Agenda item

Application No: P/FUL/2022/02429 - Land at Galton Manor Farm Dorset DT2 8BZ


The Lead Project Officer presented the application for the Installation of ground mounted photovoltaic solar farm & associated landscaping, hydrological & biodiversity enhancements.


The project was to cover a 40 year period and would produce a 30 megawatt solar farm.


Slides and aerial views highlighted the access route, the proximity of the application site to the surrounding area and other solar farms in the locality.


The area to the south of the application site was an AONB with key rights of way, with the aid of an ariel view the historic aspects of the environment and the wildlife sites were pointed out.


The site layout would be made up of 5 blocks of panels and the Lead Project Officer indicated the locations of the invertors and substation.  2.4m deer fencing was proposed with gaps to accommodate any badgers.


Members attention was also drawn to a proposed wetland area and pond detail, and the submitted Landscape Strategy.


Members were provided with photos looking towards the site from nearby footpaths and roads. Indicative slides portrayed the predicted future views of the solar farm, in combination with the approved North Fossil Farm application, from the Chaldon Ridge bridleway in one, ten and twenty years’ time, having regard to both summer and winter views.


Members were advised that the photomontages provided, although useful, were simply an artist’s impression based upon predicted growth rates and that concern had been raised by the AONB Team that they represented an overly optimistic prediction. Members were therefore advised to view the photomontages with this understanding.


The main planning issues were highlighted, with particular reference to the individual and cumulative harm to the AONB, the biodiversity benefits and the green energy benefits. The proposed mitigation measures and details of an agreed compensation package were discussed. Consideration of the impact on historic features, amongst other material planning considerations was also highlighted, and the recommendation was to grant subject to conditions and the amendment to condition 6 (P.161)


Oral representation in support of the application was received from Ms Fiona Bowles, Mr Hugo House and Cllr Nick Ireland, Ward Member.


Members were invited to ask technical questions prior to debating the application.


In response to a question regarding security and vandal proofing the site, members were advised that the site was very rural and there was some security fencing proposed, however an informative note regarding fencing could be added to the conditions if required.


There would be some cumulative impact to the area, but the benefits were considered to outweigh the harm.


Proposed by Cllr Clayton, seconded by Cllr Bolwell.


Decision on Recommendation A: that Authority be delegated to the Head of Planning or Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement to grant planning permission subject to the conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes, including the update to condition 6, completion of a satisfactory planning obligation (legal agreement) and an informative regarding fencing of the transformers and substation: 




Decision on Recommendation B: REFUSE permission for the reason set out below if the planning obligation (legal agreement) is not completed by 6 months from the date of committee, or such extended time as agreed by the Head of Planning or Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement: