Agenda item

P/FUL/2022/002660 Fishing Lake, Charity Farm, Litton Cheney, DT2 9AP

Continued use of agricultural land as a camping site, Retention of static caravan, log cabin for use as farm/site shop and café, WC shed, storage building, laying of hard standing and tracks for internal access and parking - Erect shower/toilet block


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report for continued use of agricultural land as a camping site, retention of static caravan, log cabin for use as farm/site shop and café, WC shed, storage building, laying of hard standing and tracks for internal access and parking and the erection of a shower/toilet block.


The Committee were shown a plan of the site, as well as the profile view and elevation of the existing static caravan and the proposed shower block and WC. Photos of the existing café/shop and static caravan were also shown to the Committee, alongside a photo of the unauthorised car parking area with the supporting buildings adjacent to it and the camping field with hard standing tracks.


The Senior Planning Officer detailed the planning history of the site, noting a retrospective application in 2021 regarding a change in usage of the land from agricultural use to a camping site, which was refused.


The main issues of the proposal were summarised, including the local plan, which would only support the application in so far as it didn’t cause any harm to the surrounding landscape. Dorset’s AONB Team and Landscape Officer had advised the site would be harmful to the landscape. The Committee were also shown a photograph of the current site from the elevated position of the nearby A35 road, to show that the site was visible in the landscape.


The Senior Planning Officer noted that a flood risk assessment had been provided by the applicant and the risk of flooding could be appropriately managed, but the sequential test had not been passed. The economic benefits were considered to be modest and would not outweigh the landscape impact.


The application was recommended for refusal.


Oral representation in support of the application was received from Mr Edward Dyke (Agent of the Applicant), Cllr Bill Orchard on behalf of Litton Cheney Parish Council and Cllr Mark Roberts (Ward Member).


In supporting the application they highlighted the benefits of the proposal to the local area and residents, an issue in the area with wild camping and other more significant developments in the landscape, including vineyards and a cheese factory.


In response to questions from members, the Senior Planning Officer provided more images of the view of the site from the A35 road, in order to provide a clearer picture of the visual impact that the site would have on the surrounding landscape.


Members felt that the visual impact that the development would have on the AONB would be minimal and they recognised the benefits that it would have for the local community, in providing amenities and jobs. They also felt that the risk of flooding to be low and in any case the risk of damage to people or property to be limited.


11:09 – 11:20 Adjournment for Planning Officers to discuss conditions for the application.


Proposed by Cllr Ireland and seconded by Cllr Wheller.


Decision: To reject the Senior Planning Officers recommendation and delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement to grant planning permission subject to conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes and completion of a S106 Agreement to tie the ownership of the campsite to Charity Farm.


Supporting documents: