Agenda item

Application No: 3/21/1566/RM - Land south of Leigh Road Wimborne Dorset BH21 2DA


The Case Officer presented to members the approval of reserved matters application in respect of appearance, layout scale and landscaping following outline planning application 3/18/3305/FUL for residential development of 174 dwellings with associated roads, parking, turning and amenity areas: provision of public open space and landscaped areas.


An update was provided as follows:


       The recommendation for approval has been updated:

Grant subject to the previously noted conditions and confirmation from an independent valuer that the proposed change to the open market unit mix does not substantially increase the developer profit and that the issue of any decision to grant be delegated to Officers (in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair ) and the previously noted conditions.

       An informative in relation to drying areas has been added:

The applicant is advised outdoor drying areas should be provided for apartment blocks where possible



With the aid of visual representation, members were shown details of the site location, an aerial view of the site altogether with views from the highway and detailed access to the site. In addition to this, members were also shown designs of the dwellings and garages. Details regarding the materials used was also discussed, members were informed that they would be in keeping with other nearby developments and affordable housing units would use the same materials to help integration on the site. The Case Officer informed members that the affordable housing complied with the local plan and section 106 agreement however there were changes to the open market mix.


In addition to this, members were given details regarding hedgehog highways, parking, and public open spaces. Mitigation had been considered for protected species. The Case Officer also provided details regarding flooding and refuse vehicles. The Recommendation was to approve planning permission subject to conditions in the officer’s report.



Public Participation


The applicant outlined to members the benefits that the new residential development would bring to Wimborne. She discussed the need for affordable housing and explained that the site responded to this need by the provision of 49 affordable housing units. Members were also informed that the approval of the site would mean community benefits such as a new open space and leisure services which residents could rely on. Ms Lobacz also discussed that after 18 months of collaboration and careful consideration, the site had been appropriately designed and was the final part of the development. She reillerated to members that the proposed 174 dwellings were in a sustainable urban location and hoped that they would approve planning permission.


Members questions and comments


·       Members discussed the shortage and need of affordable housing with 4-bedroom affordable homes.

·       Members praised the development and believed it would benefit the area.

·       Location of affordable housing on site as well as dark corridors for bats and footpaths.

·       Clarification of distance from local amenities to the site.

·       Members discussed refuse vehicles and were pleased to be informed that there were no objections.

·       Landscaping and materials of the roads.

·       Garage sizing for the dwellings.

·       Comments were made regarding climate emergency. Members wanted clarification on communal drying area.

·       Management of land drainage run off from the river Stour.



Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, as motion to grant was proposed by Cllr David Morgan and seconded by Cllr Robin Cook and matters relating to viability evidence were delegated to Officers as set out in the updated Officer recommendation


Decision: Grant subject to the previously noted conditions and confirmation from an independent valuer that the proposed change to the open market unit mix does not substantially           increase the developer profit and that the issue of any decision to grant be delegated to the Service Manager for Development Management and enforcement of the Head of Planning (in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair) and the previously noted

Supporting documents: