To receive an oral update and presentation from the Director on activities, progress made and matters for consideration within Public Health Dorset, and providing an opportunity for consideration of an options paper on NHS Healthchecks.
The Board received a presentation by the
Director on public health activities, how these were being applied and what
they entailed.
The presentation set out what developments
were taking place with:-
Reforms and Policy
Public Health
Care Public Health
progress with the Integrated Care System changes
together with what influence could be
brought to bear in their regard and the progress being made in delivering these
services to achieve the necessary outcomes.
How Public Health Dorset was integrating
with the Integrated Care System was explained in particular, and what part it
was playing in being able to achieve successful outcomes.
A copy of the Director’s presentation is
attached to these minutes.
As part of this presentation and update the
Board were also being asked to give consideration to options
for the NHS health checks refresh programme and agree – in principle - the best
option(s) for Public Health Dorset to design and further develop the preferred
option. Whilst not on the forward Plan, nor being a key decision as yet, this
would give an indication to allow Public Health Dorset to design and cost the
preferred option for the NHS health check programme to ensure that the
relaunched health check was more effective.
The Board was reminded that the
NHS Health Checks was paused because of COVID-19 restrictions and current
vaccination programmes. It was now planned to restart the programme taking into
account the current national position and the NHS HC review, where
opportunities had been identified, to think about delivering the programme
differently i.e what part Public Heath, providers;
GP’s, the NHS and pharmacies could all play in this.
The options for consideration
were: -
Option 1 - Continue the current approach
Option 2 - Deliver through primary care with some simple changes
Option 3 - Primary Care delivery with added outreach provision via
LiveWell Dorset
delivering NHS HC as option two alongside additional outreach provision in
targeted areas of higher risk
• primary care will deliver and
record all NHS HC data.
• outreach providers will boost
• LWD can reach higher risk
• LWD will provide robust behaviour
change support for individuals following their NHS HC
Option 4 - a universal digital offer with some targeted face to face
Option 5 - a mixed offer for people to choose
In accordance with the
conclusion and recommendations in the report – in that initial insights work
undertaken with providers and the public suggested that Option 3 was the
preferred option, the Board agreed that – in principle – Option 3 would
be the optimum course of action to progress - Option 2 also being an
alternative consideration - and that this matter would be added to the
Forward plan as a key decision for consideration and formal agreement at the
next Board meeting in February 2023.
The Director was pleased to have
this steer and it would give time to phase and scope the necessities of
delivering the health checks and, whilst it was hoped that enough data would be
available to give to the board at their next meeting in February, it was
acknowledged that this would be a progressive and incremental delivery: the
Board being able to manage and monitor Public Health Dorset activities more
effectively and actively and recognised that, both the Board and the Integrated
Care Board/System, would have an intrinsic role to play in meeting public
health outcomes going forward.
The Board thanked
the Director for the update which provided them with a good insight on what
progress was being made and how this was being done. The part LiveWell Dorset
could play in delivering the necessary outcomes was much valued and would be
beneficial to what could be achieved.
That in considering the options for the NHS
health checks refresh programme it was agreed that Option 3 to be the
best option – with Option 2 an alternative candidate - for Public Health Dorset
to design and further develop the preferred option.
Reason for Decision
To allow Public Health Dorset to
design and cost the preferred option for the NHS health check programme and
ensure that the relaunched health check is more effective.
Supporting documents: