Decision
The site benefits from an outline consent which has established the principle
of sustainable development in accordance with Para 14 of the National Planning
Policy Framework (NPPF)
The proposal is acceptable in its design and general visual impact.
There is not considered to be any significant harm to neighbouring residential
• There are no material
considerations which would warrant refusal of this application
Supporting documents: